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Sunday, December 07, 2014

County Executive Culver Speaks Out On West Salisbury Elementary School "A"

Dear Editor:

After the discussion that took place during the public comment portion of the County Council meeting on December 2nd regarding the removal of the West Salisbury Elementary School (WSE) project from the Bond Issue, I feel it is important to correct misinformation that was brought forward.

The impression has been given, and is passionately believed by some, that the County Government has deferred action on the replacement or upgrade of WSE for many years. Having served on the County Council for the past four years, I was troubled by that assertion since I did not recall any such deferral on the part of the County Executive or the County Council. Nonetheless, having heard testimony from the public and members of the Board of Education (BOE) that this had gone on “for years”, I immediately
researched Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) requests from the BOE regarding West Salisbury Elementary School for the past six years.

What I learned about WSE when reviewing the Board of Education’s top 20 priority lists is as follows: 

2009 WSE not included
2010 WSE not included
2011 WSE not included
2012 WSE #12 priority - $95,000 for feasibility study
2013 WSE not included
2014 WSE #2 priority - $200,000 for initial architecture and engineering
2015 WSE #8 priority - $24,000 for HVAC study
2016 WSE #2 priority - $6.5M total replacement — first phase of a total $41.9 million project

Interestingly, while the County funded the Board’s $24,000 request in FY2015, the State of Maryland reiected the Board of Education’s request for their associated share. I then also reviewed the November 18, 2014 letter from Dr. David R. Lever, Executive Director of Maryland Public School Construction Program, wherein the State indicated that they were not prepared to propose funding the WSE request, citing outstanding issues and questions that needed to be resolved.

That history coupled with my discussion with Governor-Elect Hogan regarding the availability of State funding going forward, caused me to come to the conclusion that a fiscally responsible course of action was to pause on committing funding until such times as further facts and developments unfold.

It is important for the public to understand that the CIP is a critically important multi-year planning document. The County Executive and the County Council in their deliberations regarding appropriation of limited funding to cover many needs across the county rely upon departments to have a very clear and consistent forward planning vision. It is difficult for me to understand why a school that had not been considered a significant priority until 2014 has reached a point two years later, where renovations and improvements cannot be considered, and a complete tear down and replacement is deemed necessary.

I believe that much of the testimony heard at the County Council meeting on December 2nd misled the public regarding the County Government’s actions and deflected any responsibility for the deteriorating condition of the school, which now may necessitate a complete school replacement, from the BOE.

The administration of the Board of Education as well as appointed members of the Board, both past and present, have had 50 years to monitor WSE and provide needed maintenance and upgrades. At a
minimum, the taxpayers have a right to expect that their tax dollars are spent on proper maintenance of our schools. The BOE will argue that there isn’t enough money to go around. To their point, when it comes to spending, it is all about priorities. So it begs the question, why has it taken almost 50 years for the BOE to address the needs of WSE in a significant way?

I understand and appreciate the outrage of the WSE supporters. As I stated at the Council Meeting, I visited the school just days before being sworn in to office. Please don’t mistake a postponement of
funding as a lack of concern or understanding. I reiterate my promise to have a skilled team evaluate the current condition of WSE and to chart an appropriate course of action.

Thank you for your time and attention,

Bob Culver
Wicomico County Executive

Originally published at 2:59 PM

GO HERE to see the official release.


  1. Thank you Mr. Culver!

  2. Excellent and well thought out response from Mr. Culver. It is wonderful to see the improvement in communications from that of his predecessor.

    Well done, Bob.

  3. He didn't need a PIO for this - good job!

  4. I'd say Dr. Fredericksen just got spanked!

    Ladies & Gentlemen, let me explain a few things here that did NOT come out in this press release.

    Considering Mr. Culver is a "class act" I'll say some things he didn't.

    Do you know how many classrooms there are in West Salisbury Elementary, (WSE)?


    That's right, there are SIX classrooms and they want $27,000,000.00 for a new school. That's $4.5 MILLION per classroom!

    Now IF I'm reading this press release properly, the new total mentioned is $41.9 million, not $27 million. YOU DO THE MATH! Either way, THIS IS NUTS!

    I firmly agree with Mr. Culver AND Governor Elect Hogan in that we must take a look at ALL of the schools in the county and set priorities.

    This was a dog and pony show Tuesday night and SHAME ON THE EDUCATORS FOR NOT BEING EDUCATED THEMSELVES.

    Rick Pollitt set you up.

