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Sunday, November 09, 2014


For more years than I wish to recall, Democrats have simply followed one rule of thumb, THEY GET OUT AND VOTE.

Considering there are more Democrats then Republicans on a local level, Democrats have enjoyed the rewards of such numbers.

HOWEVER, this time they are truly squirming because if there's one thing we have all learned and experienced over the past 8 years is the fact that we have watched businesses close their doors or relocate. We have neighbors, friends and family members who have lost their jobs and are still out of work. We have also seen many of the same people losing their homes.

None of the above beats the proven loss of our property values and guess what, THAT HITS EVERYBODY. 

That being said, many Democrats have seen enough. Many Democrats have come to me telling me they voted the Republican Ticket. 

Yeah, there are some Democratic die hards who treat their party like a Cult because most of them work for the Government and or are currently sucking off the system like Laura Mitchell, Chuck Cook and Jim Ireton. Yeah, they'll vote the Democratic ticket because they wouldn't know what to do or how to survive without your handouts.

Let's Give Thanks to ALL of the Democrats who voted for Republicans because it was the best thing for our State, instead of a party that has completely failed us. The Republicans running this year truly care and will truly make things right. 

We need economic development, jobs, lower taxes and incentives to keep businesses here so we don't have to export our children once they graduate. 

It looks like there's going to be a brighter tomorrow, thanks to many Democrats who VOTED. As for the Republicans, if you haven't voted, for God's Sake, get off your rear ends and close this deal. 


  1. I'm an Independent who went ALL Republican this election.

  2. Please VOTE Bob Culver, John Cannon, Matt Holloway and Larry Dodd. Say no to Rick Pollitt, Laura Mitchel and Josh Hastings.

  3. I'm a registered Democrat that voted all Republican this election. And I'm damn proud of it

  4. 2:28 --

    Hey, Mac, why did you not mention the Rep. Mark Kilmer, whose opponent is a Dem. doofus named Kirby Travers

  5. I am a democratic that said no to Pollitt, Conway and Mitchell

  6. I'm in Worcester county and for the first time in my 33 years of voting, voted straight GOP.

  7. Hey, Mac, why did you not mention the Rep. Mark Kilmer, whose opponent is a Dem. doofus named Kirby Travers

    November 4, 2014 at 2:52 PM

    Because "Marc" Kilmer has absolutely nothing to worry about. He is running unopposed.

  8. The only upset you are going to see is all the residence of MD and SBY when the dems win the elections...

    Brown will be governor, and the rest you listed will still be here in the same place running the same mouths doing the same song and dance...

    It just bogs my mind at how stupid you people really are and how you think you actually have a chance at stopping this...

    The truth is, you can not... It was over from day one... Sure run your mouth about how wrong I am with no evidence to back your mouth up, but what I have as evidence is reality, life and human nature and better yet, history... When you all let them get away with the very first corrupt action, you already told them and us you don't give a shit and nothing will happen to you so keep on, keepin on...

    You all act as if your vote counts and that if it is counted it will make a difference... Well tell that to the illegals who get to vote who outnumber you, say that to the ones who use fraud to win, and say that to the people who tossed your vote into the trash can as they left early voters and the like...

    Sure your vote counts, sure you have a choice... You get to choose between one evil over another but would you have put two evils together to vote between to give you your choice? NO

  9. I am in DE and my polling place was overwelmed with people in the room they sent me to for voting. I was STRAIGHT Republican. Either way, it was VERY busy.

  10. I'm in Worcester and my friend told me whose sister and husband are huge democrats and were out at polls all day, were very discouraged because the voters were barely even making eye contact w/those handing out literature for the democrat candidates. She said her sister said this was common at all the polling places in Worcester they were hearing.
    They were able to hand out very few flyers as voters just quickly walked past them.


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