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Sunday, February 01, 2015

A Letter To The Editor 1-27-15

Mr Albero, 

I have Huge issues with our chief of Salisbury police Chief Duncan. I feel that her hands may be tied by Mayor Ireton when it comes to crime and crime prevention we are having escalated crime in known areas like the mall, Wawa, so called homeless walking into the roads begging for money, crime in the college area and so forth and so on. I myself have had it and have my home up for sale because I feel I cannot raise a child in this town. If she cannot do her job as Police Chief she should resign for the good of the Salisbury Citizens. If she doesn't then I guess it's about the $ and pension and not the People. Good luck Salisbury your going to need it. 

Concerned X Citizen.


  1. Chief Duncan is hard working and a person of integrity. I support her and my is hope that those who are critical of her would have to walk in her shoes just 1 day.

  2. I agree 100%. When there are thousands of "them" and one of you it is difficult to put them all in jail.
    It's like a hill of ants. You get some of them back in the hole and there are more coming out.
    Lend a hand when you can and stop complaining. Where ever you move there will be crime.

  3. Oh please...get a freaking grip. If you think the sky is falling then by all means, run away and find a place to hide.

  4. Sometime ago the chief had applied somewhere else for a job when she didn't get it she stayed here. We had an excellent man already in place doing the job until she was hired. She should be on the ballot at election time so the people have a choice.

    1. Wow that right there speaks Volumes.

  5. I don't blame her for wanting to leave. It's a thankless, impossible job what with the lack of support and resources. To curb the amount of crime in Salisbury will take 10 times the current resources. And unless the underlying causes are addressed it's like "p"ing in the ocean to raise the water level..

  6. 9:12 completely agree. She is doing the best she possibly can in a very difficult situation. How many of you would want to work for Ireton?

    1. She has had HOW many years to get this town into shape? If she knows she cant work with ireton she shoukd resign and do a news conference stating so?.

  7. 9:12 No one said she wasn't... the author wrote "I feel that her hands may be tied by Mayor Ireton when it comes to crime and crime prevention..."

    That's not a knock on her, but a knock on our controlling mayor.

    Read next time.

  8. Yes, Barbara Duncan is a hard working person of integrity.

    Unfortunately, she works for and reports to a slime-ball to whom she must display loyalty in order to keep her job.

    I'm sure she is doing the best she can under very difficult circumstances.

  9. 9:07 have you spoken with Chief Duncan, or Mayor Ireton or members of the City Council voicing your concerns? Have you written a letter to any of the persons I have mentioned? If not, than your concerns are certainly not high on your priority list.

    I cannot comprehend why people get on here, complaining about city (or county) officials but don't have the guts to go to the persons they believe to be the problem. How many Council meetings have you attended since you have felt Chief Duncan is a problem? What do you want Joe to do? The last I knew Joe is not a Salisbury resident. But yet you get on here, demanding change. The people you trash are not required to make any change because someone on Salisbury News thinks they are not doing their job correctly. When people complain on here, the only thing accomplished is the fools come crawling out of the woodwork to make ignorant or filthy remarks. Do you honestly think Chief Duncan will resign her job because someone wrote on Salisbury News that she should? Perhaps if you spoke to her personally about your perception of crime in Salisbury she might discuss the subject. Do you realize, thanks to federal and state laws, our LEO's hands are tied due to restrictions and profiling. LEO does their job but then Lawyers and Judges let the thugs go. A frank discussion with Chief Duncan might not keep you in Salisbury but I think you would glean info that earnedyour appreciation and respect for LEO.

    Now 9:07 make your thoughts known to the correct people or take your child and move. Don't be surprised to learn people at your new town or county also complain and trash their officials..

  10. Fine the minor thugs parents ,take the $$$ out of the parents pockets tben see this nonsense Stop.

  11. Didn't the mayor and council passed a resolution giving the mayor power to fire any director with out going through council? ?? Maybe that's why so many are leaving knowing how unstable the mayor can be at times.

  12. Don't let barbara fool you, her hands are not tied, it's her agenda that the officers are adhering to, not the mayors. She has no clue what she's doing. As for integrity, she has none. She lies to the officers and she lies to the public. Duncan is the worst thing to happen to Salisbury since ireton and with two idiots running the town it's only going to get worse.

    1. I wish viewers would start or end a sentence with IMO.
      IMO I do not view Chief Duncan as 10:44. My opinion is about the same as 9:12. We each have an opinion and in my over 80 years on this earth I learned long, long ago, it is not easy to change a person's opinion who does not agree with you.That does not mean I am an uneducated fool or even wrong. We all need to agree to disagree and be friends.

    2. I didn't put IMO because it's not opinion, it's fact. Fact-Barkley disagreed with duncan and she basically kept him out of the loop from then on and he was pretty much just occupying a position until retirement.Fact-a cpl filed a complaint against maj Meienschein for trying to rip the stripes off the cpl's sleeves (assault), duncan lied and said she witnessed the entire event and punished the other officers who actually witnessed the incident and told the truth. Fact-duncan retailliate against any officer who disagrees with her. Fact-under duncan, crime stats are being falsely reported by changing ucr codes on part I crimes. IMO the public needs to know what really goes on at SPD and who is responsible.

  13. Yeah, Salisbury whiners, let's bring back Alan Webster as police chief.

    He, along with Barry Tilghman, Mike Dunn's Dream Team and the Daily Times, was doing a great job of controlling crime just by denying that it existed.

  14. Some of the "crime" is typical low level nonsense, which has gone on for centuries.
    Vandalism, Theft, Fights, Bad Behavior, etc will never subside.
    Some days I feel bad for the cops, as they seem to be community babysitters.