  5. What really saddens me is the BOE members who should know the absolute truth were more guilty than the emotional parents who were pouring love and concern from their hearts. This is more reason that we need an elected school board. The appointees are only more mouth pieces for the administration. An elected group would be looking out for all the citizens.

  6. Thank you Mr. Culver for a thoughtful, common sense explanation. This is a "Breath of Fresh Air" for all who pay taxes and are desperately looking for accountability.

    My name is Legion

  7. Then take a look at all the money spent on Bennett's middle & high school & realized all the other elementary schools could been done too. Ridiculous. The animal show is neglecting to rebuild the school, glen avenue too. I dnt care how many class rooms there are. I'd rather my tax dollars went to tht school where they have taken care of the school, then Bennett where I jus saw the kids beaten the brakes off of it. U have choices next door upgraded for the worst of worst behaved, airconditioned & in nice technology. & u have well behaved controlled children next door suffering w/ 1960 s technology

  8. Bob. Thanks for a common sense approach. Please reign in spending as it has not been done under a democratic leadership.

  9. Great Picture, Bob. Nice words too. Keep up the good work.

  10. All I can say is WOW. Now THAT is transparency. Sounds to me like the BOE has been playing on the emotions of the parents for quite some time and using them too. Glad that Culver had the spine to stand up to the whiny bullies - particularly Willey and the pathetic speech given by Carolyn Elmore. What kind of example did Margo Handy set speaking out in the audience when Culver was talking at the council meeting. RUDE! The BOE needs a lot of changes made including an attitude adjustment. THEY are the ones who have abused the funds given to them by being too top heavy with big salaries and credit card abuse. How much good would some of that money have done for West Salisbury? And that want to say it's all about the kids? Thanks Culver for calling them out.

  11. I watched this dog and pony show, same crap they do all the time. Mr Culver did a great job explaining this. Councilman Joe Halloway did a good job of backing him. Mr Halloway also stated other schools needed work also. This whole board needs to be replaced they are out of control.

  12. Clearly we need an elected school board. The current one is populated with too many teachers who are so bias they can't make a rational decision. Willey and Elmore should be embarrassed by their behavior at the council meeting. It was awful to watch on TV. Can't imagine how bad it was in person. Hope Culver will fight for elected school board. Don't forget Pollitt sat on the board. Kind of explains why they have gotten their way over the last 8 years.

  13. BOE and the press bullies got busted and County Exec Culver gave us straightforward fact-information without a PIO. As a voter, I am waiting for more good things to come for Wicomico.

  14. Been waiting for this courage for years from an leader. Thanks, Bobby. Yes. Have known you for a long time when everyone called you Bobby.

  15. YEAH! Nice to hear the truth and to have someone stand up for the taxpayers. And it didn't take a PIO to do it. Happy Days Are Here Again! Can't wait to see what's next.

  16. No more birthdays. Do we realize how much the birthdays cost the county? We pay the employee for that day and then we pay someone to take their place times how many employees? It all adds up to a lot of money.
    Thank you Mr. Bob Culver

  17. Why have they kept a school open for all these years that only has 6 classrooms?

  18. 5:27 I agree. Courage is a wonderful trait. Let's hope the other elected official will follow his lead. This is just what this County needed!

  19. Looks to me too many studies done at way too high prices,probably could have fixed the problem for those prices.

    1. How about listing some of these county salaries, but there s a need to cut &/or deny money to repair/rebuild schools. Sounds like party hate on here. A spit in the faces of the children and teaching staff there. That's a good respectable school the teachers & students deserve better. Revitalization to the stadium before the school?

    2. @7:06 What part of profit do you not understand? The Shorebirds PAY RENT to the county for the stadium. The Shorebirds purchase their supplies from locally owned businesses which stimulates the economy, which trickles down to other locally owned businesses and puts more DOLLARS in the County coffers. The Board of Education, on the other hand, is nothing more than a drain on the taxpayers of this county. Yes, I agree the school needs remodeling or rebuilding but WHERE is the money coming from? Are you and all of your like minded friends willing to take a tax increase to raise the funds for this school or do you just want it handed to you like everyone at the Board of Ed? Wake up! The answer was not NO. The answer was NOT NOW. Is that beyond your level of comprehension?

