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Sunday, December 07, 2014

Local EMS/Firefighter Crosses The Line Again!

Yesterday, a neighbor on Phillips Ave quietly passed away in his home. We are all deeply saddened by the loss of our friend and this neighborhood will not be the same without him.

What is most troubling is that one of our taxpayer-paid emergency workers, took it upon himself to photograph the interior of this troubled mans home and supplied it to WMDT. We do not understand what the purpose of this action was, but find it to be a horribly disgusting action. And this person should be fired.

With much grace, reporter David Caldwell, saw past the sensationalism, and produced a story touching on a much loved neighbor, his struggles with alcohol and hoarding.

To the EMS worker, who took it upon himself to breach a dead mans privacy with the purpose of humiliating him - I hope you lose your job and live in the shame you tried to bestow upon another. You are ignorant and narrow minded.

Our neighbor, with all his faults, was a kind, gentle and generous soul. He has, without any expectation of reward, helped many of us with his many talents in home repair, auto repair, and lawn mower repair He has kept us all laughing with his wit and humor. This close knit neighborhood will not be the same, and he will be forever missed by the many of us, who were blessed to live in his neighborhood.


  1. Only those who are faultless have the right to pass judgment upon others.

  2. Wow-poor judgment to take photo, extremely poor judgment to give it to the media.
    They shouldn't be allowed to carry personal cell phones while on duty because God only knows what other pictures they are taking.

  3. 11:32 Ditto. How come religious folk don't adhere to that, even when they let the words spew out of their mouth?

  4. I was furious when I saw it on the news. Why would you do this to someone? We have most certainly lost our moral compass, when turning on our neighbors to embarrass them is considered acceptable.

    This person should be fired.

    If this is a sample of their poor judgement, you've gotta wonder what else they have done.

    I appreciate WMTD's spin on it, but it never should have aired.

  5. Name him. We want to know so we can demand he specifically be disciplined.

  6. Why would WMDT want the photo in the first place?

  7. 12:30 - they will never be disciplined. Old saying - blue covers blue - is a metaphor for - I can do what I want with no repercussion.

    They have been called out for it publicly, maybe they will think twice before they act in such an abhorrent way in the future.

    You would think there are laws protecting people from such a violation of privacy.

  8. No one said WMDT "wanted" the photo.

  9. Once again we have despicable action, if not illegal, by a local government employee and I will bet you, and I have said it before on here, 'nothing will happen' due to the 'good ole boy' network! Break this up by firing or time off unpaid!

  10. Can someone please make a link to this? I can't find it. It's against policy for this to happen.

  11. 1:42

    WMDT - "some shocking photos of the inside of his home, got our attention"

    I guess you should ask WMDT, who showed them the photos.

  12. The deceased man is a former Salisbury Fire Department volunteer for many years. Guess this is how the current fire chief treats former department volunteers. The E.M.S. person involved should be terminated for invasion of privacy. Did he have a warrant that gave him/her access to the residence? Did someone appoint him/her as God?

  13. So WMDT should have said no, we don't want your photos. Just because someone shows them a photo, doesn't mean they have to use it.

  14. 6:00 exactly, if they wanted to do a story on hoarding, they could have done it without dragging a deceased man's name into it.

    How is this story relevant to the community other than embarrassing a person who can no longer defend them-self?

    How he chose to live was his business. He was hurting no one other than himself.

    Sad state of affairs when this is what we grovel to and consider it newsworthy. Small town - small minds.

  15. FYI, first of all Fire and EMS were there because they were called there via the 911 system. A warrant is not needed, that shows complete ignorance of the individual who made that comment! Second of all, how does anyone know it was EMS or Fire?? They were not the only ones on the scene. Police, NSCC, Medical Examiner and funeral home were all called to the scene at some point. This post is nothing but another example of someone's insecurities, ignorance, stupidity, immaturity and inability to show compassion for the victim by merely stirring shit at the SFD, all at the expense of this gentlemen. The person who is making these accusations seems so sure it was a member of the SFD, must have proof?? So shut up or put up..... Put the solid proof out there. If you truly respected and admired this man, that's what you should do. Instead you go to a blog?? Seems fishy to me. Here is a suggestion for ya, GET A LIFE

  16. "Small town - small minds."

