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Sunday, February 01, 2015


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  1. Are you kidding me? Gillis Gilkerson....or even worse Don Murray has screwed over the tax payers of this community so many times and yet because of the Good Ole Boy relationship between SOME community leaders and the Gillis group continues to go unchecked so goes our hard earned money....Keep Gillis Gilkerson and more specifically Don Murray out of this project for gods sake.Let us not soon forget past deals between Gillis and our leaders of which details were attempted to be concealed from public knowledge... Fire Depts. both old and new...Keep them out of our public pockets....

  2. Anon 4:12 clearly you have no clue of what is taking place here. First of all the definition of volunteer is to perform a duty with NO FINANCIAL GAIN. So everyone involved here has done this report at no cost to the County, in the past you / the county have paid thousands for these type of reports. Second, this is a first blush look at the school by several professionals in the community. This project will still have to be bid out due to these pesky things called THE STATE LAWS. So feel free to volunteer your time and then bid the project. Or recommend who should but your empty complaint is doing you not a damn bit of good. If you don't have a suggestion as to what to do keep your opinions to yourself.

  3. 4:12 Amen, unfortunately though... you know.

    This should go out for private sector bid, and everything stays open to the public. NO MORE backroom deals!

  4. It appears Jake Day's only complaint is the age of the building and the fact it has not changed in appearance. If we use Jake's logic then the White House, Capital Building as well as Maryland's State House are over 100 yrs. old, look dated and should be torn down so we can have modern looking buildings! As stated in one report part of going 'green' is to take what you have and re-use, re-purpose it so we are not throwing away perfectly good materials unnecessarily. Also if Mr. Day wants to use the age of the building as a reason to replace it then we should be replacing the older schools first such as Pinhurst, Prince Street and East Salisbury schools first!

  5. It is true, the good old boys keep the $ in control it's pathetic. We've learned the hard way by actually putting in bids for jobs. It takes a lot to process a bid only to be shown time and time again how the "scratch my back, I'll scratch yours" always reappears.
    Certain jobs must fulfill bid number requirements to prove monies are being spent most frugal, however, at the end of the day it's still the aforementioned.
    It's not uncommon, unheard of, unnoticed. It is unethical and used widely. With money and politics at the core, should we have any other expectations such as honesty, spirit of rotation, even, love thy neighbor?

  6. Prince street was remodeled and expanded in the recent years. East Salisbury and Pinehurst have received "minor" upgrades.

  7. 8:00-Did you mean Mike Dunn?

  8. We have given some of the inspectors whiskey for some favors
    back in 2006-2007 . When the Cancer center was built (across the street from the hospital )the inspectors were on the take then and probably now. I delivered the whiskey , so I know it's true. However , I might add , I was told to do so .

  9. http://sbynews.blogspot.com/2015/01/county-executive-bob-culver-tours-west.html

    When I look at the list of people who made up the Consultants, O don't see a majority from any one company. I do see a well rounded mix of experts donating their time towards the betterment of our community and working in the interest of spending our tax dollars more wisely.

    So, 4:12, it's time to go to bed; you've stayed up way past your bed time.

  10. The BOE wants to turn West Side Elem. into a PK - 5 school with 650 student max. Doing the math from the BOE report you will have approx. 400 - 450 student in the near future. This point is mentioned in the consultant report. Addition and renovations will take care of the needs of this school for years to come. I believe Governor Hogan wants the school districts to take care of what they have and renovate more than building new schools. The money saved on this project can go to other schools that need updating. Each school needs to be looked at for what their needs will be in the future and not just make all PK-5 schools at 650 students max. Beware of the BOE as they will spin this in ways that you can't imagine.

  11. How nice to have community members VOLUNTEER their time and not cost the TAXPAYERS ANY MONEY! This is a RERPORT so Culver and others will know the true condition of the school. How about a little appreciation for the people who offered their expertise at NO CHARGE.