    3. Hmm... You are so bright then maybe u can comprehend the shorebirds paying for their own renovations. & taxes are going to be raised anyway when u & ur like minded friends have to pay teachers more to even work for the wicomico county educational system. Plant seeds & they will grow. If the powers that be had built a state of the art quality stadium in the first place instead of being cheap & building a chicken coop then there wouldn't b the need to facelift so soon. Now can u comprehend. I will not question ur lack of intelligence & I'm ask tht u respect your question of mines. I suppose you were crowned all knowing. I am entitled to my thoughts & opionions as are you. We had better start investing in the kids so that they will stay & invest in this town. U sound as senseless to me ad I sound to u. I ll call that a draw. Good night

  20. 5:48 let's take their vacation days, sick leave and make them pay us to work there. Please understand this, our county employees are paid far. Less then well other county's. Most employees work hard and try to do the best they can to serve the citizens of Wicomico County. Understandable that the previous democrat leadership made you frustrated with the government, but your average employee is your neighbor and or is a friend of yours. The birthday taken away is only the beginning of many loses for us. I don't want to see anyone lose their jobs and by cutting hard-working employees pay and benefits to satisfy your emotional anger towards the previous executive and administration will not save money by cutting benefits from many employees who make less than $30,000 a year and work a part time job to support their families. The problem which culver seems to be addressing is with fiscal irresponsible agencies like BOE and should be the department's that have higher earners (Mackes, Mackel, etc.) or those who have take home cars when everyone else drives to work in their own cars and purchasing their own gas at much lower wages. The department's who use their P-card for food and unnecessary purchases when everyone else pay for out of their low wages. We look forward to having some form of control put on spending and taxing, but taking from the low wage earners does nothing more that places financial hardship on employees who are living pay check to pay check. Start at the top, not the bottom if you want savings. We'll miss the birthday personal leave day off, but we'll survive, what we can't do without is the pension many of us will rely on when their is no SS or 401 K because we've been paying into our pensions and didn't have enough disposable income to start a private savings or additional investment account. Please keep in mind many of us who have faithfully been working for Wicomico county and it's citizens want the cost saving measures but not at the expense of the working class.

  21. 7:08 Culver is a working class guy. My sense of him is he wants to cut the abuse and waste. I can't imagine him doing anything to hurt the average worker. It is the people who are driving around in county cars on county gas. One guy drives back and forth from OC each day on our dime. That is just one example I am aware of and that should never have been allowed to start with. There are employees who have relied so much on a county car for personal use, they don't own their own car. That is the level of abuse and waste I hope Culver fixes.

  22. Checks & balances. Checks & balances

  23. 7:06...did you look at BOEs schedule of priorities over the years? We need reform so that we will have money for well thought through school plans. Other communities across the nation have become very innovative in order to provide very high quality education that considers efficiency, motivation, and preparing young people for the employment opportunities of tomorrow.

    1. I am not excusing them. Our board of education is trash, I agree, however the back & forth between the 2 still does not resolve the issue. I agree with u too

  24. The emotional education crowd, demonstrating very little intellect, will have a tough time
    confronting a well informed, knowledgeable and courageous individual armed with facts. That seems to be the Bob Culver that is emerging, what a blessing. Thanks be to God.

  25. Let's put the BOE blame where it belongs, on Brian Foret and Leisl Ashby. Foret is in charge of Facilities and building construction. Ashby WAS in charge of facility planning until she ran away to another county. Their salaries alone were close to 250,000 and for what? Seems to me like a waste of 2 positions. If they did their homework, maybe us WS parents would be getting a new school.

  26. Anonymous said...
    What really saddens me is the BOE members who should know the absolute truth were more guilty than the emotional parents who were pouring love and concern from their hearts. This is more reason that we need an elected school board. The appointees are only more mouth pieces for the administration. An elected group would be looking out for all the citizens.

    December 4, 2014 at 4:18 PM

    John Fredericksen told the school employees and the BOE staff they had to attend the County Council meeting. He sent our robo calls to get the parents riled up. He told the BOE members they need to attend the meeting and speak out. Shame on Ron Willey, Carolyn Elmore and Kim Hudson. You three are only puppets on a string and Kim Hudson you are a worthless Democrat. Shame on you. You are nothing but a fool.

  27. Anonymous said...
    How about listing some of these county salaries, but there s a need to cut &/or deny money to repair/rebuild schools. Sounds like party hate on here. A spit in the faces of the children and teaching staff there. That's a good respectable school the teachers & students deserve better. Revitalization to the stadium before the school?

    December 4, 2014 at 7:06 PM

    GTH you Democrat loser. Quit making someone feel guilty because of the children. This has nothing to do with party hate. It's about accountability and fiscal responsibility. You must be one of those overpaid liberal Board of Ed employees.

    You better believe investing money in the Delmarva Shorebirds Stadium is a much better idea than wasting money on an unneeded school. The stadium brings in revenue and much needed jobs to the county. The schools and over paid teachers and BOE employees cost the tax payers millions of dollars.