    Newsflash - you encounter much worse in urban areas. Don't be so snarky.

  17. Small town - small minds describes the mentality of the person who took the time to create this situation by gossiping to the media.

    And 7:15 is not telling the truth, because there were no funeral home personnel there, fact. Lying about that makes the rest of your statement suspicious.

    You sound a bit guilty.
    Get a life?
    You should be saying that to the immature person who took the photo, anyone who does something so offensive and hurtful obviously doesn't have much of a life.

  18. A Sincere and Caring FriendDecember 5, 2014 at 9:01 PM

    I would like to say, as a personal friend that was very close to him, he was a very caring and giving person. He was always willing to lend a helping hand. He would help people, unconditionally, at any time, day or night. It doesn't matter how he chose to live, I believe we are still in America where we have the right to live as we choose. He was a member of a local fire department at one time, where he volunteered his services. It would be nice if people would consider out of respect for him and his family if people kept their negative comments to themselves. Unless you were involved with this man personally, you have no right to JUDGE!!!!!

  19. Isn't the Medical Examiner in Baltimore?

  20. Whatever 8:52, since you obviously know all. Who removed the deceased gentlemen from his residence? And again, since I'm so guilty, come out with the proof of your claims....... Man up!

  21. 7:15 - an amazingly ignorant comment.

    The author showed a lot of compassion towards their neighbor. I would be offended too if this happened to someone I cared about.

    Insecurity? Really? Is that the best mud slinging you can do?

  22. 9:01, yes the State Medical Office is in Baltimore. They have several qualified people throughout the state that respond to certain events that involve the deaths of people within the state. Often these ME's, as they are called, are personel involved in Fire or EMS. They come out to the scene of the incident and determine if the deceased needs to go to Baltimore for autopsy. In this area, funeral homes are the most likely agency that transports the deceased either to Baltimore or to a funeral home designated by family or the deceased via Wills or special request. 9:14, bottom line is, don't make assumptions about things you don't have any proof of!! Claiming that the EMS personnel took the picture with no proof is wrong! If by chance you do have proof, a blog is not the place to bring it up. Take it to the proper authority so it can be dealt with, period! I can understand the offense that would be felt, but that does not mean fingers should be pointed without facts

  23. This whole story seems fishy to me. There were so many people in the house its hard to tell who or if a picture was taken. I have known the man most of my life and know his entire life story. Its a sad story of a man with such outstanding mechanical ability, but he would admit his downfall was his own fault. He would never have stood for anyone attacking a fellow member of the fire department. Its hard for me to understand how anyone knows who took a photo since no citizens were allowed inside the home. I'm going to just chalk this up to another cheap shot at the SFD.

  24. 9:58 you are making a lot of assumptions. It is quite obvious that the emergency personnel - ie, PD, Fire, EMS, Neighborhood Services, were there and one of them leaked the photo to the Media.

    YOU narrowed it down to Fire and EMS - YOU

    The author stated: one of our taxpayer-paid emergency workers.

    Some one there, taxpayer paid, handling an emergency (911), did it.

    Your rude hostile behavior is appalling. If you understand why they are offended why then are you acting like such an ignorant jerk?

    One of your agencies did it and you know it.

    PD - Gov paid - Emergency Svs
    FIRE - Gov paid - Emergency Svs
    EMS - Gov paid - Emergency Svs
    ME - Gov paid - Emergency Svs
    NSCC - Gov paid - Emergency Svs

    Leave it to another obviously - gov paid employee to be the only one here to act like such an asshole.

  25. "If by chance you do have proof, a blog is not the place to bring it up. Take it to the proper authority so it can be dealt with, period!"

    Is that a joke? Don't like being publicly outed?