    If you do not keep it in perspective, you lose sight of reality.

  15. They are both, Chief and Mayor, doing a good job...Police of any Department have a thankless job and everyone can do it better...thank them for their service and try to be a part of the solution not a more annoying problem!

  16. The low life folks of Salisbury are to blame not the chief or mayor. In the last 5 years everytime someone leaves the city it gets worse. I MO I hope the chief and mayor both leave. Then you can blog all the same crap about the ones in their place.

  17. It is evident that the writer of this letter knows next to nothing about crime and crime control, let alone about what role the police play. I would guess that part of that would come from watching too much television, where crimes are committed, the perpetrators caught and brought to the court for justice in the space of 46 minutes; the town stays crime free until next week, same time, same station.

    So many people need a reality check on what the police do and can do. It's not glamorous, there isn't background music, and nobody has Holmesian powers of deduction, access to on-demand, instant-read DNA checks or a K-9 that gives them insightful advice and clever quips from the back seat.

    If you haven't worn the uniform, you don't know.

    1. You sound like a know it all.

    2. Maybe they have worn a uniform have you?

    3. Yes, for 19 years. The tone and content of the letter says to me that the writer has not.

  18. Just think for a second about how it crime would be now if Webster and Tilghman had continued as chief and mayor.

  19. I wonder what the sale rate of homes in the city is. There probably aren't many buyers that actually want to live here. Slumlords buy up the properties so they can rent them out.

  20. At a recent meeting, when asked about gangs in Salisbury, the chief was very washy washy. Matt Maciarello said with authority that there are gangs and went into some detail. Good for him for being honest with us. We can't combat what we won't admit exists. The difference, Maciarello is elected and is accountable to us, the chief is hired and fired by the mayor and is accountable to him. Mayor Ireton is more worried about bars than gangs and would probably fire the chief if she had made statements as bold as Maciarello's. That said, if what I suspect is true, she should resign and call the mayor out. That is the only way that Salisbury can start to recover. Unfortunately that would take courage and would cost her the job as chief. Who knows what Ireton would hire in her place.

    1. 1000% correct someone with common sense.

  21. IMO is assumed, as a person is writing their views on the matter. Unless there is a source, it is an opinion and not a fact.

    10:44 Hi mayor Jim...

  22. Fact salisbury is the most unfriendly city and unsafe city on the shore. Who the hell would want to move or do business in salisbury. Let's see the crime rate is so bad the mayor changed the way crime is reported to the public. The mayor pushed for speed cameras in front of schools knowing studies have shown that police presents does more to curb speeding and safety at schools then any speed cameras have ever done. Speed cameras have never stopped a gunman from entering a school only police presents does that. Yet all your mayor wants is your money he has no concern about your child's actual safty . If he did he would post an officer at your child's school out front where everyone could see him during times of opening and closing. If the issue is you don't have the money to post visible officers at schools during open and closing why are you not using the money from the cameras for such things? I live 10 miles from salisbury and this mayor has made it so unfriendly for me to do business in salisbury that go to Berlin now and rarely go to salisbury unless I absolutely have to. I'm sure surrounding towns love the mayor of salisbury simply because he pushes more business towards them.

  23. FACT: It's the people of Salisbury to blame. Salisbury has been a crap hole long before the mayor or chief.
    FACT: The people of Salisbury just want to blame their pitiful community problems on anyone but themselves.
    FACT: The people of Salisbury have voted time and time again for the individual they wanted.
    FACT: The people of Salisbury should stop playing the victim hiding on a computer.

  24. take your kid and dont let the door hit you in the ass and get out once less cry baby in the bury

  25. Fact is Annon 1:53 you are exactly right with an addition. FACT: Parents are raisng their children to be Hoodlums and to live off the goverment!

  26. Go ahead Salisbury chase another leader out like you've done for the last 6 years. Everyone wants to be the Quarterback after the game is OVER!!!!

    1. Another leader , if Duncan thought for herself and lay the law down and ran Salisbury police force with a backbone, this city would be a happier place.

    2. What do you expect from a bunch of liberals.

  27. Hence the reason for an elected sheriff, executive can't control sheriff, chiefs position should be the same. Ireton is an idiot and needs to be recalled. I don't live in Salisbury, but you who do are in the driver's seat.

  28. Duncan should just ignore ireton and run her police department. Let her prove herself.

  29. I hope chief dunkim looks at this post. .

  30. How many pizzas should we send dunkin and Ireton for the latest crime wave. In the Bury ?

  31. Dunkin. WOW!! Worwick college really made you witty. NOT. THE chief has 4 different degrees and not from Hillbilly community college. Great example why people don't stay here. The intelligence is overwhelming. Must be another inept city employees try to blog intelligence.

  32. Duncan has lost all credibility.

    1. Explain, please.

    2. My husband is a police officer there and they all cant stand her she is weak and nothing but a mouth piece for Ireton and his agenda.

  33. Dunkin was any type of leader, she would just do the job and tell ireton no more contact, meetings or visits, im the chief and I have a job to do.

  34. Our current chief may be politically correct but has no stomach for the hard decisions that need to be made. She is weak and her weakness has made our town into a total mess because of the crime. She needs to stop bending in the political wind and just do her job. Sure was a lot safer when there were MEN like Chief Dykes patrolling our streets.

  35. FACT: The people of Salisbury should stop playing the victim hiding on a computer.

    January 27, 2015 at 1:53 PM

    Like YOU? FACT!


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