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Sunday, February 01, 2015

Dear Mayor Ireton, Tom Stevenson & Laura Mitchell, Part 1

Now perhaps many of you can understand why these property owners are upset. Now let's see if the rest of the media tries to do something with yet another Salisbury News Exclusive!


  1. I think the contractor needs to explain why they are intentionally parking that piece of crap so close to everyone's backyard.

    It clearly looks to me like it could be parked several football fields away.

    Who is the self centered spiteful arrogant contractor?

    Love the vid because this certainly tarnishes the contractors reputation.

  2. 2:24, They park it there because, (are you ready) they think the homeowners can keep an eye on it when they aren't around.

  3. It's true. Common practice, especially in homeowner-occupied neighborhoods.

  4. Maybe they should get 20 illegals with shovels and wheelbarrows instead.

  5. Joe -

    Please address this and the next part(s) to Fake Day, R Necks Mare, too!

  6. I would vandalize it so bad they would not recognize it. Sounds childish but that's how Gilles made his money.

  7. 7:41. Then you would buy me a new one. I keep eyes my stuff.

    1. Eyes my stuff ?
      Can you say. Thug.

  8. It all became clearer to me when I read that some years ago the city attorney gave the opinion that the workweek included Saturday.
    That would have been Paul Wilber, under the orders of Barry Tilghman.


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