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Sunday, February 01, 2015

Bill Would Grant Obama War Powers to Fight ISIS

The top Democrat on the House intelligence panel is introducing a bill Wednesday to authorize President Barack Obama's war against Islamic State militants, saying Congress should not wait to see if the White House sends over its blueprint of what the legislation should say.

Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., said he wants to spark the debate in the Republican-controlled Congress over a new authorization to fight IS, which has been fighting for territory in Iraq and Syria.

"We're in what it seems is a never-ending game of who goes first in terms of putting a draft out there — the White House or Congress?" Schiff said. "It's time we moved past this. ... I think the administration is reluctant to put something out there that's going to be shut down by House and Senate leadership."



  1. The last thing king O needs is more power. The Demon-crats don't think he's done enough damage.

  2. Obama will not wage war on his own people.

  3. i'm not in favor of anything that give obama any kind of power to do anything...

  4. You commenters are hilarious. Here is something you should and would be behind, but your so blinded by ignorance that all you can do is hate on Obama. And I think he's been a horrible president as much as anybody. "Won't wage war on his own people". He's known as the drone strike president. You are a moron. Think about how much power and land ISIS could grab before 2016 comes around. And that's ASSUMING somebody other than a Democrat wins the Presidential election, so you could all be in support of something you aren't now simply because it's Obama. Because that makes total sense. You people need to get a clue.

  5. I really don't see Obama fighting ISIS, I see him supporting ISIS and other muslim terrorist.

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    You commenters are hilarious. Here is something you should and would be behind, but your so blinded by ignorance that all you can do is hate on Obama. And I think he's been a horrible president as much as anybody. "Won't wage war on his own people". He's known as the drone strike president. You are a moron. Think about how much power and land ISIS could grab before 2016 comes around. And that's ASSUMING somebody other than a Democrat wins the Presidential election, so you could all be in support of something you aren't now simply because it's Obama. Because that makes total sense. You people need to get a clue.

    January 29, 2015 at 5:18 PM

    You are one creepy and scary dude. To say he is a horrible president and then call someone a moron for not trusting this clown. Your idol has infiltrated the White House with the Muslim Brotherhood and you are calling someone a moron!! You my friend are a traitor.

  7. 5:28

    My idol has infiltrated the white house with the Muslim brotherhood? What in the world are you talking about? Stunningly stupid. With as much education bashing as goes on here, I think it's obvious a good 75% of commenters are poster children for staying in school.

  8. Someone just needs to tell that asshole in the white house to go sit down with the people in congress and discuss his ideas. If people spent more time talking to each other than complaining to media (to grab votes), this country would be far better off.

    I am sure HMX would fly is goofy ass the mile down the road.

  9. I think 5:18 was saying that in this case, doing something is better than nothing. I don't see what's "creepy and scary" about that. Would you rather nothing be done to fight ISIS? What if God forbid, Hillary wins the election. Do you not want her to have the power to wage war against ISIS, because you disagree with her on other matters?

  10. First answer, NO!

    Secondly, Congress must declare war, and until ISIS becomes a bordered country instead of an religious ideology, we would be fighting ghosts.

    Obama has claimed far more power than he is allowed, and should NOT be given any dictatorial powers at all.

  11. 6:23 I wouldn't refer to a 200,000 strong army holding an area in Iraq/Syria that is roughly the size of Pennsylvania as "ghosts". Definitely far more than a "religious ideology". Far too many people have really no idea what is going on in the world right now.

  12. The daily times / Gannett have the freedom to DISTORT the news. That's what they do and why no one reads it. Another spin off for USA today.


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