    When WMDT ran the story, I didn't see anyone from the city questioning where they got the photo from, when we all know the only ones there were emergency personnel - you stated that yourself, you conveniently listed them. Why aren't the department heads asking who did this? It takes a citizen to bring it to light?

    But you have nothing to say on how this employees disgraceful behavior has hurt the man's family? That's the real real issue.

    You need to MAN UP and face the obvious facts.

  26. Mary, according to you:
    "no citizens were allowed inside the home"

    That means the photo came from a city paid employee, by your own words.

    The author never explicitly said SFD.

  27. I am the Author and would like to clarify -

    My original statement was:
    What is most troubling is that one of our taxpayer-paid emergency workers...

    I then made the comment:
    To the EMS worker...

    My intent on using the term EMS was to specify Emergency Management Services (encompassing all the emergency personnel that responded). Unknowingly - not meaning to specify solely Emergency Medical Services (ambulance/medical services).

    Unfortunately this error is creating an argument and twisting this conversation into something that was not intended and deflecting from the issue at hand, that someone one there acted inappropriately - in my opinion.

    I apologize and I hope that this admission of error clears up this argument and puts it to rest.

  28. This shows me the deep, deep depravity that our society has sunken to.

  29. this man was a vet, fire fighter, and all around good person. how he chose to live is no ones business everyone should have some respect for the family and the deceased. i dont see anyone worrying about how the homeless are living so y should this be of anyones business. he fought for our freedom and he should have the freedom to live how he chose. how he lived didnt affect anyone but himself

  30. what i dont understand is this man did nothing wrong but pass away why is how he chose to live such a big issue and if anyone truely knew him would know he really didnt care what anyone thought of him and would tell you exactly where you could go and no one knows what personal issues he may have been going through

  31. Please save that Bologna for your sandwich. The title of the article says "EMS/Firefighter". That would be easily assumed to be emergency medical services/firefighter. And you would be the ONLY person on the earth to use EMS for emergency management. Especially considering that agency doesn't get involved in dealings like medical calls, accidents, fires, etc unless there was an environmental impact. So please carry that lame attempt to cover up your faceless allegation somewhere else. And to whom ever said the funeral home was not there I call you a liar. As I personally know one of the gentleman who removed the decedent from the residence. And gues what... He works for the funeral home, it's called "removal service". And knowing one of the neighbors that was there for this ordeal it is quite easy for someone other than a person of the FD to have taken these photos. He stated there were 5-6 cops there, three NSCC vehicles, one ambulance, and one fire truck, and quite a few neighbors out milling around. He also said once all government officials left there were people seen walking up looking through the windows and people up on the porch. The property wasn't boarded up and the cops were reported to have had to force their way in, which could have left the door unable to be locked, so anyone could of walked in. And has anyone asked WMDT where the photos came from? They could of been released by NSCC, PD, or the ME following the proper procedures for release of evidence. As hoarding like this is against city code and would become an active case. There's so many variables to this story I could sit here all night and make speculation just like the rest of you. But I wont, because at the end of the day the man is still gone and others out there are living like this. And not knowing yet if his living conditions contributed to his death, education on this disease needs to be conducted. It could save someone else's life.

    1. A blog is a forum for a person to express their personal views. You defensive hostility only serves to make the departments you are defending look bad, as you appear to be personally connected and and taking the heartfelt concerns of this man's friend as a personal affront. What happened is a serious infringment on the deceased man's right to privacy. It should not have been reported on and the news should not have shown the photo, but that is the nature of the media. This blog is a beautiful expression of someone's sadness and disappointment in the people who should be showing respect for the decedent. Who cares who she said did it?! Her hope, as well as mine, is simply to see that someone takes notice and investigates the improper behavior. This is how private citizens get things done. After reading the blog, I did not blame the SFD, I simply thought someone responding crossed the line. It is you who took it personally and only saw blame being placed on the organization you are defending. Titles are supposed to grab the reader's attention. It is what is in the body of the article that the reader is meant to take to heart. It is a beautiful, touching expression of someone caring for their neighbor and friend. You should be emailing or calling the agencies who youknow responded to this call and harrassing them to get to the bottom of who took this appalling action, not verbally attacking a citizen expressing her opinion. Just know that your verbal attack here causes more questions concerning the behavior of our emergency responders.

