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Saturday, December 13, 2014

JUST IN: Senate Approves $1.1 Trillion Spending Bill

WASHINGTON -- The Senate passed a $1.1 trillion government-wide spending bill Saturday night after debate that highlighted fissures inside both political parties in an era of divided government.

The 56-40 vote capped a day of intrigue in which Democrats launched a drive to confirm about 20 of President Barack Obama's stalled nominees before their majority expires at year's end. Several Republicans blamed tea party-backed Texas Sen. Ted Cruz for creating an opening for the outgoing majority party to exploit.

Although President Obama had said he objected to several aspects of the spending bill, he was expected to sign it into law. The measure provides funding for most of the federal government until the end of the budget year on Sept. 30.


1 comment:

  1. "I owe my soul to the company store" (company=government)


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