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Sunday, January 18, 2015

How Do You Feel About This?

I came across an interesting situation recently in a bar/restaurant. Obviously a Police Officer sat at the end of a booth exposing his gun and badge. 

Now, the question is, do you find this offensive or does it make you feel safer?

In my honest opinion, I'd rather not see an Off Duty Officer exposing his weapon, especially in this day and age in which he could become a target. 

Nevertheless, I'm really looking forward to see what all of you think. 


  1. no issues.

    of course i feel private citizens should be able to do the same

    could also be the fire marshal. many of them are armed also

  2. I am not offended by it. As a law abiding citizen with no criminal record, and with a permit, I would carry one if the State of Maryland wasn't so anti US. Constitutional.

  3. I don't have a problem with this either. Whenever I see a police officer I immediately feel safer.

  4. i think we all should be able to carry maybe then crime would drop not knowing weather the person they are going to rob might have a gun to

  5. Carrying a gun by anybody who is legally permitted to carry one is ok. Just know that almost anyone can buy a gun,if it be legal or illegal.So if a person wants to kill they will and it will be a funeral/jail cell.

  6. I feel safer around those who are in law enforcement.

  7. Maryland should allow law abiding mentally stable persons carry as well... criminals might hesitate a bit more if they knew their intended victims very well may shoot back!

  8. He has made himself a target not cool ,cover it up and be discrete.

  9. I would leave the place immediately as I do not feel safe around mercenaries.

  10. don't see a problem and if you look closely you will see that he has on a jacket with a badge. this makes me believe that he may not have been off duty. oh by the way some of the bars there do have great lunch deals and he may just be enjoying one of those deals.

  11. I have no problems here. I just wish that I could carry also.


  12. Not a great idea in this day and age.

  13. It makes me feel safer.

  14. I don't have an issue with it at, and wish citizens could do the same without consequence in MD. I would proudly open carry, and not give two F's how you felt about my RIGHT.

  15. Not much wisdom here, the perp knows who to shoot first.

  16. 11:57 So it's OK for the perp to carry, but not the officer? The perp will miss and hopefully nick you or some other liberal moron, while the trained public safety official will save your sorry behind by taking out the perp. If the perp's errant shot goes in your one ear and out the other, you won't be hurt at all.

    1. The point is the police officer should NOT make himself a easy Target.

  17. I get the argument for this officer to wear his gun while off duty. I think all Americans should have the same right if your eligible to own a gun.

    This scenario has played out a few times over the past few years. A few restaurant owners have even lost there business simply because the officer was asked to please leave his gun in the car or leave. The officers complained to the mainstream media and that's all it took to be ran out of business . Now how can you expect a restaurant manager to know who's an off duty officer and who has a fake badge if the officer is not in uniform ? The way these cases are handled is to simply cry foul to the mainstream media and have said restaurant run out of business. Some day soon I'm guessing you will see the same scenario play out except the badge will be fake and we will have fatalities. Not to mention the public bashing the manager for not taking action when he seen the gun.

    Now back to this officers right to bear arms verses your rights to do so as well. I understand people are going to say his job is dangerous and he might have criminals looking to take revenge. Hence his need to carry while off duty. Why doesn't a pizza delivery man have this same right? These guys carry money on them at all times and many are robbed and even killed in some cases on a daily basis. Yet they are denied the right to protect themselves. restaurant managers who make daily money drops in banks are deprived of the right to protect themselves. Chris kyle ( the american sniper)who was probably the most sought after man by terrorists in the world. Was denied the right to protect himself with open carry. Someone please explain how this officer has the right to open carry while off duty while someone like Chris kyle can't . Simply put police in this country are the elite. We as average Americans and are nothing more then a perp in the eyes of the law.

  18. 12:23 Get a brain, I am pro second amdendment, the point is, don't put a bullseye on your forehead and not expect to get shot. On second thought please emulate your clueless hero in the picture. Duh (11:57)

  19. Cops can carry there gun off duty fool i just think he shouldn't be a known target.

  20. It's a decepticon emblem..... AUTO BOTS engage

  21. My Dad was a officer of the law & wore his pistol always, on duty or not, no matter where we were, at grand-moms, even to church. Sometimes, he wore one on his foot and one on his hip at the same time. If he Didn't wear it, something would be VERY WRONG. People who serve in such capacities are NEVER off-duty. Do not allow your fear guide you to foolish thinking. Guns aren't scary, open carry is not scary. Allowing your government to take your rights IS SCARY & voting for them to do so is more scary.

  22. 10:35 I wouild hope that would you leave it sounds like you have no back bone to begin with. I bet you sit down to take a leak hero. Wow lol

  23. It's legal and feeds a lot of egos. When it's illegal, the gun is probably stolen anyway and laws don't apply. Personally, I gave my ammo away when in the military so I wouldn't need to clean the weapon.

  24. Doesn't bother me.

  25. Doesn't matter to me, but I think he is advertising for trouble.

  26. I think he should be sitting on the opposite bench with his weapon more protected from being picked up by a passerby.

  27. As a law abiding American I should be able to carry a firearm in order to protect myself, my family or innocent by standers just as the officer which is the reason of the 2nd amendment.

  28. Open carry SHOULD be the law of the land. An armed society is a polite society.


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