  32. He was such a private person, and it is a shame that some one did this to him.

    Is this conduct an example of what we all can expect when we die? Will we be judged and juried by some city worker with a camera, and made a spectacle of, because we do not live by someone elses standards?

    I don't understand how someone can legally do this to someone?

    How could someone morally do this and still sleep at night?

  33. 7:15 I am stuck by the tone of your comment and wonder - do you even care that one of your co-workers (maybe you) possibly did this to another human being?

    Your rant only consists of making sure no one blames the SFD and you demand proof. Well where is yours? As much as you shout and stamp your feet, call people names and point your finger, you have no absolute proof that a fireman or medical personnel didn't do this.

    And since there was a previous connection with the FD, ya gotta wonder.

    And what was even more striking, not once did you send your condolences to him family, ya know, being an x-volunteer and all.

    How did this turn into, all about you?

  34. December 5, 2014 at 9:58 PM
    "but that does not mean fingers should be pointed without facts"

    Facts are simple, the scene is blocked to the public. That leaves...um, people like you. Know something?

  35. It wasn't an EMS worker it was someone on the fire truck from the Salisbury Fire Department.

    Remember the fire trucks chase ambulances when their are ambulance calls.

    As a community member with health problems I am going to think twice about calling an ambulance. With this way of thinking I am sure others feel the same way and may die because of it.

    Shame on Rick Hoppes and John Tull for this atrocity. They have been the forefront of so much controversy involving the Salisbury Fire Department and all Jim Ireton does is reward them.

    Jim Ireton fire that fat lazy slob Rick Hoppes and John Tull before we fire you!! Election 2015 is right around the corner!

  36. anonymous 9:13, I just want to make myself perfectly clear on this matter.

    IF someone from the Fire Department had sent the image to Salisbury News I would have dumped it in a New York second.

    WHY WMDT ever thought this was news, (no matter how they twisted it) proves how desperate and disgraceful they are as a news organization. It further proves just how low they will go to sell commercials.

    Let me say this as well.

    I started this Blog almost TEN years ago. FUNNY how when I started it and brought so much information to light, thousands of dead animals at the Zoo, multiple violations at the Waste Water Treatment Plant and so forth, I was labeled THE BAD GUY. NONE of what I had exposed was a LIE. In fact, the WWTP story Kenny Beck exposed won a major award. GUESS WHAT, he got the whole story from ME.

    The main stream media tried to make me out to be THE BAD GUY, yet now I have to ask all of you, WHO is acting like the BAD GUY NOW?

    This morning I turned on the local news to see what was going on in the early AM. Guess what I saw. WBOC doing a recap of all the TOP STORIES of the week. WHO'S COPYING WHO NOW? Local news stations are offering pet finder information, go figure! Even more important, for almost 10 years we have been providing Crime Solvers, criminal pres releases and the Most Wanted. Look who is on board with all of that now! I personally felt it extremely important the public become aware of all the crime here on the Shore. I can't tell you just how many people asked me, where did all that crime come from all of a sudden. I always responded, it's always been there. It's just that your local media never exposed it.

    This Blog has transformed the Eastern Shore News and I am very proud of that. However, I am NOT proud of what WMDT did to this mans reputation. They should have kept Kenny Beck and Stacy Sakai.

  37. The mayor and council should be outraged and conduct an investigation to determine the photographer. That person should be fired.

  38. One commenter chastised me for sending this to THE BLOG and what an insult it was to do so.

    My response;
    Who else do you suggest I go to, to bring this to light? I knew there was a greater possibility getting this published thru Joe.

    Do you think WMDT would admit wrong? WBOC I bet would not even touch it and the Daily Slime is a waste.

    The Mayors Office or Hoppes? I am sure their response would just add insult to injury.

