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Sunday, December 07, 2014

Wicomico PIO Position ELIMINATED

That's right Ladies & Gentlemen, Tamara Lee Brooks no longer works for Wicomico County. Her position was abolished last night around 7:00 PM. 


  1. Al Sharpton will be here tomorrow!

  2. If it happened last night, Pollitt is the one that did it. Bob didn't take over until Noon today.

  3. And this is a position that Pollitt created

  4. Our country is coming back to us a little bit at a time!

    Even if it is as a going-away gift from the non-reelected-incumbents...we'll take it as a positive move!

  5. Clean House please!!!! Get rid of dead weight and over-paid six figure managers---get rid of them and cut their pensions and make them work at least 30-35 years before any pension amount---better yet--change to 401K retirement that the private sector did decades ago, No Pensions period

  6. How ignorant to wish someone to be unemployed. She did nothing bad to any of you.

    So be it that the position was eliminated, how no class/low class to rejoice over it.

    Good luck Tamara. I wish you well.

    1. Agreed, & these will be the same People calling her lazy & unwanting to work. Ignorance at it's best & proof that the hatred is real & exist. Not a why was the position eliminated, or why she was dismissed.

  7. Mary Ashanti will be up in arms and have all the hate groups here in a matter of time.

  8. Hope Matt Creamer is on that list to "get rid of".

  9. How much did she make?

    1. She made $55k plus benefits

    2. So, county council secretaries r making over 30,000. More than probation officers, & folks who work across the street working w/ those mental & drug addicts

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    How ignorant to wish someone to be unemployed. She did nothing bad to any of you.

    So be it that the position was eliminated, how no class/low class to rejoice over it.

    Good luck Tamara. I wish you well.

    December 2, 2014 at 3:53 PM


  11. Best of luck to you Tamara.

  12. This is great news. Now we need to get rid of Melissa Holland and Matt Creamer. Give them 6 months.

    We also need to get rid of Wayne Stausburg, Gary Mackes, Lee Beauchamp and need to consider eliminating the position of Assistant County Administrator.

  13. 2:58 -- You are wrong.

    The PIO post was created long before Politt's regime -- by the Parker-Tilghman council of some years ago -- as a stipend for the one and only George Roache.

    When Pollitt assumed the throne it had become vacant and he promptly appointed Jim Fineran (his campaign guru) to the post. Jimbo ultimately went on the County's pension payroll, just like Slick Rick will.

  14. 4:14 typical response from a gutter dweller. Thank you for validating my point.

  15. One down, nine more to go!!!

  16. What about the County's three attorneys -- how many doe it take to change a light bulb or code section?

  17. You need to consider where you are at 3:53. This is a low class blog with posters utterly vacant of any common decency.

  18. because she's black

    1. Take that race baiting BS elsewhere. It has nothing to do with the color of her skin it has everything to do with Pollitt eliminating her position. He hired her, he fired her. End of story.

    2. I'm sure, she probably refused to earn her keep & play nice

  19. So many things need to be done. Bob needs to take his time and do it right. For instance, if he is going to get rid of a department head, he needs a plan for who will run that department. Bob has the advantage because he was and continues to be SO underestimated by the opposition. They still don't get it....but they will. ROFLMAO. Get ready folks, you FINALLY will have a BOSS who pays attention and is VERY hands on. Your days of doing whatever the h@ll you want are O V E R!

  20. http://sbynews.blogspot.com/2010/06/breaking-news_07.html

  21. Ricky did it so he could give her a generous severance!

  22. I read - her position has been abolished - which does not mean she is no longer employed by the county.

  23. "Anonymous said...
    How ignorant to wish someone to be unemployed. She did nothing bad to any of you.

    So be it that the position was eliminated, how no class/low class to rejoice over it.

    Good luck Tamara. I wish you well.

    December 2, 2014 at 3:53 PM"

    How about getting off your self righteous high horse, go back and read the comments slowly and then comment intelligently. No one said anything about wishing she or anyone else be unemployed, only that unnecessary positions need to be eliminated.
    In your compelling need to come off with your holier than thou attitude you are failing to comprehend what you read.

  24. 6:23 it is one and the same. YOU, with your limited intelligence, failed to make the connection.

    Maybe take your own advice and YOU actually read the comments... how about the one that says "because she is black"

    Where do you think they are working if their job is eliminated?

    How about this one..."One down, nine more to go" Yea! Lets celebrate 9 more people unemployed.

    Funny, you of all people talking about comprehension issues, seeing you do not have the ability to connect the dots, or form a logical conclusion. I am not at all surprised.

    I will stick with this comment, as it fully sums up you morons;
    "You need to consider where you are at 3:53. This is a low class blog with posters utterly vacant of any common decency. December 2, 2014 at 4:52 PM"

    Thank you 6:23 for again validating my point.

  25. I don't want to see any of the County employees lose their jobs, they are the working class and we've seen enough unemployment in Wicomico County. However there are a few of the old heads around that should go, Mackes is one. Let the two deputy director and superintendents run solid waste and roads.

  26. I don't see why there even is a Deputy Director at solid waste and roads. They never had them before and they don't have anything to do with operations.

  27. 5:59 - it was because these folks helped Ricky get elected / reelected! Gotta take care of your cronies....

  28. This is a beginning. We really need to cut the budget to the bone. Lets keep cutting the fat. Times are changing. I'm sure this lady can get a good reference and get a job somewhere where her services can be put to good use instead of window dressing.

  29. The government is bloated. There are many positions that are not needed. What city or county our size needs a public information officer or many of these other positions. Efficiency and a good understanding of customer service and public service will go a long way. I am glad that positions that aren't needed are being eliminated.

  30. 7:52 on 12/2 -

    She is not "working class" -- she was being paid $55 K and big benes for doing nothing but shilling for Pollitt. Her gravy train has run off the track.

  31. Holland is the "rat" for the County Executive. Her and other employees discuss confidential information all the time. Culver should check her use of county time too.


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