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Sunday, December 07, 2014


Salisbury, Maryland… The Eastern Shore Coalition of Branches of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (ESNAACP) announced today that they are joining with clergy and other civil rights organizations across the nation in condemning the decision by a New York Grand Jury not to indict police officers in the death of Eric Gardener, who died while being arrested for selling loose cigarettes.

This is the second time within weeks that a Grand Jury has refused to indict police officers in the death of an African American.

Recently, a Grand Jury in Ferguson, Missouri declined to indict a police officer in the fatal shooting of Michael Brown, an unarmed 18-year old teenager. His death has prompted demonstrations around the nation and the world.

We strongly condemn the decision of the Grand Jury in its decision not to indict police officers who were captured on videotape choking Eric Gardner, who kept screaming, “I can’t breathe”, said Mary Ashanti, President of Wicomico County Branch of the

She further stated, “this decision only serves to further erode the confidence of the community in its criminal justice system. It is our fervent hope that local law officials here in Wicomico County will join President Obama in his efforts to restore trust in minority
communities throughout America.”

“The NAACP, which is the oldest and largest civil rights organization in the United States has sought to improve relations with the Wicomico County law-enforcement agencies in light of local and national concerns regarding police conduct.

“The NAACP does not believe that all police officers are bad, however, we believe that unless the good police officers restore trust and confidence in law-enforcement, we will see an erosion of goodwill. This is something that no one wants to see happen”, said Mrs. Ashanti.

The Eastern Shore NAACP Branches joined by The WATCHMEN with One Voice Ministerial Alliance, will hold a press conference and vigil to inspire hope and peace throughout Wicomico County, the Eastern Shore and the nation. The WATCHMEN with One Voice Ministerial Alliance is chaired by Reverend Dr. Lewis N. Watson, Pastor of First Baptist Church of Salisbury, Maryland


  1. Let's see only 123 blacks were killed by Cops last year and about twice as much people who were white were killed by cops.

  2. 8:02, Prove It! You guys come on here and make these statements with NOTHING to back it up.

    We'll wait for your reply.

    Are you trying to justify what happened in this case in New York?

    1. They got that number from the Bill O Rielly show. He stated they were the stats from the FBI

    2. 0802 is right the numbers are from bill o Reilly I looked it up. They are from 2012, some people do watch the news and are up to date on current affairs, and can back up their posts

  3. "who died while being arrested for selling loose cigarettes."

    As I understand it, he wasn't selling cigarettes at the time, but had just broken up a fight, and the cops decided up pick on him cause he has a record.

    Am I mistaken?

  4. NAACP it doesn't seem to me that you're trying to lift up the black community but rather hold them down.To the ministers WWJD itstime to be a beacon of light and hope for the young African American people
    Give them guidance,respect,value,self worth. Not pity,entitlemeat,false hope,lies.

  5. If you aren't involved in criminal activity you will not br having confrontations with the police. The average law abiding citizen will never have a police confrontation in their whole life. I am 62 years old and never been in a confrontation with the police. Doesn't matter if you are black or white or green or blue if you are doing anything illegal you have no reason to resist arrest or even get stopped by the police. Nobody ever said these guts getting killed or breaking the law then resisting arrest.

  6. who wrote this article? it states 'Eric was screaming' he couldn't breathe. First he wasn't screaming, and to say he was screaming implies he could breathe well enough to gather the air necessary to scream.

  7. Joe, According to the CDC which tracks deaths related to LE, in 2012 (last time they posted stats on this) there were 143? (? mark because it's 140-something and I can't remember-just I'm making that clear) African Americans killed. 300+ whites by LE.
    Now what isn't clear is in how many of those deaths the decedent's were armed.

  8. I don't see that 8:02 was trying to justify anything. Only trying to take race out of this issue.

  9. I wonder if Ashanti wants the black female sergeant who was overseeing this arrest indicted as well. NY mayor issued a directive to police commissioner to "aggressively go after and arrest those selling cigarette illegally."
    If anyone is guilty of anything it needs to include the BLACK supervisor who was on the scene, but her presence was scrubbed from the video. She can be seen in stills people have posted online. Her name is Kizzy Adoni and she's in charge of the squad.

  10. I don't see how any grand jury could not indite those cops after having seen the video that was shown on tv. it seems to me they were all guilty to some degree I didn't see any of them trying to stop what was happening. Some cops are out of control even here on the eastern shore and even though Salisbury's police chief may be trying to improve the situation she has a long way to go.