    When it comes to bidding the job, if you don't think Culver will make sure the bid process is FAIR, you are nuts. He is the Councilman who questioned the bid process of the States Attorney's office. He wants to see the County do a better job in their bidding process anyway. Remember, he is not a career bureaucrat. Unlike Pollitt, he doesn't pay for studies for every flipping thing. He apparently can find citizens who care enough about the county that they will do things for FREE. He knows something about construction. This is all good news for the County.

  12. Speaking of good ole boys I am glad to see the local people looking at local schools. Has anyone noticed who is building all of the local schools. That would be whiting turner and just because they now have an office in salisbury does not make them local. It would be a breath of fresh air if gillis built the next school. But that will not happen because the criteria to be selected has been so skewed that a local company will not be selected. Doesn't anyone out ther think that spending $80 million for a middle school is a bit too much. Thank you don Murray and Keith fisher

  13. Frederickson needs to read the comments made at the Board of Public Works meeting regarding school construction. It was all about MAINTAINING WHAT YOU HAVE rather than letting things deteriorate so that it needs to be rebuilt. It is a pattern of behavior by BOEs that Hogan and the Board of Public Works recognize and want to stop. Culver is ahead of the curve. Good work Bob!

  14. Someone told me about a high school built in Carroll County a few years ago that is a beautiful school and cost significantly (millions) less than Bennett. Who monitors that kind of thing. Why can't school plans be shared from county to county? Why is the wheel always being reinvented? For educators, NONE of these people seem very smart or cost conscious.

    I fully support what Culver is doing. If the BOE and the crazies they whip into a frenzy don't realize that there is a ground swell of support for Culver and his fiscally responsible approach to things - they are in for a huge surprise. The best thing they can do is get on board with him and the direction of Hogan and the Board of Public Works. That is what the majority of Marylanders and citizens of Wicomico want. It is a new day and a better day in Maryland.


  16. Kudos to the people that helped Bob Culver look the school over and make real and responsible recommendations. We need to realize the school boards show off to each other on how much money they spend per student. It's just a number to them that has no bearing on the quality of education they are putting out. Being fiscally responsible will hurt a little bit in the beginning, but is what we, as taxpayers need. As long as we continue to elect and support responsible people we can begin to build a better county.

  17. Cant wait to see how many of these "volunteers", both for this and the "task force" end up benefitting. Still the good ole boy network, just a different group.

  18. I took a couple hours this morning to read and re-read this and have to say I am impressed with Bob Culver and the volunteers (minus one)who took their time out to go look at the real conditions on site. To offer written recommendations after that, at no cost, tops it all off. What ever your personal opinion about some of the volunteers, at least they did just that and volunteered their time and expertise to help.

    The last page probably should have been left off even though it made for some comical reading. He has no area of expertise but because the building "looks so 1969" is should be torn down. By his thoughts once it reaches 50 years of age is should be torn down and discarded as it is no longer useful. I would guess that he is in the 50 year range as well so I guess that he has lost his usefulness as well?

  19. Bob Culver you have my support, keep up the good job!

  20. This county has most students on welfare. We can not afford to build these huge schools to serve a poor population. This is not Montgomery county and it's time we all realize that. I do. It want my taxes to keep going on to build things that are unneeded for the population they serve.

  21. Why was Mike Dunn there? Who is he in the scheme of things? He had nothing to offer but his "opinion" - no expertise at all. I don't get it. Who cares what he thinks?

  22. Read the report. Sounds like everyone other than Mike Dunn thinks the school is in good shape and can be updated. What a great thing for the taxpayers of Wicomico County that Culver had the smarts to kill the bond money until he had more information. The county has bled the taxpayers dry under the likes of Pollitt. Thank God we have someone who has common sense in the executive's office and not a liberal patsy like before.

  23. My only concern is the if everyone who produced this report ends up getting the work. At that point all that will say is the "Good Ole Boy" System is still in full effect. Everyone who's involved with this report is a good ole boy.

    But I do agree lets renovate it.

  24. Why do we need so many schools? Would we not benefit from making large campus like schools? One elementary school, one middle school, and one High school all on the same grounds? Three campus like DISTRICTS would take care of this.
    Build the schools, Make them bigger than what is currently needed so we do not have to buy portables a few years later.

