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Thursday, December 11, 2014

Trey Gowdy GRILLS Jonathan Gruber. Did You Apologize Because You Said It Or Meant It?


  1. Trey Gowdy is one tough cookie. I love that he takes no crap from anyone. He was an awesome prosecutor and would make an excellent president.

  2. Just another dog and pony show like all the rest of the hearings. Never ever any accountability for the crooks destroying our Country....

  3. 2:38 Not so fast. Trey Gowdy is not going to let justice go denied. He may have to fight the system but he will be the one to fight it.

  4. So, these "academic Conferences"... We need to know which universities are so "Like minded" as to promote undermining our precious Constitution with this Communistic drivel that they teach to their students who just so happen to be out future "leaders"!

    Those are the Universities that need to lose taxpayer support in all ways possible, including any State funding or access to Federal loan $ or Grants from either.

    That will fix the issue.


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