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Sunday, February 01, 2015

Senator Jim Mathias & Matt Odachowski, Worcester Counties Newest Cheech & Chong?

Royal Plus purchased a building in Snow Hill a few years ago. A very special deal was made on a 125,000, (+ or -) square foot building the County owned for pennies on the dollar. The deal was that they were to guarantee they'd hire a certain amount of people over the upcoming years but the economy flopped. The property is now used to park their emergency vehicles.

Royal Plus (disaster division) has been trying to rent the building since without any takers. With no renter in sight, they've come up with the plan to grow medicinal marijuana inside. They allegedly approached the county with hopes of getting permission and it's now my understanding that they are going to try and orchestrate some legislation in Annapolis via Jim Mathias, who is on the Royal Plus payroll, to change the laws. Naturally Jim will not put his name on anything but will play a part in providing direction in regards to which legislators may be willing to consider sponsoring such a bill.

The story becomes more believable when contrasted with past indiscretions by Mathias. Who can soon forget the $1.25 million that was channeled to Royal Plus on the Casino deal just a few years back? That incident came to the attention of a Washington Post investigative reporter while reviewing Ethics Reports. Seems the senator “forgot” to list his association with Royal Plus on his ethics filings while sponsoring legislation that would give his employer a big payday. This was further complicated by the fact that he had been previously warned to disclose this relationship by the Ethics Committee, and yet failed to do so. Mark Odachowski, (Royal Plus Electric) was not awarded the final contract on this job.

Using your position in State government for self aggrandizement is a big “no no”. Apparently, using that same position to say, gain access into a hurricane ravaged area under the guise of “coming to help” is alright from the senator’s perspective. What else would be the need to have a senator in your pocket if not to open a few doors, eh? I mean, if you are in the business of cleaning up from disasters, being the first trucks and company into a restricted flood zone definitely has financial advantages. When the government is the gatekeeper, you apparently need a government key shaped like a certain senator to open the door.

Previous ethics challenges and actions lend instant credibility to this story; and, unless your smoking dope, you make the connections easily enough.

Love us or hate us, we break the news well before anyone else. Heck, I can pretty much guarantee you that your Liberal Media will never even touch this story. 


  1. In his final year as the OC Mayor, he was a "Consultant" for Royal Plus"

  2. Yes i agree ..get on with it..one thing md would tax..and make a killing...its time has come...achohol is the real killer...

  3. The last election was very productive indeed. One of the few bad spots was the fact that Mathias was re elected and not sent packing like Norm. Remember this voters. We have a very short memory, but we need to rid ourselves of these elected parasites once and for all.

  4. This back scratching goes on all the time with no one reporting,once again thanks Joe for reporting.

  5. Conflict of INTEREST what a fn scam.

  6. We can get the new micro brewrey and bar, Snow Hill gets the pot factory -win win for the local economy. The pot factory couldn't be in Thugsbury a.k.a. da Bury, they wouldn't operate very long without a burglery or robbery.

  7. I thank them for doing this service. As someone who watched his brother go through chemo this will help a lot of people.

  8. Odd that Mathias voted against decriminalization of marijuana last year.

  9. Big profits in business can't be made without a politician in your pocket.



  11. I don't want to hear any of it.. You people had a chance to make change but noooooooo, had to vote for that sleezeball. You are getting what you deserve

  12. And when these creeps get elected 5:35 they act like they didn't vote for them.The odds and averages say they did vote for them.

  13. Daves not here, man.

  14. I'm sad to say that I've become quite disappointed in the politics of Jim Mathasis.
    It all definitely screams conflict of interest with regard to Royal Plus.

  15. Oh just what we need. There is so much abuse in "medical" marijuana than there is benefit and if anyone doesn't think so they are a first class fool. States that are doing this are experiencing an increase in deadly vehicle crashes, crime etc.
    While it possibly is a conflict I'm disappointed that Mathias is so foolish that he's falling for the whole med marijuana scam.

  16. 6:01 I got ya man.

  17. Mathias' record as a $$$ politician is long, wide and well known to insiders. Unfortunately the ethics commission is run by Democrats. Maybe Hogan change that and see that those chickens come home to roost (and do something else) on Mathias' head.

  18. I've known Jim for many years and he should be good at growing it because he sure could smoke it! Although not his drug of choice at the time his girlfriend was a fiend for quality weed from an Island State!

  19. He was a crook in OC and now he is a crook in Annapolis. He never changed his stripes.
    Should be made to resign immediately.

  20. Lots of money in vice, why shouldn't the shore benefit for a change.

  21. 6:29
    Who cares? Is legalization bad anyways? I'd actually favor lax medical laws since they keep everything very legit and ON THE BOOKS. Great idea for the shore, and particularly Worcester County. GO JIM!

  22. Mathias is a sad excuse for an ethical politician. A wolf in sheets clothing.

  23. Sounds awesome. Hoping to see a property tax break finally in Worcester County!

  24. Oh right 6:56. Once taxed always taxed and with something like this it will require 'government oversight' which creates bigger government and will ultimately cost tax payers.

  25. Also taxes won't go down because states that have these laws have become overburden with "stoners" moving in and they are almost all on some sort of welfare benefit.

  26. That's exactly why I always come to SBYNEWS first. I ALWAYS COME TO SBYNEWS because it is the only REAL DEAL NEWS SOURCE.

    Thank you Joe - as otherwise our entire community would continue to run around in the dark.

  27. I for one do not want a pot factory in Snow Hill or anywhere else on the shore. Don't think the taxpayers in Snow Hill will want it either!

