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Sunday, January 18, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: Stabbing In Delmar

Delmar EMS has transported a patient to PRMC that was a victim of a stabbing. We have gotten reports that PRMC is on lock down with guards at the entrances because the suspect has not been apprehended.


  1. seems like an over reaction.

    1. no, sounds like theyre being smart. it wouldnt be the first time gangmembers hit an er to finish the job.

    2. Who says it was a gang member?

  2. No not really. There was a similar incident in Baltimore and the suspect entered the hospital and finished stabbing the victim to death.

  3. Yeah over reaction so the guy doesn't come back and finish the job your sir are an idiot

  4. of course no mention of this on 11' oclock news. its just a perfect county. Ireton wants everyone to think...

  5. It was a female stabbed in the back.

  6. 3:19, that's an interesting twist.

  7. OMG must ban knives!! Because children!!

  8. It is most certainly an over reaction, there are shootings and stabbings all the time, so why suddenly with this case is the hospital on lock down?

    Recently there was a case where a shooter has still not yet been located and the victim was at PRMC and there was no lock down.

    There also was no lock down when that women was shot in the head and he was not yet located.

    So no, 10:48 is not an idiot.

    1. So additional security is not required when a criminal is still on the loose and the victim is to be protected by regular hospital nurses and doctors? I think that additional security for an incident like that is very appropriate. So when the criminal tries to attack again in a place that he or she knows the victim is going to be with very few men ( due to most of any hospital staff being female) around should the victim put their hands up and try to reason? That's true liberal thinking I pray to God you aren't caught in a situation like that. I know if you were and your assailant tried to get to you again you would be the first one crying that their wasn't proper security measures taken to protect you in your desperate hour

  9. Last time I was in PRMC their security people looked more like thugs or gang member themselves!

  10. Gang members? What hole did you pull that thought out of?

  11. Anonymous said...
    Last time I was in PRMC their security people looked more like thugs or gang member themselves!

    January 12, 2015 at 6:31 AM

    That's what I saw!!

  12. This has happened before it depends on the Situation and the information obtained at the scene. I have been sent to the er as a LEO as a preventative measure of possible continuation of violence and or retaliation that may occur.

  13. Ok anon 6:09 I'll dumb it down for you. Let's say your significant other stabbed you and no one knew who did it as in this case. Would you want the person who stabbed you an unrestricted access to your room so they could inflict more injury? Or would you rather that a few chain link fences be activated and a few ( already in the hospital) guards be around? It's only the er where the patient was that was locked down so again you and the first post are a few nuggets short of a happy meal

  14. Most look like thugs?? Wow, most look older to me, not thugs.

  15. 7:42 and dumb you are! Thank you for providing us with the evidence of your lack of intelligence and your lack of ANY nuggets.

    There is a huge difference between providing security to a victim and LOCKDOWN.

    Also.. chain link fences?? WTF? Is that code speak for "I am over dramatic and impressing myself with cliches "

    So they locked down the whole portion of the ER she was in? Those are your words... or maybe they simply provided security to her and her room... hmmm that sounds more logical now doesn't it.

    Drama drama over reaction... nuggetless idiot you are.

  16. It has always been standard procedure to lock down ER for gun shot or stab victim. They have been doing that for years. I used to work in ER ten years ago.

  17. Oh boy, this has been procedure for YEARS, most of all in the world were leaving in today I know it's necessary. Why does it offend you that they've placed guards at the entrance door ? That's what I'm wondering about

  18. Why does any one have to be called any names? Isn't this America aren't we all entitled to our own opinions. Let's all the girl who was stabbed if it was an over reaction. Or better yet who cares. I how the girl well and has a speedy recovery.

  19. 8:48-We can't be too judgemental of comments because they are merely voicing their opinions.

  20. PRMC SECURITY does not look like Thugs they are a very Professional helpful Department

  21. Lockdown - a security measure taken during an emergency to prevent people from leaving or entering a building:

    IMO, lockdown is the wrong term to use, as I highly doubt they prohibited people from coming into the ER if they needed treatment or prohibited people from leaving.

    Oh and the crappy comments about the security at PRMC are totally unfounded. Recently when I exited the ER at 5 AM they kindly walked with me to my vehicle, which I greatly appreciated.

  22. Just let Carl leave for 5 minutes...

  23. The security team their us phenomenal. They have to deal with a ton of crap from all types of idiots... Prmc has one of the most professional and nicest security teams around.... Compare them to the ones at AGH. I don't feel the level of safety at agh as I do at prmc

  24. 2:53 I am not sure what you are talking about. No one said that she or anyone else should not be provided protected.

    I believe the debate is the word "lockdown" which does not really apply and is misused, as previously stated, and apparently you either neglected to read or comprehend.

    So your rant makes no sense in the context of the post or the comments.

  25. If this guy is still on the loose how come there was no emergency alert sent to our cell phones last night and more so why were the schools not on lockdown today in the area? Whole thing sounds suspicious to me. I think the police know who it was. Why would someone just randomly stab someone without any apparent motive?

  26. The term lockdown at the ER mean no one can go back to the treatment area without a nurse escorting them back.People are still being treated just limiting visitors going to treatment area.


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