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Sunday, February 01, 2015

Editor Michael Kilian Is Leaving The Daily Times

Michael Kilian, Executive Editor of the Daily Times is leaving. The ship just keeps sinking and while they keep bringing in their alleged very best to save the Salisbury newspaper, nothing is working.

It was only two years ago when they terminated Greg Bassett and Kilian arrived to save the day. While Salisbury News skyrockets in growth and popularity, the Daily Times continues to take on water. The paper gets smaller and smaller and their promise of adding an additional 75 pages each day never saw the light of day. 

Kilian will relocate to Cincinnati and from what we hear someone from within the paper will step in as interim Editor. It won't be long Folks. 


  1. Instead of celebrating it's demise, why aren't we rallying and finding a way to make it better and save it.

    So we can cheer more unemployment?

  2. 7:57, IF the Daily Times wants to come to me, PAY ME to save their paper, so be it. However, I'm not going to them.

    They have to realize that their way of doing things is so outdated it isn't funny.

    I'll say this as well. THEY said to me, "We Love Competition". Rather then them covering big stories that I was hand feeding them, they chose to challenge ME as I stated I'd start my own on line newspaper.

    Well, here we are today and look who's growing and look who's failing.

    Oh, if you're going to suggest someone else can step in and save that paper, well, we at Salisbury News love competition. The more that's out there, the more REAL news and information the Shore is getting. It will ALWAYS be a win/win for us as our goal is to get the TRUTH out there.

    The ball is in their court and they are going to have to pay for it.

  3. Liberal rags around the country are dying. They no longer have the stranglehold on truth they used to have.

  4. 8:17 You are so right. The one's they cater too don't even work. Let alone buy a paper.

  5. Call me old, but I remember when newpapers and local tv stations actually reported local news and left the national stuff up to the bigger stations.

    I remember when crime, weddings, funerals and other local events were regularly reported. They actually went down to the police station and got news from the blotter.

    We knew how to protect ourselves when crime was in the area. We knew who to look out for.

    We have nothing like that now.

  6. They just don't understand that local people want to know what is happening locally. The DT does NO investigating reporting and only reprints court documents and other public information. What people want to read is real news about things that we don't already know. They are afraid to print any real news, I suppose because they are weak and afraid of being sued.

  7. 8:45, that is so true. No investigative reporting on local matters. What the do write is opinion shared as news. When this guy leaves I wish he would take Bassett and Jock with him. What in the world happens in that building to make people think that journalists have no duty to the truth?

  8. I'll miss the comics,I look forward to seeing what my man Andy Capp is up to.

  9. What will JT do now that his coach is gone?

  10. The entire Gannett brand is failing. Up and the east coast the papers have different names and reporters. All the articles are the same with the liberal slant. If I want to read US today I would buy it.

  11. They did away with the magazine section on Sunday.

  12. shame, my bird enjoyed crapping all over his pic!

  13. I have something to say to the nay sayers who's comments I have been rejecting.

    I'm sure you can figure out who they are but they keep saying I take pleasure in watching them crumble, so to speak.

    Let me ask those Idiots this question.

    How do YOU think the DT's would feel if I SHUT DOWN?

  14. Any decent person would take pleasure in watching the DT's crumble and that is a fact that's not one bit debatable.
    After what they have done and are doing to a family whose only wish is to remain anon so they can come to terms with their grief they deserve to crumble as does anyone who choose to remain with such an insensitive nothing "news" paper.
    I'm talking about the OC drowning VICTIM who for whatever reason this misfit Killian and his merry band of degenerates harassment of his family.
    Only a very disturbed person would pursue this against the family's wishes.

  15. In America. ..capitalism still works even when it has been severely weakened. The DT rejects the conservative viewpoint. They have no Editorial page and Parker is aloof. Their reporters like titles but use a hand trowel and then sit back and think they've done something!

    Joe is the publisher of the local media...he is Fox to their MSNBC. SBY News is on its way to greater things and the DT is floundering. I personally celebrate the destruction of ANYTHING LIBERAL! The local NPR would have already dried up as well without Conway and Mathias giving them a cool million out of our pockets.

    Good riddance DT...you really blew it with your constituents.

  16. excuse me 7:57 I don't think Joe is celebrating anyone losing their job loser, the daily rag has no one to blame but themselves when they finally go under you moron

  17. Hope they bring back Greg ("backstabber") Bassett because we need a laugh a day.


  18. Carl Icahn has a stake in Gannett and will be holding their feet to the fire.

    The Wilmington paper may/may not be profitable. Hard to believe The Daily Times could be...except for the small rural papers and beach papers that are part of the Delmarva group.

    Former editor Bassett's new rag is based in Delaware and uses the e-mail hosting of the Dover paper. I imagine the Dover paper is just waiting to grab the Times when it goes up for sale.

    Just an educated guess.


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