  28. As a person who watched his brother suffer through chemo I think this would be a great service and help lots of people.Medical marijuana is far better than painkillers and we should applaud the efforts of it moving forward.

  29. I did not vote for him because I hate the backslapping insider clique politics. I have crossed party lines to say "no" to candidates who behave like this.

  30. Medical marijuana already exists. It's called Marinol.

    A pharmaceutical product, Marinol, is widely available through prescription. It comes in the form of a pill and is also being studied by researchers for suitability via other delivery methods, such as an inhaler or patch. The active ingredient of Marinol is synthetic THC, which has been found to relieve the nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy for cancer patients and to assist with loss of appetite with AIDS patients.

    Unlike smoked marijuana -- which contains more than 400 different chemicals, including most of the hazardous chemicals found in tobacco smoke -- Marinol has been studied and approved by the medical community and the Food and Drug Administration.

  31. 7:57-There is no legitimate need for marijuana as medicine. Pills containing THC are already available with a physician's prescription... Cancer patients receiving chemotherapy often die from infection because chemotherapy weakens the body's immune defenses. THC reduces the nausea experienced by chemotherapy patients, but can be dangerous to these patients because THC also damages the immune system.

  32. Mathias is on the take from the wind industry too!

  33. 8:52, What the hell does that have to do with a sitting Senator who's already been brought up on ethics charges as well as traveling to disaster areas as a Senator pimping Royal Plus for disaster relief and now this?

  34. Any ever do research on H2O in Ocean City? He owns that building where the under "21 club is. It's in his mom's name. This is where they soak down young teen girls in these "Foam Parties" and teach them to pole dance. Also owns the one across the street, H2O2.

  35. I know Mark and Matt and Their Dad too as well as Mr. Jim. All about them.

  36. Odachowski has been in the business for years with great locals like Randy Beauchamp who lives on his prooerty. Randys woman is allowed to write scrips because of her job. Nobody wants to blame Odachowski for anything but he is in charge of the operation.

  37. It's not Mark, although he is no better...Matt is the one who owns the Snow Hill property.......they both always play and portray the squeaky clean persons but it is complete crap. I remember mark Odachoski sending out postcards to the residents of snow hill proclaiming to be our friend and neighbor......he talked about how great our schools were when his ass lives in a huge spread in west ocean city and his kids attend private school....look into the whole summer field project. You will see what a scam him and his brother really are.

  38. 7:57 I went through chemo, radiation, and surgery for stage 4 cancer and didn't need no damn dope to get me through it. I had special creams and tylenol. Just a frigging excuse to get high.

  39. Mathias was the biggest hippie at Stephen Decatur, not surprised. He's slim shady.

  40. 8:52 you must work for big pharma. Marinol is an imitation of what occurs NATURALLY. My mom took that crap and it didn't take away her nausea, it intensified it and gave her headaches. It comes from a seed buddy, man not needed. And just a heads up, most medical marijuana patients ingest and don't smoke!

  41. Just a reminder , life is life , drugs are nothing more than what they imply "drugs".
    I can live my life and face real life situations without screwing up my mind. It's real out there , just face it!
    I don't need anything that will affect a decision , make me happy , make me sleep, etc. etc. etc. .
    America is already drugged enough , look who is in office at the top.

  42. always working for US!

  43. Wow Randy brings it in by the plane load every week, no need to grow it!

  44. 8:54 Yeah, because nothing EVER goes wrong with synthetic medicines versus a natural plant? Tell that to the countless TEENS who pick up synthetic mj at a gas station.

    Oh, right... it's from big pharma, we should totally trust them. I don't have a dog in the fight, you should be able to grow, raise and do whatever you want on YOUR property.

  45. Certainly makes you wonder about Mathias and Odachowski. If you knew them you see them as good people, but makes you wonder if it is all an act because their true motive is money. Is the con so deep with the Odachowskis that they actually put on a life long and conisistant kind and caring front to get an edge where they can to make money off the backs of people that want to help them? Hard to say. Things can be twisted either way. Maybe the life long con they have been able to maintain for a life time is finally coming to an end. I say that if you need to deal with Mathias or Odachowski just make sure you get what you pay for and sure you get paid for things you do for them.

  46. Legislation is already on the way. MD is granting 12 medical marijuana licenses for 250K each. Indoor growing will never pan out in the long run, when you can grow the stuff in greenhouses with minimal expense.

  47. Convert chicken houses to green houses and you will make way more than you ever did with chickens.

  48. Jim Mathias and Norm Conway are definitely Obama Lovers. They are mentally sick individuals and they are disgusting. Thank God Norm is gone and now we need to get rid of Jim Mathias.

  49. WOW i'm so glad this many people can see the way Jim Mathias has whored himself out. His behind the scene promoting for Royal Plus in disaster areas using his government credentials is appalling. He used to approach OC fire victims as our mayor and fire dept chaplan and hand them Royal Plus business cards saying use them and "we'll get your permits and recovery done quicker than any other contractor could. The only this guy gets elected is promoting himself 90% of his waking hours and serving others very little "always working for you"- haha

  50. There SHOULD be an F B I investigation post haste !

  51. Mathias Did vote YEA for medical marijuana.
    This is working out Very nicely for Mr. Matt. Odachowski.
    Look at all these comments, any sane person would not let these people be involved in handling Sch 1 narcotics !

  52. Jim Mathias is the Eastern Shore version of Hillary Clinton.She must be giving him instructions. I see pattern here.

  53. Why not just let anyone who needs it grow up to 20 plants in their yard? Because with that in place, there could never be a place for graft and corruption!

    Why hasn't anyone figured this out yet?


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