  11. I personally think the Gardener verdict was wrong.Attempting to legitimize a chokehold by calling it an acceptable procedure is ridiculous.A chokehold is a chokehold.It was actually applied before he resisted arrest.If attempting to survive is the same as resisting arrest then Gardener was guilty.Who wouldn't have fought back if their life was being jeopardized?

  12. @Joe, you are absolutely correct those lying POS's. They hate cops so much they will believe anything they are told and they will repeat the rumor. None of those clowns have yet to cite their sources.

  13. Anonymous said...
    They got that number from the Bill O Rielly show. He stated they were the stats from the FBI

    December 5, 2014 at 8:49 AM

    I don't know if that is true, but Bill O'Rielly was condemning this police officer and the Grand Jury. I am very conservative and Bill O'Rielly just lost a dedicated listener. I think he has just turned into a John McCain and started losing his mind.

    That cop is innocent and did his job to subdue and make and arrest. Ok when a cop killer starts saying I can't breath you release your hold.

    Here's one to prove how stupid he and you people are. If he can't breath he wouldn't have been able to speak. It takes air movement to make sound and speak. If you don't believe me try to swallow a marble and get it stuck in your trachea, the wind pipe. I dare you. You people are just filled with hate about cops and your love for thugs stinks.

  14. I've watched the video that is circulating. What's obvious is that we aren't seeing the whole thing. I'm not ready to come to any conclusions just yet. Would like to see the video without parts removed and read the jury transcripts.
    I am not one of these "have to pass the bill to know what's in it" kind of persons. I am a thorough person.
    At this point in time to say the jurors made the wrong decision is not the conclusion any rational person could make.
    I would like to know the actual cause of death.

  15. 8:09 yes I think you are mistaken. The broke up the fight was a tale told by the person filming. You know kind of like the "hands up" lie.
    NYPD was told by the mayor to aggressively crack down on illegal cig seller. Garner used to set up shop outside retail stores selling cigs and intercepted customers. Stores were calling cops on him.

  16. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    who wrote this article? it states 'Eric was screaming' he couldn't breathe. First he wasn't screaming, and to say he was screaming implies he could breathe well enough to gather the air necessary to scream.

    December 5, 2014 at 8:56 AM

    Bingo!! That is exactly what I just said in the previous comment. The uneducated can't understand that. I watched the video over and over again and I heard him say he couldn't breathe loud and clear which means he was breathing. That's just like when they get arrested they claim the cuffs are to tight. Yeah, I am going to fall for that one I am.

    Eric Garner, the black thug criminal died because he was fat and over weight. If he wasn't doing any criminal activity that day he would still have live a few years longer. Obese people do have difficulty living longer lives, but it wasn't the arm around the neck that killed him, he died of cardiac arrest because he was fat and out of shape and his resisting arrest was to much for his heart to handle.

    Now you idiots have been schooled!!

  17. Anonymous said...
    They got that number from the Bill O Rielly show. He stated they were the stats from the FBI

    December 5, 2014 at 8:49 AM

    don't think so. O'reilly's site has the stats from the CDC which were last update in 2012 and stood at 140 something.

    1. Maybe u should tell Bill. That is what he just said Wed night

  18. Anonymous said...
    Joe, According to the CDC which tracks deaths related to LE, in 2012 (last time they posted stats on this) there were 143? (? mark because it's 140-something and I can't remember-just I'm making that clear) African Americans killed. 300+ whites by LE.
    Now what isn't clear is in how many of those deaths the decedent's were armed.

    December 5, 2014 at 8:56 AM

    If you don't remember then what the hell are your running your mouth for. Please sign your name so that we know who the stupid one is.

    You make it sound like cops go around killing blacks just like it was hunting season. But guess what, you do the crime, you do the time. These blacks you mentioned had a gun themselves and they tried to kill the cops.

  19. 9:35

    I always enjoy seeing someone call other people stupid, and then post an incredibly stupid comment. "Ok when a cop killer says I can't breath you release your hold." You must be privy to insider information that nobody else knows....this guy killed a cop? This guy killed anybody? No. He was accused of selling loose cigarettes. Not to mention that chokeholds are EXPLICITLY RESTRICTED FOR USE BY NYPD because of previous cases. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black, your comment is the dumbest one on this post so far, by far.

  20. The FBI states that in 2012 forty seven(47) police officers were murdered by thugs and no one is saying anything about that.

    What about Border Patrol officers that are being murdered by Mexican thugs and no one is saying anything about that. What about Fast and Furious and no one is saying anything about that.