    Do you think I am stupid to the fact that even if they revealed who did this, that anything will be done about it?

    But as an outraged citizen, I have the right to speak up. And I thank Joe for giving us the venue to say - WTF.... this isn't right.

    We will always remember our neighbor for the man that he was, and not the legacy that WMDT and the first responders tried to taint his character with.

  39. 1:02 AM actually they are called EMT's so to be confused with specific industry jargon, when not in the industry is common.

    And besides - jackass - I didn't write the title. I made my submission as a note to the editor without a subject line or title.

    And news flash - "your knew a guy who was there who gave you second hand information". I was there, I live there, and the photos were from the INTERIOR of the home, and the property was secured after the fact by the home owner, and no one was in there other than emergency personnel. WMDT showed up around 4PM about an hour after the scene was empty, but neighborhood services left a couple of hours before that, as did some of the cops and EMT's. And no neighbors were "milling" around the home or the scene, we were actually across the street several houses down.

    So I hope you choke on YOUR bologna sandwich. Take your venom and hate elsewhere. Quite frankly I could care less what a troll like you thinks.

    PS - This will be my last response to you - so go for it troll, jam up the blog with your hate, lies, guesses and misinformation.

    The more misinformation you spew the more guilty you look

  40. 1:02 the term commonly used is EMT, which would explain the author's confusion.

    Honestly I do not even know what EMS stands for either.

    And on a side note the tone in all your comments is offensive.

    By the timeline it's obvious someone at the secured scene did this.

  41. "As I personally know one of the gentleman who removed the decedent from the residence......He also said once all government officials left there were people seen walking up looking through the windows and people up on the porch."

    I am a little confused as to why your informant returned to the scene after he removed the deceased? He was taken away early on in the process? What business did he have to be there after the fact?

    1. Your confused because you took two different parts of my comment. I used to live on church st and knew one of the neighbors. He is who saw people whom were on the porch and looking through windows. I am friends with one of the guys who physically removed him from the residence and he is employed by the funeral home. Go back and read my comment, you will see that it was distinctly two different people.

      And to whomever made the comment that the "homeowner" came back and secured the property I now know you have no ties to that community, nor did you have any interaction with Bobby. I knew Bobby from the six years I lived just on the next block. I didn't know him well but obviously better than you. The homeowner could not have locked up the house because he died, BOBBY WAS THE OWNER GENIUS.

      I have no ties with the fire department. But it is bugging the hell out of me that you all sit here and point fingers when you have NO PROOF!!! It could of been any of the agencies on scene, a nosy neighbor, hell it could of been the media. The door was not locked because NSCC was out there the next day and was witnessed just walking right in. So I guess they got a copy of the key from the homeowner...

  42. Anonymous said...
    Name him. We want to know so we can demand he specifically be disciplined.

    December 5, 2014 at 12:30 PM

    Richard A. Hoppes

  43. Anonymous said...
    FYI, first of all Fire and EMS were there because they were called there via the 911 system. A warrant is not needed, that shows complete ignorance of the individual who made that comment! Second of all, how does anyone know it was EMS or Fire?? They were not the only ones on the scene. Police, NSCC, Medical Examiner and funeral home were all called to the scene at some point. This post is nothing but another example of someone's insecurities, ignorance, stupidity, immaturity and inability to show compassion for the victim by merely stirring shit at the SFD, all at the expense of this gentlemen. The person who is making these accusations seems so sure it was a member of the SFD, must have proof?? So shut up or put up..... Put the solid proof out there. If you truly respected and admired this man, that's what you should do. Instead you go to a blog?? Seems fishy to me. Here is a suggestion for ya, GET A LIFE

    December 5, 2014 at 7:15 PM

    SFD paid fireman on duty doing damage control!!

    Mouthy isn't he! This is what goes through your homes and you put trust in them when you have an emergency. Not me, would rather die than put up with this crap from them.

  44. The EMT's or Paramedics weren't even on the scene for 5 minutes. It was a fireman on a fire truck that took that picture. Get your story straight.

