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Sunday, December 14, 2014

Ireton Wants Wicomico County To Pay For $14,000,000.00 Fire Palace and More

Salisbury Mayor Jim Ireton is flip flopping around to find any possible way to get out of the massive debt he and former Mayor Barrie Tilghman put the taxpayers in within the Salisbury Fire Department.

While Ireton pounds his chest exposing an $8,000,000.00 SURPLUS in the water and sewer fund, WHY on God's Green Earth is he asking for a Rain Tax and money from the County?

Better yet, isn't government designed NOT to make a profit, yet Ireton keeps exposing they continue to do just that. How many years did Debbie & Terry expose SURPLUS money the Mayors tried to hide, especially in the Fire Department!

Liberal leaders keep coming up with, LOOK WHAT I FOUND! Money that wasn't supposed to be there all of a sudden shows up and then they can spend it like there's no tomorrow. Look at the Baltimore Ravens and the Washington Redskins. Each team got $250,000,000.00 a piece to build their new stadiums, or roads/infrastructure to get you there.
Now Ireton wants to continue to allow Fire Trucks to go to every Ambulance call and throw these kind of expenses onto the County. No Jimmy, STOP the crazy food runs and Ambulance chasing calls and stop asking the County to pay for your huge mistakes, including a $1,000,000.00 Fire Boat and brand new Fire Stations.

County Executive Culver should go tell Ireton to go pound sand. The proud and efficient Volunteers in the County can do just fine without the City's help. 


  1. That boat has been nothing but a joy ride for staff and friends. From my understanding its been out of service more than its been in operation. That money should have gone to a department that actually responds to emergencies and public service issues on the water

  2. How many "calls" has the boat actually been on? Not training or just showing it off....rescue and fire calls? This is all we need to exam...."proof in the facts"

  3. Gary, I know of only ONE. It was a couple years ago where a man drowned in the river and the boat had to travel about 50 feet from the dock to pull the body onto the boat. Then they realized it was way too hot out and the body would bloat so they transferred the body to an ambulance or coroner.

  4. Jimmy does not care. Now that his buddy Jake will run for mayor jimbo will need to look to run for a council seat. In my mind this is a set up to put Jake in 1st.

  5. Ah the fun of spending "other peoples money" never gets old.

  6. I don't get to vote for either of them - but from what I've read, we'll be trading one snake for another!

  7. A men & A men to this article.

    As long as people sit back &
    don't start demanding answers
    about where this money is going
    & why-----then they will have
    no complaint.

    Perhaps we should start demonstrating daily till we get

    Crooks, crooks & more Crooks.

    Thank God we've got our new
    County Execuative----He's a
    Winner for the people here!!!!

  8. Gary said...
    How many "calls" has the boat actually been on? Not training or just showing it off....rescue and fire calls? This is all we need to exam...."proof in the facts"

    December 9, 2014 at 10:59 AM

    Fire calls? Actually NONE!! Zilch!!

    What a waste of money and you idiots re-elected that liberal HOMO!!

  9. "The proud and efficient Volunteers in the County can do just fine without the City's help"

    You got that right. Funny I read a comment where one of your buddy's from the fire department made a somewhat derogatory comment towards volunteers in the city. He said the volunteers in Salisbury can't cut the mustard. Funny how the volunteers throughout the entire county can cut the mustard in their departments. What are they doing in Salisbury to continue to run off the Volunteers?

  10. Was reading that the County Employees were getting their birthday off/paid and that really made my blood boil. So basically I was paying some county employee to take the day off at my expense. What a crock! I own a small business and never gave my employee off on their birthday!

  11. The fire department situation is a mess -- County depts are getting a huge slice of the County funding even though they do much less than the City, which gets the short end of the money.

    The total amount of equipment at the County depts is humongous.

    As Tim Spies said at the City Council meeting last night, it's time for a serious review and appropriate change.

  12. I'm not sure what your personal experiences are with the SFD, but you appear to be a disgruntled individual that couldn't cut the mustard or wants everything handed to you. You have to work in this department to succeed and Nobody is going to beg you to contribute

    Anon 11:59
    For those with reading and comprehension disabilities.

  13. Anon 11:59
    Better check that Buddy status. He doesn't care too much for him these days and makes it well known.

  14. 12:14 Rick Pollitt had that as a policy in Fruitland which even as an employee I thought was stupid.

  15. Off topic but interesting. Look at the witness list for Ireton's trial. Jake Day? Why?

    Lore' Chambers Jt.
    Jake Day Jt.
    Jeanne Lloyd Jt.
    Donna Hage Jt.
    James P. Ireton Jt

  16. I hope someone with a backbone runs for mayor in the city because electing Jake Day is not good for anyone. He's as worthless as tits on a boar hog.

  17. Jeanne Lloyd will lie real good for ireton

  18. Anonymous said...
    Jeanne Lloyd will lie real good for ireton

    December 9, 2014 at 5:04 PM

    When I become Mayor Jeanne Lloyd or what ever the pig is called will be looking for a new job. She shouldn't have been hired in the first place.

  19. 12:14 the .0034 percent you paid in was alarming lol. Wow thats what made your blood boil. Not the millions wasted or lost business. Hmmm I am guessing you last name is Holloway. Simple man with a simple mind.


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