    1. Yeah great idea. That way those of that work our butts off to live in safer neighborhoods can send our kids to school with all the welfare pups. Genius.

  25. 11:59, perfect idea! As soon as you get finished building your giant complex of houses for all your children and your childrens' children so they won't have to keep buying new houses in the future, you let us all know and we'll start on that big campus you want.

  26. Bennett could have been remodeled as well. Since when can you not take a block and steel structure and not remodel it?Just because the money is available does not mean we have to spend it on something that is not needed for the price. What needs to be done is on the state level is for them to realize the cost savings of remodel over full replacement. Besides the tons of materials destined for limited space landfills!

  27. 12:31 - Hogan and Board of Public Works realize it and said so in the meeting this week. They are all for remodeling and less construction. The times they are a-changing. ;-)

  28. Gillis and Gilkerson have been fleecing tax payers for decades'

  29. Culver is well aware of the good ole boy system. He wants open and fair bidding. With that said, there are limited number of contractors in our area that can do these kinds of jobs.

  30. To 12:31 Poster that said; Bennett could have been remodeled as well.

    I agree wholeheartedly. All of the individual assessments with the exception of the last Mike Dunn comment are impressive to say the least. One can easily tell our newly elected County Executive's expertise. I sincerely wish he were at the helm instead of our former when they deliberated and acted on the BMS projects. It could have resulted in millions of savings - possibly foregoing any bonding or indebtedness. I AM IMPRESSED!

  31. 9:17AM Amen to your comment. I support Mr. Culver, and I appreciate his approach to problem-solving.

    I agree Mr. Culver and Governor Hogan are both fresh air to the many of us who have suffered at the hands of O'taxie and spend, and Pollitt.

    Thank GOD for Hogan, and Culver and I am thankful that both men are leaders, and not spend thrifts! Keep up the great work.
    Bob, thanks for getting rid of the dead wood.

  32. 1:36 Poster - I am impressed to. These studies would have cost Wicomico's residents a bundle of money. I wish the same technique had been used before demolition was performed on our other school buildings.

  33. That's why I always keep returning to SBYNEWS. I swear - I have never met your people in SBYNEWS organization but someday I hope to have the opportunity to thank all of you - Joe Albero in particular. I don't know of any other person who has given so much to our community. Thank-you and your organization very much. Our family and I are very grateful.

  34. instead of tearing down the old Bennett, maybe that could be remodeled for county offices and the sheriff's who need more space. The access could be controlled for security. It seems to be it is a win all the way around to remodel that building. There is lots of parking, so employees wouldn't have to pay to park. Sell the downtown government building to the city.

  35. When Culver was on the Council, he was the nay-sayer according to Pollitt, Strausburg, Matt Holloway, Stevie Prettyman and John Hall. I remember Strausburg speaking to him many times in a very demeaning manner. Who has had the last laugh now? All those I've named have spent and spent and spent. Culver was right and they were WRONG...look what the have cost the taxpayer. Pollitt and Prettyman are gone thank God, but Matt Holloway and Hall are still there along with RINO Cannon. Do you think they've learned anything yet? I doubt it - too arrogant. However, Bob has the PEOPLE behind him - so he will have the last laugh again. Just hoping he gives Strausburg the boot soon.

  36. Love this! Culver has done more in a couple of months than we've seen out of Executive office in years. Keep up the good work! We are behind you!

  37. He said during his campaign that he was going to approach things differently.

    He is living up to his word. GREAT JOB MR CULVER.

  38. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    8:00-Did you mean Mike Dunn?

    January 31, 2015 at 8:19 AM

    Same click of Homo's!

  39. Herein lies the great concept of taking care of what you have, a notion that has escaped a lot of people who deal with public properties.
    Mike Dunn is one of those people. He should never again be anyone's choice as a public official. As he left office a few years ago before moving from city to county, he said, "I want my life back."

    Please, people, leave this manipulative, wheedling, self-aggrandizing, unemployable person to his life, but don't make him a part of everyone's again.