  45. Bobby has pretty much lived on his porch for many years now and it's a known fact that Rick Hoppes knew it and did absolutely nothing to help that man. The previous commentors are correct he was a dedicated volunteer and this is more proof that Rick Hoppes hates volunteers and does nothing for them other than run them off. Rick Hoppes could have done fund raisers to help Bobby but that was the least of his worries. Ironically they have done fund raisers while on duty for the Salvation Army, MDA and Breast Cancer Awareness. What about helping your own? Not a chance from Rick Hoppes and the paid firemen.

  46. A friend in Mardela Springs, MDDecember 7, 2014 at 7:51 PM

    I have know the deceased man my whole life. Let me just say, he was someone you could call a friend. He was a funny, gentle, carefree and thoughtful man. He would help anyone he could. It didn't matter to him if you were rich or poor, he would lend a helping hand whenever he could. This man had a family and many friends. It is very hurtful to read the WMDT's news story and know that they were defacing this man and his way of living. I know that WMDT has since taken the story down and apologized, but the damage has already been done. His name and where he lived and photos of inside his home are out. Now the family has to go through even more distress because of the news story and the photos that were taken. I believe that this man and his family's privacy has been invaded. It doesn't matter WHO took the picture(s). It was WRONG! I am sure there are a lot of people out here that may have skeletons in there own closets. I hope that they are never exposed to the public like his was. It is sad that this is what our community gives back to someone who gave so much. He served in the military and fought for his and our countries freedom. He was a VOLUNTEER(he didn't get paid for his services) member of a local fire department. He would respond to calls, he didn't judge people when they were having an illness or a minor or even major tragedy. He did it because he cared about people. I would greatly appreciate it if everyone would remember him for who he was, not as he has been portrayed. Just an everyday man who was living his life the way he CHOSE to live. If I remember correctly, it is our personal choice how each and every one of us choose to live our life. As for whomever did take the picture, I hope and pray that you will stop and think twice before doing something so hurtful to someone or their family again, because one day it could be you or a member of your family having it done to them and then how would you feel? I am not asking for negative comments to be posted after mine, as Joe stated this is a blog and I am voicing my own opinion. Thank you Joe for allowing my opinion to be placed on and read on your blog. Please have a heart and be mindful of his family and friends during this grieving period for them. I hope all the readers of your blog have a safe and joyful holiday. Merry Christmas to you Joe and all your LOYAL readers!!

  47. 9:36 as much as you like to claim you know what you are talking about you do not, and you just can not quit throwing the insults at people can ya.

    There are others, in conjunction with him that have access and rights to the property and they locked up the home. Your statement alone on this issue just goes to show that you do not know him as well as you claim you do.

    But gee thank you for your claim that the house is open for anyone to walk in, I am sure the family will appreciate you giving that information out for all to see publicly. I guess we can now hold you responsible if anything happens.

    You are simply a self impressed idiot that can not possibly shut up can you. A friend of a friend of my sisters boyfriend huh. Yea that's reliable information.

    And from your continued ignorant responses I can see all you want to do is hear yourself talking because all of the misinformation that you keep spewing has already been negated with real and accurate information.

    What is sad is that you keep trying to hijack this thread and make it all about you, and well it isn't. It is about our neighbor and friend who's privacy was violated by a city worker. Is that simple enough for you?

    And gee first you were throwing a tirade about the EMS phrase and now you are focusing in on the FD, which is it? Because again, you are the only one pinpointing an agency.

    Gee I am SOOO SOOO sorry that it bothers you that a city agency was called out for their bad behavior, but geesh I can not imagine how his friends and family must feel that this kind person's name has just be decimated, and his privacy violated.
    Oh wait - yes I can...

    Really dude the more you respond the stupider you become. Sure, you win, you knew him better than those of us that have known him for over 40 years.

  48. 9:36 "I have no ties with the fire department."


    You have done nothing but insult people and lie. Why don't you just STHU.

  49. 7:51, very nice and touching.
    This is all any of us want.

