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Thursday, December 11, 2014

Walmart cashier uses own money for elderly man who couldn’t afford groceries

A Walmart cashier reportedly dug into her own pocket for money to pick up the grocery tab for an elderly man who couldn't afford his food.

Jenny Karpen, a new employee at an upstate New York store giant, was checking out customers when an "older gentleman" entered her lane, reports News 10 ABC.

“He was getting his groceries. Some of it was food, and some of it was for his pet," Karpen told the station.



  1. So the poor old soul doesn't get food stamps, free housing, free phone? He was probably a worker at one time, and that's always harder.

  2. Paying it forward, good for her and I know that gentleman appreciated it.

  3. There is a customer at giant who does this. I was behind her a few weeks ago. She buys a gift card every time she comes in. She instructed the cashier to give it to one of the managers, that they would know what do with it.

    It is nice, when charity is kept local and anonymous. Im sure she does not make a big deal about it, she just does it.

  4. This is what it's all about, folks!
    Get it?


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