    How soon you clowns forget about Obama and Eric Holder allowing the deaths of police officers. You people are just cop hating idiots that soon believe whatever you hear or see on TV.

  21. 9:36-then you want to know what the coroner clearly stated as the cause of death I presume.Death by asphyxiation as a result of strangulation.Watch the video from start to finish and the coroners findings won't change.

  22. If you don't remember then what the hell are your running your mouth for. Please sign your name so that we know who the stupid one is.

    "You make it sound like cops go around killing blacks just like it was hunting season. But guess what, you do the crime, you do the time. These blacks you mentioned had a gun themselves and they tried to kill the cops.

    December 5, 2014 at 9:44 AM"

    I suggest you go and get some help for you paranoia.
    I wasn't suggesting anything other than we see the numbers, but within these numbers what we don't see is the situation surrounding the deaths. I would tend to believe that most citizens that were killed by LE were armed in some fashion and if you took that any differently then that's a problem you need professional help with.
    I made a point to let all know my numbers are close but not exact. I won't lie and give false info.
    If you think for one second I would ever sign my name when there are paranoid mental cases like yourself around you are grossly mistaken-You Got It!

  23. Problem is 10:12 the video "from start to finish" hasn't been available to the public yet.
    If you can direct me to the video "from start to finish" be my guest.
    I'll be waiting.

  24. One very important factor that no one is reporting. Garner did NOT die at the scene. He suffered cardiac arrest while in the ambulance and was pronounced an hour later at hospital.

  25. "Anonymous said...
    9:36-then you want to know what the coroner clearly stated as the cause of death I presume.Death by asphyxiation as a result of strangulation.Watch the video from start to finish and the coroners findings won't change.

    December 5, 2014 at 10:12 AM"

    The med examiner never said any such thing. The only thing released even remotely similar is "neck compressions" were involved.
    In the medical field neck compression can include strangulation, but not strangulation is not exclusive of neck compressions.

  26. To me the numbers ARE meaningless because we don't know the whole situation. How many were shootings? How many were deaths caused by other means like in the Garner death?
    As far as LE related shootings go, how many occurred when the suspect was actively engaged in the assault of another civilian?
    How many of the LE shootings occurred because the suspect was waving a firearm in an area that included civilians?
    Too many unanswered questions to say that 140 or whatever is too many when we don't know the circumstances surrounding the killings.

  27. NYPD was WRONG on this one. The grand jury was WRONG on this one. They don't bull rush heroin dealers on every street corner like they did this guy for selling cigarettes. Selling cigarettes does not make someone a thug. It's a MISDEMEANOR not a felony crime. The cop choking him and the one holding his head down on the ground should both be arrested and tried. I don't think anything is a reason to riot or bring further harm to any people but I do believe these cops and the grand jury are wrong. As is the mayor of NYC. All of the crime in NYC and he mandates theyaggressively pursue someone selling cigarettes? Give me a break.

  28. Speaking exclusively on LE involved shootings, how many times do we hear family and friends of the shooting victim, say something like "they just should have shot him in the leg to stop him?" This indicates those people were in fact doing something they shouldn't have been, which by their own choice of words, family/friends are admitting was the likely scenario.

  29. "As is the mayor of NYC. All of the crime in NYC and he mandates theyaggressively pursue someone selling cigarettes? Give me a break"

    The mayor is a democrat 10:54 and God forbid anything stand between a democrat and their taxes.
    They see the city losing out on the $6 tax on a pack of cigarettes so democrat mayor wanted those selling cigarettes aggressively pursued.

  30. "They don't bull rush heroin dealers on every street corner like they did this guy for selling cigarettes."

    Can you be so sure of that?

  31. If you are screaming "i cant breath" then you are breathing just fine.

  32. Garner didn't die from a "choke hold". plain and simple. If he's able to talk then he is getting air.


  33. This could explain why cops are more paranoid of blacks as they have every right to be. The way blacks kill each other is stunning. If blacks have no qualms about killing another black they sure as heck are going to kill white police officers. THey are brainswashed by the music they listen to to think all cops are bad.

    According to o'reilly-
    "In 2013, blacks committed 5,375 murders in America; whites committed 4,396. Whites comprise 63 percent of the population; blacks 13 percent. So, anyone -- anyone thinking clearly can see that the homicide rate among blacks way out of proportion thus, the police intrusion into black precincts. Since, in a whopping 90 percent of black homicides, the dead person is another black or the offender himself."