  40. 4:44 Well said. My greatest wish is that "click" of people loses what little power they have. They are a major part of the problem with Salisbury. Dunn's profile has been elevated lately - afraid that means he is interested in public office again and there are enough dumb people in the city to vote him in.

  41. 4:44 agree. Don't understand what possessed Culver to include him in tour. He brings nothing to the table except his own sense of greatness, which is laughable.

  42. Going off track abit, but I get it, parents want nice schools, but they're against disciplining the children that disrupt the learning environment, against police enforcing anti-gang activity, and some protest uniforms and rule enforcement. So do they really want a nice school or is it something just to bi+@# about?

  43. 5:31 to follow on your point. How long would the school be "nice' when kids are being raised not to respect authority or anyone's property. Board needs to do more with character building and parental involvement instead of plotting how to get new schools built all over the county. Maybe if we saw some IMPROVEMENT in our classroom and ranking in the state, the public would be more inclined to support new schools. It is hard to support new schools when Wicomico is number 19 in the state. The BOE is off the rails and not putting focus where it needs to be - on students and classrooms. And before the liberals yell - let me say - NO, KIDS DON'T NEED NEW HIGH TECH SCHOOLS THAT ARE PRETTY TO LEARN. What about hiring teachers who INSPIRE kids to learn!!!

  44. Cut cut cut taxes bob NO NEW SCHOOLS .
    Keep up the great work .

  45. Wish they had done this on Bennett. If Prettyman hadn't switched her vote, maybe it would have been renovated. Good riddance to a self-centered, self-important woman who just wanted her name on the plaque in the school. She is out of her mind if she thinks she is leaving a positive legacy. Lots of us would help her pack to get her to leave town. Can't happen soon enough. Signed Disgusted taxpayer.

  46. First of all Gillis Gilkerson does nothing for free, there is ALWAYS motive behind it. Thats how P Gillis can afford the enormous compound in which he resides in Ocean City. Not to mention the Miller residence, etc... If this is all in good faith, then why the need for Gillis Gilkerson to advertise all of their school projects they have worked on in the past? What does this have to do the need to repair the school? Can anyone say MOTIVE? That list just goes to show how much tax payer money lines their pockets...DON MURRAY is good at racking up the extras on projects GGI is involved in....Regardless of the bidding process, the good ole boy network carries allot of influence before during, and after the bidding process. By the way (Anonymous January 31, 2015 at 7:21 AM) I really got under your skin didn't I? Ha ha....

  47. Gilkerson the reincarnation of ireton

  48. I would rather see Gillis or any local contractors get it than Whiting-Turner.

  49. I come from 42 years experince in commercial institutional experience as a a VP of Constriuction Estimating for a family business that operated locally from 1906 thru 1997 that built numerous local major projects inluding numerous schools such as both Bennetts - Parkside - Old Salisbury Hi School etc etc - Civic. Center etc etched - while Gillis Gilkerson has no standing in my mind and is self-serving with a small time school resumeI do think the push to demolish and build new schools is driven more by ego and Architectural firms bent on new AIA design "awards" than the cost merit - both Bennett Hi Schools were built for approximately $2.6 million and are and were still viabute - the structures were in tact - there were numerous methods and ways to "salvage" those structures and "upgrade" for "current mandated" requirements in terms of energy efficieny and technical upgrades - so a Bricklayer made $4.75 / hr in 1964 when the Bennetts were built - so you pay $43.75 / hr today to build new walls when the old walls could be "structurally salvaged" with new exterior insulated windows could be as we say in the business "punched-in to replace" etc etc etc etc - all I can say is LOL on the previous " experts"

  50. Perhaps I am missing part of the story. Why is West getting all the attention? Pinehurst has no less than 5 classrooms any given day where the heat does not get over 60 degrees. There are students in some of the rooms with seizure disorders that are triggered by cold. What about them?

  51. 12.53 Can you tell me how they have been fleecing the taxpayers?

    Any details?

