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Sunday, November 09, 2014

Good News Coming In Already

I just got word from a good friend that his entire community voted for Bob Culver.

Their reasoning, they are tired of the credit card issues with Pollitt and the BOE as well as their property values plummeting under Pollitt. 


  1. YES! Just keep the good news coming as Bob has it right on the nail. Yes, I am tired of Pollitt's credit card spree along with the BOE's credit card spree eating like kings and queens. My house in the city/county is now worth half of what is was eight years ago!

  2. I hope you are correct. Would love to see Pollitt go.

  3. I would love to see Culver win this election!!! I don't live in Wicomico and can't vote but he IS the best person for the job...Pollitt had his chance and blew it and blew it badly with all of his and his staff's outrageous spending then want to tax everything for everybody else to pay for it!!

  4. I am a registered Democrat but today, I voted straight Republican all across the board. This past weekend, I set my clocks back an hour and gained an hour of sleep. Today, I hope that I set my local and State Government ahead by a few years and gained a new Government that can be trusted for once.

  5. Voted for Culver. Voted for change.

  6. Culver got our votes...

  7. Mr. Culver certainly got my vote also.

  8. I'm an independent. Culver, Dodd and the rest got my vote.

  9. Vote Bob Culver, John Cannon, Matt Holloway and Larry Dodd.

  10. I worry if I spend more than 5.00 for lunch whereas Pollitt, Frederickson and group eat like there is no tomorrow....at my expense!

  11. Then there's Slick Rick's ethics episodes.

  12. Wow....If that's all your worried about....What about the Wicomico County Landfill Caper?.....What about Hiring another full-time "PIO"......How about the issues with the Sheriffs Department? What about the Fraud that the council is trying to get information for and He claims "Executive Privilege"
    I wished .....Everyone would go talk to the people who were on the Fruitland City Counsel in Rick Violists tenure.....there was a reason he threw his hat in for the Executive Seat....

  13. I will say this about Bob Culver. He has been subjected to more shenanigans by Pollitt & staff. . . and he has been given a lesson in humility. I don't know how many times I have watched him, Joe Holloway, & Gail Bartkovich get ridiculed when voted on fundamental grass roots initiatives.

    I personally hope he wins this election as he deserves it. He is more a true reflection of our eastern shore values.

  14. Reg. Dem.....voted Republican across the board. Would love to see a poll on how many people voted against their party affiliation. Bet it would be HUGE!

  15. But will Bob Culvert stand up to the BOE or just pay lip service?

  16. Lee Beauchamp is the blame for the landfill issue, doesn't want to listen to anyone!

  17. Polittt was smack dab in the middle of some shady dealings involving the farmland on Levin Dashiell Rd that the county bought for for a future park... like we need another park in this county.


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