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Sunday, January 18, 2015

Former County Executive's Wife Tracey Pollitt Says Baltimore Ravens Ray Rice "Has Done A Lot Of Good"


  1. I can't stand her politics but I agree with her here.
    All too often one bad deed overshadows all the good a person has done.
    I am also of the belief to give certain offenders a second chance. Michael Vick has gone to on prove himself and has become an invaluable tool for the HSUS and their fight against dog fighting.

  2. Obviously she has walked into numerous walls in life.

  3. It's the liberal way.....they don't execute murderers either! I'm all for a second chance after appropriate rehabilitation - but to support someone at this level does not sit well.....

    They will allow an innocent unborn to never grow up though!

  4. So let me get this straight;A former dog fighter is the most appropriate person to speak to others about the evils of dog fighting.A former drug addict is the most appropriate person to speak to others about the evils of drugs.A former alcoholic womanizer and all things bad is the most appropriate person to become a preacher because he has been there and done that & will always include his past life in his testimony.Now it stands to reason that a former physical abuser of women would inherit the same duty.Why do the aforementioned qualities always qualify people to get through to others experiencing the same issues? I for one would prefer to hear a model citizen lecturing about what I should and should not do.

  5. She must be proud of all the tax $$$ her Hubbt rick spent on RESTAURANTS.

  6. She is obviously not the sharpest knife in the drawer. Having Rick around all the time has probably driven her nuts.

  7. ...and her experience in elevators is what???

  8. Anonymous said...
    I can't stand her politics but I agree with her here.
    All too often one bad deed overshadows all the good a person has done.
    I am also of the belief to give certain offenders a second chance. Michael Vick has gone to on prove himself and has become an invaluable tool for the HSUS and their fight against dog fighting.

    January 12, 2015 at 10:06 AM

    LMAO!! You are a softie you soft hearted liberal.

  9. I think she has a mental illness and I think Rick is losing it.

    I saw him the other day and he looks quite disheveled. Hair all messed up and wrinkled cloths including sport jacket.

  10. 2:32 he looked that way most of the time when he was in office. He didn't take a lot of pride in his appearance. probably worse now.

  11. Who's Rick Piolitt? Lol.

  12. 5:42-

    You asked, and the answer is: a has-been liberal career politician.

  13. To put it simply, she's an idiot. I agree that Rice has done some good but he's obviously a violent person. Pictures don't lie. Being a democrat liberal is one thing but this is beyond stupidity. And by the way, did you accept your assault, that happened a year or so ago, and be a stand up person for the perp?


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