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Sunday, December 14, 2014

Bikers Vs Police. High Speed Chase


  1. The term "bikers" should be applied to these people......the majority of bikers would never act like this.....these people are endangering the officers and the public and should be locked up!

  2. We'll start seeing more of this in the future....the criminals will overwhelm and overpower the cops.

  3. The last time I tried to outrun the cops was in the late 80's.I was driving a Yugo,and everyone knows how fast they were.The judge busted out laughing when the arresting officer told him what I was driving.At least I got him in a good mood for the cases that followed mine.

  4. Really??? Last time I looked the police were gathering as much military surplus as they could get their hands on and apparently shooting and strangling people, deserved or not. Who is overwhelming whom???????

  5. 11:16 Guess you don't watch the aholes on 50 during bike week, or you would know the opposite is true. They should have had something to clip the bikes... send the driver flying.

  6. 00 buck at the gas tanks is an idea.

  7. lol 12:32 None of what you say is true.

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    11:16 Guess you don't watch the aholes on 50 during bike week, or you would know the opposite is true. They should have had something to clip the bikes... send the driver flying.

    December 9, 2014 at 12:32 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    00 buck at the gas tanks is an idea.

    December 9, 2014 at 1:25 PM

    you need therapy for your hate and jealousy.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Stfu. Put your name up.

    December 9, 2014 at 12:56 PM

    put ur name up hero


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