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Sunday, February 01, 2015


This was the lawsuit Daily Times filed against the Town for the name of the underage drowning victim.

Just heard from the City Solicitor. Great news! The Judge DENIED Gannet’s Motion for Summary Judgment in all respects. The Town of Ocean City prevailed! Guy has not received the written opinion but expects to receive it shortly.

Hope the Mayor and Council share a sense of accomplishment given the significance of this ruling. Fantastic work, Guy!



  1. This isn't a "slam dunk." It just means the judge said there would be a trail. Every lawyer makes a case for summary judgment. Probably about 95% of the time, it's dismissed.

  2. I hope the judge has ordered the Times to pay the cities court and attorneys fees! The tax payers should not shoulder the cost for the papers stupidity by demanding the name. What purpose does it serve? Do they really think their small circulation is that much interested in the name of this individual just to cause more injury to the family! I wouldn't use that paper in my out house a corncob would work better!

  3. 12:21, Nice of you to join us Daily Times.

    I've been around a very long time and let me assure you, you were slam dunked. You case is complete BS. More like, LOOK AT MEEEE! You tried to get 15 minutes of fame and you achieved it over one of the dumbest topics I've ever seen in my 53 years.

    Leave the Family alone. Normally I'd support your right to information being held back from you but seriously, a minor child is OFF limits, you know that. Stop pounding your chest and let this one rest.

  4. I don't think I like that. I don't think news should be censored or twisted. The first amendment specifically guarantees freedom of speech as well as freedom of the press.

    Name names. Show pictures. Just report.

  5. The Daily Times dug their heels in, and just got their necks cut off! They could care less about news, it's about their twisted way of doing business.

  6. Here's what I find interesting. I had the kids name 5 minutes after it happened, yet we NEVER reported it because he was a minor. I know for a FACT the DT's has local OC reporters and if I can get that information, I'm sure they had it as well. I think they simply wanted to lay the blame on someone from OC exposing the name instead of the DT's facing a lawsuit from the Family.

    The responsible thing to do was walk away from any such exposure, period.

  7. now i hope the daily times gets their a** handed to them for the stephen decatur footage and irresponsible so-called reporting. showing minors faces and naming them, shame on the daily times!

  8. I have watched this from the beginning, GREAT JOB OC! The Daily Times tried to walk over a grieving family, then the law. Stupid is as stupid does!

  9. Journalistic integrity..it does not exsist at the DT..its so obvious they are in bed with the dishonest progressive idealists.no honesty in their reporting...GO SALISBURY NEWS the breathe of honesty ...sometimes wacked opinions ...but the truth is so welcomed

  10. "bloggerhater1 said...
    I don't think I like that. I don't think news should be censored or twisted. The first amendment specifically guarantees freedom of speech as well as freedom of the press.

    Name names. Show pictures. Just report.

    January 29, 2015 at 12:40 PM"

    Freedom of press is the right to print opinions without censorship or interference by a government.
    No freedom is without restrictions though.
    In this case OC isn't saying they can't print the name, only that they won't give it to them.
    Within a few minutes after reading about the lawsuit I too was able to find the young man's name.

  11. The biggest problem at that liberal Daily Rag is that hosebag called Susan Parker. She is the most liberal scum I have ever come across. What scares me is I think she is a parishioner at my church. I have seen signs that she might be Catholic like me and that worries me. If she claims to be she truly isn't a Catholic.

  12. 5:17-Being a parishioner and attending church means nothing. It's how one lives their life that matters. More than anything God hates wolves in sheep's clothing and when judgment day comes they are dealt with severely and swiftly.
    Pay her no mind. God knows what is lurking in people's hearts and minds.

  13. What surprises me the most is that the DT's even found a lawyer willing to pursue this nonsense. Public info acts only pertain to government officials and not private citizens. What surprises me also is that as journalists the DT's staff should know this.

  14. The statute is clear and evenly worded so much that even my 9 year old grandson understands what it means and how to implement same. I cannot fathom the incompetence and ignorance of refusing this request. Please remember this come next election!


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