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Sunday, December 14, 2014

Harvard Law Students Demand Exams Be Postponed out of Sheer Ferguson Foolishness as at Columbia

Inspired by the almost unbelievably contemptible example of Columbia University, Harvard Law School students have demanded that exams be delayed because they are upset that Darren Wilson and Daniel Pantaleo were not offered up as sacrificial victims to the liberal god, political correctness. This letter from the Harvard Law School Affinity Group Coalition provides alarming insight into the mentality of our future rulers:

Dear Dean Minow and the Harvard Law School Administration:

This campus — and the nation — erupted in outrage when grand juries failed to indict Officers Darren Wilson and Daniel Pantaleo for the killings of Michael Brown and Eric Garner, respectively. These recent events highlight that intolerance in America continues to cost us countless lives at the hands of law enforcement. We have no faith in our justice system, which systematically oppresses black and brown people. We are afraid for our lives and for the lives of our families. We are in pain. And we are tired.

We have been visibly distressed and actively engaged throughout this public national crisis. … And all we have heard from the administration is deafening silence.

Your silence denies humanity to the lives lost and minimizes the gravity of the palpable anguish looming over campus. Like many across the country, we are traumatized.

Being traumatized makes them victims. Victims make demands. Here’s theirs:

Give students the opportunity to reschedule their exams in good faith and at their own discretion between the period of December 20th and January 15th.



  1. Harvard, Columbia and the other elite law schools are the real reason why our legal system is screwed up with the liberal agenda. Fortunately the lesser law schools are helping to correct things at the local level of government, including the justice system.

  2. Dear law students,

    It is obvious that at this juncture in your life you are not happy with a decision made in a court of law. My suggestion would be to leave law school now and never take the exams.Even though it is understandable that you are inexperienced and gullible, if you think that you should protest a court decision every time you disagree with it, there is no place for you in this profession.I wish you luck in persuing an alternative career.

  3. Mmm , isn't that the school obamie claims to have been schooled at? Makes you wonder !!!
    Nuke em quick !!


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