  50. 9:36 you are pathetic.

  51. 9:36 you used to live on church st, you don't live there anymore, you only lived there for six year, but who knows how long ago that was, but claim to know him better than his friends and neighbors?

    Sure, whatever.

  52. "It is about our neighbor and friend who's privacy was violated by a city worker. Is that simple enough for you?"

    Everyone keeps throwing these types of phrases around. But not a single person has offered a shred of proof it was a city worker. Rather than try to slander entire agencies for a speculated offense, why don't we focus on the real issue. This man suffered from a disease that others suffer from. There is little known of the how and why people choose to live like this. And let's face it, it's a dangerous lifestyle. From a fire hazard to a health hazard. There aren't many cases like this that have been discovered in this area, but the problem is much bigger than we realize. Yes, the way this information was released was done in poor taste. If WMDT had acquired these photos from family or with permission of the family, then it would have been a great educational piece. But according to all of the jurors here a city worker is guilty, yet no one has confirmed this to be the case. And quite frankly in the eyes of the law the deceased has no rights to privacy after death, not even health info is protected once we die. Poor taste, unethical, immoral, yes it would be all of those, illegal no.

  53. Do a judiciary case search on this man. He's been getting municipal infractions from the city for years. And was cited in 2012 for not registering the building as vacant. How the hell did he continue to live there undetected for two more years? Where was NSCC? Seems like someone wasn't doing their job. I wander what else Russel Taylor wasn't doing, and if it was situations like this that cost him his job.

  54. 12:00 AM I see you did not read all the comments either, yes we have offered many shreds of proof.

    And now you have the audacity to point the finger at the family? Yea that would be why WMDT changed the context of the story from a hoarder to a loved neighbor. Again part of our shreds of proof.

    Timeline and the fact that the scene was secured and no public access.

    Nice try, keep talking, we all know you are the guilty one.

  55. 12:00 looks like you are playing jury yourself with even less information than those that lived there and witnessed the whole thing. And in your typical style revolting to imply a family member.

    Keep grasping at straws trying to deflect the attention off yourself, the guilty party.

    You are like an arsonists deriving satisfaction watching his building burn. One sick little puppy eh?

    An apology would be more appropriate.

    We've got you figured out, it was only a matter of time.

  56. 12:00 AM

    THE REAL ISSUE IS AND WAS the fact that a city worker acted inappropriately, violated a mans privacy, destroying his reputation and character.

    Again quit trying to hijack the thread and making it about you and what you want it to be, because WE are just going to continue to call you out.


  57. I do not see where the author even implied that it was illegal. So what it your point?

    I wish people would read the comments before they type, such a waste of time rehashing what has already been answered and making stuff up to heard themselves speak.

  58. 7:31, I'll add, did WMDT make a formal apology for what they did?

  59. 7:35, It's called an invasion of privacy. It may even fall under HIPPA Law.

    1. Does not fall under HIPPA. HIPPA does not protect posthumously. Still screwed up for whoever did it...

  60. Joe - I know someone implied the video was gone, but its not I was able to find it last night.

    And I could not find an apology on their website either.


  61. Poor taste, unethical, & immoral would be 12 AM's comment.

  62. "But not a single person has offered a shred of proof it was a city worker."

    Really? Are you kidding? Have you read anything others have posted? It is MORE than obvious it was one of the responders.

  63. Has anyone thought to go to the fire house and file a formal complaint? Unless this is done, they will not investigate it.

  64. Anonymous said...
    Do a judiciary case search on this man. He's been getting municipal infractions from the city for years. And was cited in 2012 for not registering the building as vacant. How the hell did he continue to live there undetected for two more years? Where was NSCC? Seems like someone wasn't doing their job. I wander what else Russel Taylor wasn't doing, and if it was situations like this that cost him his job.

    December 8, 2014 at 12:18 AM

    When you "wander" you walk, stroll, meander. I think you meant "Wonder."