  34. It may have been a felony due to prior convictions.
    Anyhoo...in BOTH of these cases, the arrestees decided they were not going to be arrested for anything and resisted. Pretty much a losing proposition anywhere, anytime and for anyone.

  35. Not sure how anyone can condemn this without hearing first what the jury heard and saw. It's premature to come to any at this point in time.
    What isn't premature is concluding that this woman is uneducated and needs schooling in how conclusions are reached.

  36. I've been able to find bits and pieces of autopsy report, but not the report itself. Contribution factors in Garner's death were heart disease, obesity, diabetes, asthma. Contributing means the same actions used by cops on a healthy person would not have caused them to die.
    I think this important piece of info played a big part in the jury's decision.

  37. 11:22, Not being able to talk will SOMETIMES occur when someone is unable to breathe. It depends on the reason WHY they can't breathe.
    I think maybe you are confusing breathing to choking. If someone is in fact choking, they can not breathe and they can not talk.

  38. 10:15 I can assure you "strangulation" was not involved. I doubt if it was even mentioned. Manual strangulation takes a minimum of 2 minutes and closer to 4 to cause death. I watched video and counted 15 seconds of where cops arm was around Eric Garner's neck. 15 seconds may cause loss of consciousness but that usually takes closer to 20 seconds.
    Garner died because his health was so poor he could not handle the ordinary and normal circumstances that occur when people resist arrest.
    This is not about the amount of force used, it was the fact that the person killed was in such poor health. The poor health is not something the officers could have known about.
    Forming an educated conclusion about the jury's decision isn't as simple as just watching a few short clips of a video.

  39. December 5, 2014 at 9:41 AM

    That is not what I meant at all. I meant I didn't want it falsely said that Eric was SCREAMING he couldn't breathe so the undereducated like you would think he was breathing just fine, which he was not.

    People can breath well enough to say they can't breathe BEFORE THEY PASS OUT FROM NOT BEING ABLE TO BREATHE. As was the case here.

    I know firsthand, I've been there and no one was choking me at the time.

    You want people to post their names so you can tell who is the stupid one? You would be on top of that list. You are grasping at straws and will try to use any misconception, half-truth, untruth and anything else to try and justify what CANNOT be justified.

    If he wasn't doing illegal acts he wouldn't have been killed that day? How about if he wasn't choked he wouldn't have died that day? How about if 5 other kops didn't dogpile on top of him he wouldn't have been killed that day?

    This kop apologized to Eric' wife for choking and killing her husband. She refused to accept it. I would refuse that bs apology too.

    And if anyone cannot find other video to this, they are not trying to. They is a video over 7 minutes that shows Eric laying on the sidewalk handcuffed behind his back and unresponsive. It very well could be he was dead then, kops knew it and were trying to cover it up because they knew they were on camera.

    Granted that is speculation at this point.

    What isn't speculation is the same kop who choked Eric can be seen on this video WAVING to the camera. Real remorseful huh?

    Joe, and anyone else, there are stats and sites one can go to get the numbers of who are killed, by race. I would have posted one of them myself before but the last I knew you don't allow links to be published. But just like this other video that is out there, all one has to do is make an effort to find them and they will find them.

    Back to this current nimcompoop this message is for, if you were more concerned as to WHY some people hate kops, maybe then you would understand.

    But I doubt it. THIS killing, by kops, IS on video, seen by millions all over this planet, and some like yourself still refuse to acknowledge it.

    Blame the victim. Blame his health. Just like obammy, point the finger of blame anywhere and everywhere but where it truly belongs.

    It would not surprise me if they ALL get away with this killing. I say all because each one there had a hand in what happened.

    But I sure would not want to be either of them walking around NY, or anywhere else, when someone recognises them. I bet they won't get off so lucky then.

  40. I just can't believe, or understand, why some of you INSIST on defending the application of a BANNED CHOKEHOLD, or insisting it was Eric' bad health that caused his death.

    What part of BANNED, SHALL NOT BE USED don't you understand?

    Everything that happens after this BANNED CHOKEHOLD is the fault and responsibility of the one who applied the BANNED CHOKEHOLD.

    Or should be. I am positive it would be had it been anyone other than a kop who applied a BANNED CHOKEHOLD.

    And caused death?!

    Each one of us would be calling everyone we could think of for bail money because WE WOULD HAVE BEEN ARRESTED ON THE SPOT. Grand jury be damned.


