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Sunday, December 14, 2014

DC: 16-year-old shot with own gun during attempted robbery

WASHINGTON (WJLA) - A 16-year-old boy who attempted to rob someone in Southeast D.C. is in critical condition after his intended victim managed to wrestle away the gun and shoot him.

The 16-year-old was shot near the intersection of Langston and Ainger Places SE, where emergency personnel performed CPR on him.



  1. this is awesome news glad the perp got whats coming to him

  2. I'm sorry to see any child hurt or killed but he shouldn't have been trying to rob the store in the first place. You reap what you sew.

  3. Sources tell me that when he - the robber - was shot he had his hands up and was begging, "don't shoot".
    Charges are pending against the shooter.

  4. I heard he is also filing a civil suit against the shooter.

  5. It's about time we are reading some good news. Terrorists like this and Michael Brown of Ferguson do not deserve to live any more than Osama Bin Laden did. They are all terrorists and any way they can be eliminated is good.

  6. Peace Alliance on the shore...December 10, 2014 at 5:03 PM

    BAN ALL GUNS and the 2nd Amendment....

  7. 5:03,see if you can sweet talk the criminals into giving up their guns first.

  8. Ban the peace alliance of the eastern shore, bunch of left wing loons who thinks if you give everyone a flower and a hug the world will be all unicorns and lollipops!

  9. Ban all libtards.... and protect the second amendment....PEACEFUL RELIANCE OF SMITH AND WESTON ON THE SHORE

  10. Peace Alliance on the shore... said...
    BAN ALL GUNS and the 2nd Amendment....

    December 10, 2014 at 5:03 PM

    Josh Hastings is that you again?

  11. Last I read he was in grave condition. This means no amount of medical intervention is going to make him recover and death is imminent. He could even be on life support and the facility is just waiting on family to gather.
    The term used for this condition in the trauma centers (in areas where the public isn't allowed) is "circling the drain."

  12. No 7:09....it is Th Peace Alliance on the Shore...We beat drums all the time in the park saying "PEACE"

  13. 624 typical political delusions from readers here. Cite the constitution then call for banning someone based off their political views. Too funny.

  14. 8:43 Why does it only work for the 2nd Amendment?

    6:24 Smith and WesTon? Really? You're a moran!

  15. I love guns and I love ammo.


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