    However you are correct and making a judgement on Neighborhood Services and Code Compliance. They used to do their jobs and help clean up this City, but since Jim Ireton was elected he has been bought and paid for by the Slum Lords. The same goes for Jake Day so with that said the pressure has been put on them to back off cleaning up neighborhoods since approximately 85% of the houses in Salisbury belong to Slum Lords and land lords. The biggest part of their job is doing ride by's and fining elderly people for having grass growing in the cracks of their sidewalks or tall grass in their yards. They are to lazy to go look in the back yards of these junk properties and fine them because it may belong to a Slum Lord.

    That last "Neighborhood Sweep" was just a feel good venture to make it look like the City is proactive. Guess what, they aren't.

    I say do away with NSCC and some of the other departments or employees and save the City some money. These free grant money positions for the fire department is nothing but a waste. Shame on Jim Ireton and Jake Day!!

  65. Anonymous said...
    "But not a single person has offered a shred of proof it was a city worker."

    Really? Are you kidding? Have you read anything others have posted? It is MORE than obvious it was one of the responders.

    December 8, 2014 at 9:02 AM

    I know for a fact it was a paid fireman because I work their and I don't approve of what was done. Trust us me when I tell you something. I don't like a lot of what is going on in the fire department, but I am just a minority when it comes to how I feel about their actions.

    1. I throw BS on this. Because you said you know it was a "paid fireman" because you work "their". Not one of US refers to our title as "paid fireman". We use the term "career firefighter". "Paid fireman" is a term the volunteers use. And since you know it was a "paid fireman" you must know who. So why don't you drop their name? Or at least tell me the guys names that were there. I'll wait, but I know you can't name a single one because you have no clue. And since you know so much that is wrong with the department why don't you tell us. I'll watch the clock and wait, tick tick tick...

  66. Anonymous said...
    Has anyone thought to go to the fire house and file a formal complaint? Unless this is done, they will not investigate it.

    December 8, 2014 at 1:24 PM

    Filing a complaint at the fire department is the last thing you should do because it will get thrown in the trash. If you want to complain then go with friends, neighbors and family members to the next City Council meeting and complain on TV. It will be taped on PAC 14 and many will see it.

  67. 10:06 we all know you will do nothing even if their name was revealed.

    But it was worth a week of them pissing themselves wondering if they were going to be outed.

    Karma is a biotch, remember that.

  68. I can honestly say that I would feel very comfortable saying that the Fire/EMS crew would never do something so despicable as to take or post any pictures. We have been and seen some really odd situations but I have never seen any of my people, ever, take pictures of anyone or any situation. It takes a certain person to do what we do on a daily basis and to automatically assume that it was the fire or ems crew that took and sent pictures to a news outlet is extremely disrespectful. Please find out 100% before dragging the Salisbury Fire Dept and its members through the mud. Thank you

  69. Thanks to those who posted kind and considerate comments. To those who used this medium to be negative, particularly those who find it necessary to search for justifiable reasons (searching government websites) to spread negative comments about a man with an illness and condone WMDT's actions and whomever alerted them to a great story, just a few true facts: The home/property was not vacant; the only living relative is a very young man who had just learned of his father's death a few hours before the WMDT story was run invading his privacy and having to postpone his grief to deal with the first of hundreds of decisions still to be made, to contact the station and ask that the entire story be removed, if not for consideration for him but for security reasons. They did as asked but no, no further contact was made. It is impossible now for him to proceed in a normal grieving way. There will be no "end of the story." Leave him in privacy. His mother.

  70. Sad,
    I did not do the judiciary case search to defame this man at all. I was curious with the condition of the property if the city had any indicators prior to the condition. And as I suspected they had. There were multiple municipal infractions for disrepair. There were even two charges for failing to register a vacant property. I was not trying to exploit any malice towards the deceased. Rather bring to light that NSCC more than likely had some inclination of this mans condition. And had they seen the subpar conditions and failed to act, then someone needs to be held accountable. Especially if autopsy shows that his death was contributed to by the conditions of his living. I'm sorry for your loss and apologize if my previous comment caused you duress.


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