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Sunday, January 18, 2015

Rebuilding A New "Dream Team"?

You all know me well enough, when I smell a skunk, it's time to expose it. 

Mike Dunn, former Salisbury City Council President is coming out of the wood work lately making phone calls to newly elected officials, sitting on different boards throughout the City and now starting to get press from the local papers. 

Here's what's funny. Mike Dunn is a former WBOC Employee. He sits on the Editorial Board at the Daily Times and now Greg Bassett is pimping Mike, (along with others) as a local hero.

Well, it was Mike Dunn who TOOK AWAY the Fireworks in Salisbury as Council President. It was Mike Dunn who took away the Festival of Lights, (or whatever it's called) in Salisbury as Council President. 

It wasn't until I stepped up to the plate and publicly announced I would pay for the Fireworks on the 4th of July that Mike Dunn came forward with bringing the Fireworks back to the City. 

So here the guy takes away many of the quality of life things for City Taxpayers and now receives a Jefferson Award? Hey, it's always been about the Politics here in Salisbury but Mike Dunn, well, he's the master of it.

My guess, Mike will be running for Mayor against Jake Day. I believe Jim Ireton is banking on O'Malley getting a seat somewhere and riding his shirt tail, like Chuck Cook.

The games are just beginning Ladies & Gentlemen and I believe you are going to see a lot more FLUFF PRESS for local Democrats and yes, Greg Bassett is up to his old games again, including allowing another Blogger to publish his articles in full and with no reference to Greg's newspaper. Well, if that's who he wants to be associated with, so be it. I will tell you that I did make a phone cal to Greg last week and Greg did not return my phone call after leaving a message with my phone number. 

So the old "Dream Team" is at it again, (in my opinion) and THAT is why you are seeing a new weekly newspaper, because they no longer have CONTROL of the Daily Times. Put on your seat belts ladies & gentlemen because I think it's going to get very nasty over the next several months. 

As for Mike Dunn, IF I felt you had earned a Jefferson Award I would honestly commend you for it. You are one slick dude who only does things in the best interest of Mike Dunn and the "Dream Team". 


  1. Yep, was never impressed with him. That bunch can't stand that they lost some power. I'm sure they are working a plan of some kind. Very disappointed in Bassett. Wanted his little paper to succeed. Not any more. And that piece on Mitzi Perdue....groveling - LOL - I'm done Dunn.

  2. He wasn't so nice in school either

  3. The daily times says that the county pio was terminated by Culver, I have also read that the county pio was terminated by Pollitt on his last day. Which is correct? Enlighten me. The DT and the independent are both non trusted media locally. Both are supported by the entitled elitists of Delmarva.

  4. I have no clue who this person is, but he has that crass look about him. May as well have Used Car Salesman tattooed on his forehead.

  5. The PIO was terminated by Pollitt's team the night before Culver was sworn in.

  6. If Mike Dunn were to run for Mayor and people in this town do not remember this jackass, then we are really dunn. People of Salisbury how could you possibly forget this fool. DO NOT VOTE for him if he runs.

  7. This guy bassett isn't he the one that told a protester at wor wic Not to hold up a political sign ,so much for FreeSpeach.? And this guy owns a Newspaper? ??

    1. A leftwing nut paper i bet its Real Thin,lol.

  8. What exactly did Dunn win the Jefferson award for?

  9. ^^^Same way Obama won a Noble Peace Award?

  10. Mike Dunn is a class act!

  11. George Jefferson award.

  12. Don't forget to thank him for the waste water treatment that doesn't work , developer reimbursements totaling tens of thousands, Sasafrass Meadows (which cost taxpayers a fortune and was a pipestem annexation that appeared to benefit his family financially.

  13. ASK THE WOMAN THAT HE THREW PAPER IN HER FACE. You think she will vote for him?


  14. dunn was a bully when city council president. Anyone recall the middle of the street annexation and who benefited?

    'bury his attempt to get elected.

  15. Dunn should have been brought up on ethics charges when he was president of council for promoting and voting for annexation of a piece of commercial property a mile and a half outside of the city that he and his father owned.
    If we were living a hundred and fifty years ago, he'd be a snake oil salesman.

  16. Please run this again tomorrow.

  17. Joe, you got this very right except for Dunn running against Jake Day. No way because those two are in cahoots. One will go for Mayor and one will go for head of council.

    You are right - Chamber of Commerce decides it can no longer do Winter Lights, Mike Dunn to the Rescue. Dunn and Barrie Tilghman say it's too dangerous to do Jaycee fireworks in Salisbury, Mike Dunn to the Rescue. Budget crisis? Bubba Comegys would pull a plan out from under the table.

    What the Barries and Mikeys and Chamber clans do is long-range planning. They know the students turnover, the old folks die off, etc. Just lie in wait, things will change, then seize power again because no one is around to remember.

    Keep on this, because there will be lots more to come from that crew and you are the only outlet to remind people. Trick is, you have to get it into the hands of new voters. Not many of them come to your site. They have been told by the ones giving them fireworks and bike lanes that you are evil.

    Just my opinion, too. But there is an election this year, and all of a sudden, you see this guy in all the papers as Salisbury's savior.

  18. No way, 10:00. Dunn will challenge Day or Ireton. Mark my words.


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