  41. Here are some stats for you. Cops killed in 2013. Police really live a dangerous life don't they? Yet they kill over 550 people a year, every year. We will never know the exact number of people cops kill because they don't report all of them. THAT is what the F.B.I. says, not I. And some police agencies don't report ANY of them. Other stats are available but look for them yourselves.

    Line of Duty Deaths: 105
    9/11 related illness: 1
    Aircraft accident: 1
    Automobile accident: 25
    Boating accident: 1
    Bomb: 1
    Drowned: 2
    Duty related illness: 1
    Electrocuted: 1
    Fall: 4
    Fire: 1
    Gunfire: 30
    Gunfire (Accidental): 2
    Heart attack: 10
    Motorcycle accident: 4
    Stabbed: 2
    Struck by vehicle: 8
    Training accident: 2
    Vehicle pursuit: 4
    Vehicular assault: 5

    Read more: http://www.odmp.org/search/year/2013?ref=sidebar#ixzz3L3Rf7OGI

  42. I should also inform you that there are NO stats for unjustifyable homicides.

    So again, there is no way of knowing how many people kops kill justifyable or unjustifyable.

    And the ones they DO report are under-reported by at least a couple hundred DEAD PEOPLE.

    Naw dude, it's more than just the 'hate cops' excuse you wankers like to throw around.

    We are MAD AS HELL at you.

    Imagine a husband who just found out his wife has been unfaithful and betrayed his trust. ( or a wife)

    Now multiply that by the millions.

    Drop a plate on the floor so it breaks.

    Say you're sorry.

    Did that un-break the plate?


  43. 3:15 I heard something on the news that may shed some light on your comment.
    Any murder charges would be out because intent wasn't involved.
    Manslaughter maybe, but then the cops would have had to know the man's medical condition.
    From what I'm reading now, there is some question as to whether the cop was actually using the type of hold that was banned.
    I think we should read the transcripts before deciding one way or another.

  44. What a bunch of crap. Have you people learned nothing? The media LIES. Remember little Trayvon - skipping home with his skittles when he was stalked and gunned-down by the vicious 'white-hispanic'? Or, more recently, Michael Brown: the college-bound 'gentle giant' shot down by a killer-cop while trying to surrender. All LIES sucked up by people who should know better by now.

    In this case, about the only judgement you can make from the media and a doctored video is this: if you're grossly overweight and have multiple medical conditions, don't resist arrest.

  45. It is sad and a shame the man resisted arrest, but the NYPD was ordered by the mayor to aggressively go after these illegal cigarette sellers. Whole squads have even been set up to go after these big bad criminals. What a waste of resources but as someone said above-you don't get in middle of a democrat and their taxes.
    Here's a poor man trying to make a few extra dollars selling other poor people cigarettes. The BS the democrats give to pass these taxes is that people will stop smoking and all it does is create a black market made all the more worse by cops being ordered to aggressively arrest the blackmarketeers and the absurdity of whole squads devoted to the enforcement.
    This is another reason to send more democrats packing next election.

  46. In this case, about the only judgement you can make from the media and a doctored video is this: if you're grossly overweight and have multiple medical conditions, don't resist arrest.

    December 5, 2014 at 5:03 PM

    Now it's being called a 'doctored' video?! ROFLMFAO

    Umm, but shouldn't that be 'videos'? There are two out there you know. Which one is doctored? The one with the chokehold or the other one?

    Or hasn't your masters schooled you on that yet?

    Get back to us after your next briefing. lol

  47. "Umm, but shouldn't that be 'videos'? There are two out there you know. Which one is doctored? The one with the chokehold or the other one?"

    Umm - so you believe everything that you 'witness' thru internet videos? Pathetic. Go to YouTube and search 'flying saucers'. I'm sure you'll be captivated.

  48. 12:31-Watch the video. It most certainly is "doctored."
    It skips scenes. Watch it. You can't miss that fact. In other words parts of it have been removed also known as "doctored."
    And there most certainly are 2 videos out there. The one the media is showing and the full uncut version the grand jurors viewed.

    It's reminiscent of the 911 tapes the media played in the Martin/Zimmerman incident. They forgot to include the part where the dispatcher asked for a description of Martin, and only played Zimmerman saying it was a black person.

  49. Now where would the grand jury get an 'uncut, undoctored' video from? Where have you seen this 'undoctored' video? I would like to see it myself and see these 'damning' skipped scenes.

  50. What does any of theses comments have to do with Winfield Chandler?

  51. I don't know 549. I'm still waiting for an answer about the 'doctored' video. I probably will be waiting a long, long time.


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