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Sunday, December 14, 2014

A Trashy Mom Runs Her Mouth a Little Too Much. Then a Security Guard Shows Her How a Taser Works.

WARNING: Foul Language


  1. wow her kids have an excellent role model in their lives. NOT

    she puts the children in harms way by being illiterate herself

  2. And they wonder why? You can see what they are teaching their children, they say we need to change our attitude.

  3. This shows the true state of some in our country, so glad there was a camera on. Notice the women are all upset about their babies, but listen to the language they're using & the behaviour involved! They are the biggest problem their kids will ever have; note the kids yelling at the security guard as well. Dad all upset because the kids were nearby. Maybe she shouldn't have been assaulting the guard! Take responsibility for YOUR actions(something else these kids won't be taught)! Act a fool, get treated like one! Want the rest of the world to stop using the N word, but it's OK if you do?? Ignorance at it's finest! Speaking of which:where's Al Sharpton?!

  4. And the kids are acting just like them. At this rate they will have no future at all.

  5. There's no hope for people like
    this----none at all!
    And to think they are taking
    our country over.
    When will the Goverment ever
    stop Welfare after one child
    with no Father is born----It's
    their fault for sure!

  6. A female Michael Brown. Ignorant animals.

  7. The kids will probably end up in the pooper. Taser is not going to striaghten that bitch out, maybe he should have used a Glock Bet that would do it.

  8. Blogger Jack K Richards said...
    The kids will probably end up in the pooper. Taser is not going to striaghten that bitch out, maybe he should have used a Glock Bet that would do it.

    December 10, 2014 at 3:11 PM

    I see your attitudes didn't retire. Trigger finger getting itchy?

  9. that's a oldie but a goodie, trash raising trash! loved the way the kids went from mouthing off to crying! mommy got her ass kicked!

  10. Dear god take those innocent little children away from this ghetto trash. I couldn't watch the whole video because these two ratchet pigs were incoherent and I couldn't take their screaming. They sound like donkeys. Poor security guard.

  11. Wow the stupity is real..what kind of animals are these type of people...you all really need to get your house in order.. the rot of these type of people .... is bringing your whole communities down

  12. Look at the little cock roaches acting jes like day mommies due.

  13. Very, very limited vocabulary. I bet all the foreign countries just laugh at us when they see crap like this. How sad we are as an American people to pity this race and then put them on a pedestal because we are so spineless and pathetic. How embarrassing.

  14. Any time you see a building with a "mural" painted on it you can be guaranteed it will be in a ghetto.

  15. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Any time you see a building with a "mural" painted on it you can be guaranteed it will be in a ghetto.

    December 10, 2014 at 8:54 PM

    You don't get out much do you

  16. Al Sharptons black America !!!

  17. How are people like this allowed to walk the streets with civil people?

  18. 9:18 Why are they allowed to breed? Heck, why do we let them breathe?
    They are useless consumers of precious resources. And don't tell me they are Gods children.

  19. You should see them in the hallways of our schools. Much of the same type of behavior. Very sad.


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