    Guess what!!! The precious little darlings are still getting their education and they are also getting fed 3 times a day.

  28. Anonymous said...
    Let's put the BOE blame where it belongs, on Brian Foret and Leisl Ashby. Foret is in charge of Facilities and building construction. Ashby WAS in charge of facility planning until she ran away to another county. Their salaries alone were close to 250,000 and for what? Seems to me like a waste of 2 positions. If they did their homework, maybe us WS parents would be getting a new school.

    December 4, 2014 at 8:33 PM

    You are speaking some truth there. ALL of the BOE Central Office staff gets paid over $100,000 per year. John Fredericksen get paid $200,000 per year. BOE employees never had to take furlough days while County, State and City employees had to for several years in a row. The BOE employees are over paid and very spoiled.

  29. I agree that the majority of the folks in the County Government & School System including the BOE work and earn every penny they are paid and I'm sure Mr. Culver knows this as well. Mr. Culver also having served on the County Council is well aware of the waste areas and the recent exposure of debit card expenditures the majority of which are out of control! Those are just the tip of a malfeasant iceberg that will be exposed I'm certain sooner rather than later! Sit back and be prepared to accept change and lot's of laughs as those that have abused the system are marched to the gallows of public shame!

  30. If the letter from the state dated November 18th had already been received by the Board of Ed. before this meeting, that is most disappointing. I think board members have more power to stop manipulation and deception than they realize. Maybe Bob Culver can insist on getting the truth out to the public. It will not be easy.

  31. Never assume employees act independently and are to blame for actions attributed to them. They do as they are told and take the heat. Sad when competent people have zero power but all the accountability.

  32. A couple of days ago someone commented that there was going to be a move from central office to rented property. Has this been presented to the county council and is it part of the facilities plan just completed?

  33. Anonymous said...
    No more birthdays. Do we realize how much the birthdays cost the county? We pay the employee for that day and then we pay someone to take their place times how many employees? It all adds up to a lot of money.
    Thank you Mr. Bob Culver

    December 4, 2014 at 5:48 PM

    None Dumb A$$! You obviously know nothing about government. It saves absolutely nothing because they are not replaced, they just take the day off just like Christmas.

    Strike 1! He lost some vote with that one.

    If he messes with their pensions he will be a one term County Executive. I believe the same goes for the members of the County Council. Those employees took those jobs knowing the pay wasn't that great, but the benefits would make the difference.

    There are over 600 county employees and they vote. They also have spouses, parents, grant parents, in-laws, aunts, uncles, nieces and nephew and children. Those votes can go astronomical pretty quickly. If you don't believe me watch what will happen if any of the council members take away their pensions.

  34. Anonymous said...
    I agree that the majority of the folks in the County Government & School System including the BOE work and earn every penny they are paid and I'm sure Mr. Culver knows this as well. Mr. Culver also having served on the County Council is well aware of the waste areas and the recent exposure of debit card expenditures the majority of which are out of control! Those are just the tip of a malfeasant iceberg that will be exposed I'm certain sooner rather than later! Sit back and be prepared to accept change and lot's of laughs as those that have abused the system are marched to the gallows of public shame!

    December 4, 2014 at 9:10 PM

    Bob Culver has already let us down. He is keeping the main culprit on board who allowed the wasteful spending of the P-cards. Wayne Strausburg is keeping his job and he was part of the problem with the spending cards and driving county owned cars while drunk. Eye witnesses saw him with their own eye numerous times. Now Bob is looking the other way and keeping Strausburg and he knows it.

  35. Anonymous said...
    If the letter from the state dated November 18th had already been received by the Board of Ed. before this meeting, that is most disappointing. I think board members have more power to stop manipulation and deception than they realize. Maybe Bob Culver can insist on getting the truth out to the public. It will not be easy.

    December 4, 2014 at 9:35 PM

    It is my understanding that this letter was withheld from the BOE members by John Fredericksen.

    If the parents and teachers want to be angry then they need to be angry at John Fredericksen.

    It's time for the BOE members to fire John Fredericksen.

  36. Anonymous said...
    A couple of days ago someone commented that there was going to be a move from central office to rented property. Has this been presented to the county council and is it part of the facilities plan just completed?

    December 5, 2014 at 7:36 AM

    No it has not been and no it isn't and you know it's not.

    Since the Board of Ed got it's way with Stevie Prettyman and Matt Holloway(the County Council Putz's) and got BMS rebuilt they are on a roll and think they can bully everyone now.

