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Sunday, January 18, 2015

Comment Worthy Of A Post 1-12-15

Enough of the crying about the students behavior from the teachers. You liberal idiots are the ones that KEEP voting for more liberals in the government. You know the ones that took God and accountability OUT of everything. The ones that think time out is better than beating their behinds when they do wrong. Now you can sit and fester with what you have created. I have no sympathy for any of you liberals and the mess you have created! 

Second I'm sick of hearing you complain about having to spend your own time and money on school things. How many people in the real working world have to do the same? I know we spend hundreds each year on tools and such so that we can make a living. Not to mention all the safety gear that is required now by you liberal idiots. Oh this also doesn't count things that we bring home to do at night so we are prepared for the next day at work. 

You have created most of the mess you complain about. SUCK IT UP. The world is not perfect and is even worse since you all came along.

Wicomico Teachers underpaid? I think not!


  1. Tell us what you really think. I agree. I am sick of these liberal idiots complaining about what they have created.

  2. Yeah. I hate wearing safety gear at work. Would much rather just take my chances.

  3. Thank you for saying it out loud1 it's so true. And for Mr. Safety, buzz off. There's a lot of thongs, like tools and home paperwork we all have to spend on.

  4. the most highly-educated among us are the most clueless - long live the status quo

  5. I'll never donate another penny to anything to do with this school system. In fact they will get an earfull over their crying. It's sad those teachers get those kids, as pawns, like terrorists, out in front of k-mart and beg for money and supplies each
    august. They will hear my opinion
    this summer, i'll tell those kids, to tell their teachers they are overpaid and can buy it themselves. lets see those teachers faces. and i'll have the copy to prove it.

  6. 7:36 They dont realize that the lame brain feel good policies they push will create another bloated govt. agency that will create more feel good policies for their own job security. Plus,they never ever figure that it will apply to them too.

  7. I have to agree. Instead of acting the teachers did sit back and allow this to fester.
    You reap what you sow.
    Instead of going on ad nausem about how you have to spend you own money, how about centering your complaints on the useless parents instead of being politically correct. Same goes toward bad behaviour.

  8. No one to blame but the teachers themselves! Over aid, I think not especially when you help propagate the very problems society has to later deal with.

  9. If you think all teachers are that bad then you should home school your kids. Problem solved.

  10. Guess what - if you investigate You will find the majority of the teachers do spend their own money - to purchase classroom supplies and also for supplis for kids whose parents do not send them to school with the necessary supplies.

    True a teacher can deduct $250 from income tax for personal money spent on classroom supplies, but many teachers spend far more. There are a few bad apple teachers who make the deduction and "beg" supplies from other sources.

    It is not teachers who use the kids as pawns, begging. Look to the Al Sharpton types who are running programs through organizations and/or other groups who are teaching kids how to do the "gimme". Also look at the numbers in parents who were brought up to think raising kid(s) is the government's responsibility..

    Locally there are enough backpacks and school supplies donated by businesses and legitimate organizations each year to supply Maryland. These " gimme schemes" are happening all across our nation. Do you really believe all these school supplies end up at school? This mentality of all this is the teachers fault needs to end. But it won't as long as shysters can scheme and the government thinks it is their job to raise generations of kids with "gimme" attitudes.

  11. That's not the answer 9:38 because it's not practical in most situations. I hope this isn't the attitude of teachers because then it proves they are void of all common sense and intellect.
    Besides tax payers pay dearly for public schools, which they are entitled to use.

    1. My point is this. not all teachers are liberals many do not like this system. I don't have a problem workers hitching but most of what everyone iscomplaining about is not the teachers fault

  12. 9:42-This is where the system needs a complete overhaul. Instead of the liberal mantra the "education is the key", which is BS, it should be responsible parenting is the key. Success starts the second a child is born. It starts with parents teaching respect to authority figures. It starts with parents putting themselves and their needs second to the child's. It starts with teaching a child to not have the gimme attitude and that achievement comes with some type of work and sacrifice.

  13. ha i am a teacher and get paid over 70000 a year for 9 months of work hanging at beach all summer getting paid bartending part time under the table you will here no complaining from me ha ha

  14. I love hearing all you scumbags complain about how much teachers get paid! My wife is a wicomico county teacher and if you don't like her salary become a teacher yourself and see what she goes through. All you throw stones and live in glass houses!

  15. The post was written by an idiot.
    Would he GIVE his employee a new coat? Or buy him a set of drills? Some shoes? Some money? I don't think so....
    What does he "bring home at night" so he is prepared for the next day? I guarantee it's not 3 hours of tests, papers, and reports.
    "the real working world..."????
    I KNOW that can't be slur against teachers, who can be slapped, cursed, attacked, and abused with no recourse. Even prison guards have the right to defend themselves without a 15-20 year career going up in flames.
    Finally, but surely not lastly, teachers did not "create this mess" any more than soldiers created Afghanistan.
    The writer could use some humility, some education, and a few spoonful's of reality.

  16. If the teachers only realized that the more new schools built, the less pay they will get and support in classroom. Frederickson isn't on the side of teachers. Wake up people!

  17. Us teachers know freddy is not on our side. Most of us think he is a big joke. He is out for himself.

  18. 1:29 PM get over yourself and wife, same could be said about police, fire fighters etc. It's about a passion not an amount, but when you complain and make a reasonably good pay check, we don't care what you have to say because your an idiot.

  19. lmclain
    I was one the that wrote this post so here is my response.
    Funny you should mention coats. We didn't just buy 1 coat this year we bought a family of 5 winter coats. Yes 2 adults and 3 children now have winter coats. The shoes we bought the children at the beginning of the school year. We don't hand out money unless we know exactly where it is going. But yes we have helped pay a few bills for others. As far as things brought home.....well I could post it all but it would probably require yet another post and take up to much room. I will tell you this. We spend about 6 months straight a year giving back to the community. This does not even include items we donate to food banks, Halo and other needs that arise in the community. Up until about 3 years ago I used to buy supplies to give to the teachers for children that didn't have the supplies. Notebooks, paper, pencils, sharpeners, composition books, tissues, plastic bags, hand santizers. Yes we bought it all. My child has been out of school over 10 years. Of the 13 years in school (k-12) He spend 9 of those years in private school because of the public school teachers. Even in spite that of I still DONATED to the local school! There is nothing on the books that says your spouse HAS to buy anything for their students. If it is that much of an imposition then don't do it. If it is something she likes doing why complain on her about it?

    Every job has it's hazards. I would bet if you looked up which job, teachers vs construction you would find that teachers don't come close to the hazards they do on a jobsite.

    YES the teachers and their liberal ways have created this. They keep voting in the same liberals the keep letting these kids get away with murder. Your spouse must be a teacher and you are worried about accountability and losing your meal ticket so to speak. You shoudn't assume that teachers are the only ones that do things for others. You know what they say about people that assume. Yes I probably could use some education, who couldn't?


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