  52. Please look at the contracts awarded never local. This includes the BOE. Wor Wic , PRMC, Su etc. The contractors come and go. The rip off the local subs and you see very many of their contributions to our local community. You should check the Bennett contract that had a completion bonus that was developed by the contractor. Did they get it? Yes they did. Money spent with our local contractors have a better economic Impact on our area then out of town contractors. If any of you believe the report is not valid why not call Bob Culver and give him your input and help.

  53. Some of us in the contracting business know exactly what goes on with these school contracts and back scratching is to kind a word for it.I for one lost a BHS sub-contract because the school board said it had to be a favored over the bridge sub-contractor.

  54. All the people complaining about inside contracts and bidding over the bridge...look for Hogan to change all that. His business background will level the playing field for all.

  55. Screw you John Fredericksen. The schools should be maintained and repaired as necessary then you wouldn't have to replace schools. Most schools that have been replaced didn't need replacing anyway.

  56. Anonymous said...
    Prince street was remodeled and expanded in the recent years. East Salisbury and Pinehurst have received "minor" upgrades.

    January 31, 2015 at 8:15 AM

    What is your point?

  57. Anonymous said...
    Bennett could have been remodeled as well. Since when can you not take a block and steel structure and not remodel it?Just because the money is available does not mean we have to spend it on something that is not needed for the price. What needs to be done is on the state level is for them to realize the cost savings of remodel over full replacement. Besides the tons of materials destined for limited space landfills!

    January 31, 2015 at 12:31 PM

    I agree with you 100%.

    It is always better an cheaper to remodel the original buildings. These idiots just want something brand new.

  58. Another thing to keep in mind is that every new school gets everything new. That includes furniture to laptop computers. Nothing old or used is brought to the new school it is either stolen by school employees or sold at auctions for pennies on the dollar. Yes school employees actually make items disappear and no one knows anything about it.

    Even if a classroom is outfitted with a brand new smart board in the Spring, it would not be put in the new school or brought to the new school in the Fall.

    All brand new furniture is put in the school and many times it is low budget and very poor quality.

  59. Anonymous said...
    Prince street was remodeled and expanded in the recent years. East Salisbury and Pinehurst have received "minor" upgrades.

    January 31, 2015 at 8:15 AM

    It was not remodeled, it was completely gutted and hardly anything was left standing. Just the shell of a small structure.

  60. "The BOE wants to turn West Side Elem. into a PK - 5 school with 650 student max."

    John Fredericksens Facility Task Force plan is to do away with all primary and elementary schools. This means that Pre-K students will be in the same hall ways as 5th graders. No Pre-K or Kindergarten student should be in school with 5th graders. This could be a very dangerous situation.

    So this means we will have to build all new schools around the County. We would have absolutely no choice because we would be combining the schools and there would be no room to handle all the PreK-5 schools!! DUH!!

  61. Speaking of John Fredericksens Facility Task force did you know that 21 of those members worked directly under John Fredericksen. Rutt Row~! Be careful there.

  62. Anonymous said...
    Please look at the contracts awarded never local. This includes the BOE. Wor Wic , PRMC, Su etc. The contractors come and go. The rip off the local subs and you see very many of their contributions to our local community. You should check the Bennett contract that had a completion bonus that was developed by the contractor. Did they get it? Yes they did. Money spent with our local contractors have a better economic Impact on our area then out of town contractors. If any of you believe the report is not valid why not call Bob Culver and give him your input and help.

    January 31, 2015 at 9:30 PM

    I could not agree more with you. This happens all the time. Whiting and Turner is the biggest rip off in Wicomico County. They bring in their people, but the majority of the work is done by local contractors who do the job at a much lower rate just so they can put their employees to work. The local contractors should be getting the jobs without being subcontractors.

  63. Whiting & Turner had one of the best taxpayer funded lobbyist on their side - one Norman Conway - now an ex-officio member of the Maryland General Assembly.

  64. Pittsville School was remodeled. The BOE didn't ask for it to be demolished. I'm so glad someone is finally standing up to this BOE. Everyone needs to turn out for any and all public hearings regarding the BOE. Pay close attention to the redistricting proposals as well. Boundary lines are going to be changed with the possibility of 250 new students attending Pittsville. They will do what they can before the elected board gets in.


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