    Bennett Middle School shouldn't have been rebuilt. We didn't have the money then and we don't have the money now.

    This commenter is referring to those several portable buildings next to the BOE Central Office. They are rotting from the outside in and now the BOE wants to lease retail space for 5 years to ten years at a significant cost. Not only will the lease be expensive, but so will the renovations. We are talking about millions of dollars. It's cheaper to put new siding on those portable buildings. John Fredericksens office is just merely feet away from those buildings and he didn't notice them rotting? Bull Sh!t!! That's what happens when you don't maintain them. Those buildings were a sight to look at and should have been maintained all along. John Fredericksen should be held responsible for this negligence.

    Since the teachers and school board employees have never had to take furloughs to balance the budget like the County Employees had to. That's right the County employees had to take furlough days to support the Board of Educations budget. Since the BOE didn't have to take furlough days the County Executive and County Council should demand they take furlough days for the next 3 years in order to pay for the buildings they let go in disrepair.

  37. Joe, could this go to the top this weekend, please? Also, who created the lie that the County Ex. and County Council had denied funding for WSE for years? It doesn't sound like something parents would make up. They believe what they're told but they don't usually create easily-checked lies.

  38. If the letter was not shared with board members prior to the meeting, would such conduct come as a surprise to any of them?

  39. It's good that Mr. Culver had the documentation he needed to prove the misrepresentation of fact. Getting public information to which citizens are legally entitled is never easy if those in power choose to conceal it. Thank goodness for the Freedom of Information Act.

  40. The classified employees of WCBOE are the lowest in the state of Maryland. We would like to know where all the money is going!

  41. As a side note.......I drive by the neW Bennett Middle school several times a day.....most if not all the lights are on 24/7.....for what? Just another example of poor upper management and a waste of tax payers $$$$$$

  42. Yes I would say John Fredericksen was spanked on this one!!

    If all the members of the Board of Education that spoke out that night could be replaced I am in favor of it. Shame on those dressed up THUGS. Carolyn Elmore shame on you!! Ron Willey we expect as much. Kim Hudson you snuck your way in the Back Door just like the Obama's did in the White House. Shame on you all!!

  43. Anonymous said...
    7:08 Culver is a working class guy. My sense of him is he wants to cut the abuse and waste. I can't imagine him doing anything to hurt the average worker. It is the people who are driving around in county cars on county gas. One guy drives back and forth from OC each day on our dime. That is just one example I am aware of and that should never have been allowed to start with. There are employees who have relied so much on a county car for personal use, they don't own their own car. That is the level of abuse and waste I hope Culver fixes.

    December 4, 2014 at 7:34 PM

    Yes he may be, but he doesn't have a County pension!!

  44. Anonymous said...
    Joe, could this go to the top this weekend, please? Also, who created the lie that the County Ex. and County Council had denied funding for WSE for years? It doesn't sound like something parents would make up. They believe what they're told but they don't usually create easily-checked lies.

    December 5, 2014 at 1:21 PM

    Um... Does the name John Fredericksen ring a bell!!

  45. I notice the opinion piece in the Times today mentions the board president was not told about putting the WSE funding on hold. It does not say the superintendent was not told. Perhaps Mr. Culver thought the letter in which the state denied funding was shared with the board.

  46. Is the alleged move of some of the central office folks to rented space written in the just completed facilities plan? Curious if the critical need to move to empty store space wasn't even mentioned. Wonder what caused the timing. Maybe they'll cite safety issues though you wonder how a committee headed by central office employees didn't know about safety in their own facility. Timing and transparency are laughable.

  47. To December 4, 2014 at 8:33 PM
    Hello My name is Eric F.
    In response to the above mentioned post i have this to say:
    The way i understand this is you feel that the facilities department, specifically two people are to blame. The employees who work in facilities are responsible for gathering data, and using their considerable expertise and knowledge to give a report to help the board make an informed decision. While you can choose to call out peoples names and pick a scapegoat, they, are BOE employees and therefore do not approve the budget. So they could not be held responsible for something they have no control over, and your comment just smells of sour grapes. They also don't decide their salary which has no relavance here. Blaming somebody and claiming that they "ran away" is unnecessary and is easily done anonymously, it's just ugly and shows little character. You are allowed your opinion, something that is guaranteed in this country, but pointing fingers at people who have no control over this issue is foolish and shows weak character. Please by all means continue to comment your opinions where you choose, just don't point fingers at people, keep things fair and don't drop names unless your are willing to drop your own.



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