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Sunday, February 01, 2015

Dear Mayor Ireton, Tom Stevenson & Laura Mitchell, Part 2

Warning: Foul Language.


  1. Sounds like he is revving it intentionally.

    How sad... I am sure when these people bought their homes they never envisioned that this is what their lives would turn into.

    Keep making videos ! (but maybe quit swearing...)

  2. I can assure you, NONE of the names listed above ever expected us to deliver actual video of this going on and once again the names above are the SLIME of Salisbury.

    They don't care about the citizens. In fact, they are above each and every one of you. Their attitude is, SCREW OFF.

    Some wonder why I, or SBYNews gets a bad name. Well, it's because of FACTS, TRUTHS, DOCUMENTS, PICTURES and VIDEO PROVING that what we say, deliver, publish is TRUE.

    So what do they do. They run around calling us liars. They twist stories and claim that because we publish comments we agree with ALL of them.

    The bottom line is, you have a lot of SCUMBAGS that run the City of Salisbury. They never have your best interest at heart. Instead, they want you to know who is KING and that YOU are peasants.

    Get off your rear ends Salisbury residents and stand up for yourselves, like these people have. Bring us your documented information about how they treat you and let's make sure these disfunctional people are removed from office or fired from their jobs.

    Say goodbye to your mayors job Jimmy, you are done. Same goes for you Mitchell. Tom, I'd say with those two gone you better start putting out resumes as in yesterday.

  3. Gillis Gilkerson and Terra Firma are the contractors?

    Good old boy club and lots of closed door deals, butt kissing and handshakes.

    Shame on Gillis.

    1. Terra Firma is the old P&A. I believe Wayne Pusey is top dog at that company. I'm sure Steve Pusey has his hands in it. At the very least his money is invested.

  4. If that were my equipment....that operator would be fired. He has purposely put it in the lowest gear and full throttle, obviously to make matters worse.

  5. Chris Pusey - Formerly Known AS - P & A Engineering

    Terra Firma of Delmarva, Inc.
    36393 Sussex Highway
    PO Box 478
    Delmar, Delaware 19940




    1. Chris is Steve Pusey's punk son.

  6. You will get no where with the city or county when it comes to Gillis Gilkerson. They are part of the Good Ole Boy network.

  7. Sounds like the equipment is faulty but they're driving it until it dies.
    Aren't there EPA and state regulations about how loud a piece of construction equipment can be, and how close to others' occupied homes it can be?
    If this was the prompt for the survey question about the definition of a workweek, and this is Saturday, the equipment seen and heard here shouldn't be working in your neighborhood ANY day because of its over-the-top noise.
    I hope that after hearing about and viewing these two articles and videos the contractor will fix or replace the equipment and personally apologize to the homeowners. And have a serious chat with the crew chief, who has no excuse good enough to run that beast anywhere in its current condition, let alone in a populated area. Duh!

  8. i would be in jail brother,

  9. Good morning, Roger.
    I want to thank you for bringing this incident to our attention and assure you that the persons involved will be dealt with swiftly. In no way do their actions reflect the attitudes of our family’s business. We have always strived to be neighborly and cognizant of our noise levels during projects which are in close proximity to family residences as we are all Salisbury natives ourselves. I personally am looking into the restrictions which the City has in place regarding weekend work and noise ordinances and will do everything in my power to make sure we are working within those confines.

    Again, please accept our apologies and know that we will do everything in our power to prevent this from happening again.

    Michael Pusey

    Description: Terra Firma Logo

    Michael Pusey | Senior Estimator | Terra Firma of Delmarva
    36393 Sussex Highway | Delmar, DE 19940
    T 302.846.3350 | F 302.846.3517 | mike@terrafirmacorp.com

    1. Michael, Michael, Michael. Ever the diplomat still full of crap. All you know is work your employees to death. Start time 7am end time, when the sun sets, weather providing. Trucks can't even cross the scales for fear of DOT inspection. Monday is no different than Saturday or Sunday as long as the worker bees are doing the work. Naturally, none of the Puseys will be seen on a job site on the weekend.

  10. Sounds great to me but I like heavy equipment.

  11. Joe -

    Please address this and the next part(s) to Fake Day, R Necks Mare, too!

  12. He said they would deal with them swiftly.
    They continue to work and have their equipment parked outside in the same place, so I can assume "swiftly" means something different than what I know it to mean.
    When I emailed Gillis Gilkerson with my concerns they replied with a phone call, not an email, and told me "sometimes Saturday work is necessary."
    After the altercation with the operator of the loader and his crew on the 10th I contacted both contractors promptly on Monday morning, because guess what???? (Are you ready for this....) THEIR OFFICES WERE CLOSED FOR THE WEEKEND.

  13. Reply to: Anonymous 3:45PM

    "Sounds like the equipment is faulty..."

    It'd damn sure be faulty if it were in my back yard. You can take that to the bank Mr.s Gilkerson & Pusey.

  14. That sound is of a 2 cycle detriot diesel engine. Sounds like a in-line 4.53 or 6.53, tuff as nails but a very loud hi revolution mechanical governed diesel engine.

  15. Get out there with you signs and stand right in their way on Saturdays and Sundays when they do this.

  16. Since people have called the office to find them CLOSED for the weekEND and someone else said that the City STOPPED THEM from weekend work, pool all this info together and go to court.

    If there is precedent that the City HAS enforced this ordinance on Sat. & Sun., then THAT defines weekDAY. You just might get somewhere with a judge.

    "Sometimes Sat. work is necessary." Okay, then get an exception permit like the law requires.

    The good old boy system stinks.


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