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Sunday, December 14, 2014

Downtown Trolley Jumps From $16,000.00 To $21,000.00 Per Semester

If you thought the original expense was for the YEAR, you were mistaken. It's per semester, proving this is for the University and NOT the taxpayers!

The $5,000.00 increase "this semester" is because they want to expand the times the trolley runs as well as advertising.

Here's my thinking. I do not believe people are going to DRIVE to Salisbury University to pick up a Trolley. It was suggested they expand the hours so the elderly could enjoy dinner Downtown. Sorry, not buying it. 

The fact that every time I have seen this Trolley it has been completely empty speaks volume. As I have stated many times in the past few years, Ireton is absolutely clueless. The immediate ideas for Downtown were a no brainer. Heck, I ran my campaign on the very same concept Ireton stole after the election and I'm cool with that. However, as a businessman, you can't just take someone else's idea and run with it without a long term plan. 

So Ireton's answer, (long term plan) after failing, just throw more money into it, typical liberal thinking. 

Man do I feel sorry for Salisbury residents. Next, Ireton will ask Bob Culver and Wicomico County to pay for it because the majority of people riding it are from the County. 


  1. Most elderly people do not want to go out in the evening...and if they do go out to eat, it would not be downtown. Also, 75% of the college students are not even old enough to legally drink in a bar downtown. The underage ones have house parties! In my opinion the trolley is frivolous...just like those bike lanes on the north side of town....a biker would be killed if they rode there! Who measured that one?

  2. 12:11 You're only allowed to drink, underage, if you have certain last names.

  3. Cut some slack. These trolleys sat on a parking lot in Ocean CIty for years because the Town got a grant for free trolleys. At least they are being used now.

  4. 1:12 Right... because gas, salary for the driver and general wear and tear coming from your taxes is better than them being dormant, not costing much, if anything.

  5. LOL - can't see Culver falling for that. Ireton will be on his own to figure it out is my guess.

  6. Probably not much Culver can do. The trolley is run by Tri County Org out of Annapolis. Pollitt and Mathias are both on the Board. Their funding is somewhat of a black art because I have seen little about their budget and what they spend the money that comes out of Annapolis for what they do.

  7. 12:11 hit the nail on the head. The trolly is a stupid idea.

  8. Now we have at least (5) forms of Government.

    First we have;

    1. Federal Government
    2. MD State Government
    3. Wicomico County Government
    4. Salisbury City Government
    5. Tri County Government

    IMHO - this is sickening.

  9. Idiots another FREE bus??$#@^ ..you must think we are idiots..most are on to your scams jimbo pollit and mathais....first bring something worth going downtown too...typical democrat libtarded community organizers approach...cart before the horse

  10. Don't trolls ride the trolley?

  11. "Man do I feel sorry for Salisbury residents. Next, Ireton will ask Bob Culver and Wicomico County to pay for it because the majority of people riding it are from the County."

    I was thinking the same thing.

  12. Waste of money it's too dangerous to be on the streets in Salisbury at night.


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