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Sunday, February 01, 2015


Senator secures commitments from Labinal parent company to help workers of Salisbury facility impacted by company’s plan to shift operations

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.) today continued her fight to protect Eastern Shore jobs by convening a meeting withLieutenant Governor Boyd K. Rutherford, Safran North America President and CEO Peter Lengyel, CEO of Labinal Global Alain Saurent,President of Labinal North America Jorge Ortega and General Manager of Labinal Salisbury Tony Rodriguez to strategize on how to save jobs and protect Maryland workers in the wake of Labinal’s surprise announcement that they are moving operations to Denton, Texas.
 “Today I convened a meeting with Labinal’s executive team to get to the bottom of what can be done to protect Salisbury workers and families that will be impacted by Labinal’s decision to move,” Senator Mikulski said. “The dedicated men and women who work day-in and day-out on the factory floor in Salisbury need answers about how their lives will be affected by Labinal’s decision. I will continue to work Labinal leaders as they implement their plan. I want the workers in Salisbury and their families to know I’m on their side. I’ll never stop fighting for them and their economic security.”  
At today’s meeting convened by Senator Mikulski, leaders of Labinal’s parent company Safran North America promised to take the following steps to assist their workers in Salisbury:
  1. To work with local government and business and development leaders to help identify a possible new employer for the Salisbury facility
  2. Assign a dedicated Labinal employee at the Salisbury facility to explore potential employment opportunities at other regional employers like Wallops Island Flight Facility and Dover Air Force Base for workers facing job loss
  3. Develop an inventory of the skills of current Labinal Salisbury employees to determine how they could be matched with other employers in the area  
  4. Collaborate with local workforce partners to develop and offer retraining for affected workers
“I appreciate the participation of Lieutenant Governor Rutherford and the Hogan Administration and their willingness to use the resources of the State of Maryland to achieve these goals,” Senator Mikulski said. “I look forward to working with them to save and protect jobs on the Eastern Shore.”
On Tuesday, January 27, U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.) convenes a meeting in her office in the U.S. Capitol with Lieutenant Governor Boyd K. Rutherford, Safran North American President and CEO Peter Lengyel, CEO of Labinal Global Alain Saurent, President of Labinal North America Jorge Ortega and General Manager of Labinal Salisbury Tony Rodriguez to strategize on how to save Maryland jobs in the wake of Labinal’s surprise announcement that they are moving operations to Texas.


  1. Give her credit for realizing Hogan and his administration might be able to do what she and her Democrat pals can't do.

  2. Maybe they should look in the mirror and ask how Maryland's business climate got so bad that everyone left.

    After that, let's take advantage of the newly elected business-savvy leaders to turn it around.

  3. Day late and a dollar short

  4. Free lunch and a photo op, 2015 work is now complete!

  5. Maybe she should be asking for the grant money back.

    Labinal does not care about anyone or anything once they vacate the building.

  6. 7:43 is right, that is all this is, and all it was when they met in duh bury. She's got her huge salary, pension, benefits and that lobby money flowing. She could not care any less about the peasants on the shore.

  7. Labinal is laughing all the way to the bank. Thanks for the money see ya.

  8. Too little too late. Typical LIBERAL. Reacts after the fact. That's OK ms. 25 years and nothing to show for it. Time for you to go back to Cecil county #!!

  9. What she is doing is completely redundant.

    Labinal already said that they were going to help their employees with finding other jobs or training so how is she asking for anything different ?

    Not that the training will help much if there isn't any jobs in the area.

    She should be holding their feet to the fire over the contract she had just won them instead of asking them to do something they already said they would do.

  10. look people she is atleast tring.

  11. 8:34, Another product of an Eastern Shore education.

  12. Note it's mentioned that Virginia and Delaware are where they might need to look for jobs. Nothing left in Maryland.

  13. Good observation 8:51, where could they go, or anybody for that matter go on MD's eastern shore for a job that is barely over minimum wage, if that is even available?

  14. 9:03, The Daily Times is looking for a Senior Editor.

  15. If Mikulski or Cardin are involved in anything it only means one thing and that is spending more of your money. Hold on to your wallets folks.

  16. I'm so sick of Maryland I could puke.
    I so wish we would have bought a home 10 miles north of here 10 years ago.

  17. This is nothing but eyewash.. Babs "fighting" for something.
    Just take the press release and put a blank in it.. "Sen. Mikulski is fighting for _____________ to protect the people of the Eastern Shore.."
    It doesn't mean squat. Just huffin' and puffin'.

  18. YEAH, RIGHT!

    The only jobs that the "1 Stop Job Center" ever created were those of the Government workers employed there.

  19. Just more photo-op BS.

  20. Too little too late -- the new governor has a lot of work to do, to try and fix whats left from the incompetent O'Malley administration.Mikulski needs to go , she is part of the problem not the solution.

  21. 8:34 probably moved here from New Jersey.

  22. Mikulski should tell the Labinal
    President that if he doesn't keep the Salisbury plant open with 500 jobs that they can forget about making another Chinook Helicopter for our Government again.Its time to use her power for us.

  23. The "higher ups" only want to get involved after the horse has left the barn. Too late now. The horse is loose and running to Texas. Welcome to "Bury". Another big company down the tubes.

  24. As long as Ireton, Day, Mitchell and Shields are in office, they ain't gonna change their decision to abandon da Bury.

  25. Lol...this whole thing is amusing. Labinal told us the will have job fairs on site for us. At the same time I have also heard that companies have shown interest in US but Labinal has turned our potential new employers away. They can't have us leave too soon. Who would train our Texas counterparts? What we have is a community bulletin board that employees can post job listings. No one has been evaluated to determine jobs skill sets that I am aware of. So far labinal has done NOTHING for us other than promise we will be unemployed within the next 2 years.


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