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Sunday, November 09, 2014

Why Anthony Brown lost the Maryland governor's race

It didn't take long for a postmortem to be conducted on Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown's failed campaign for Maryland governor. One of Brown's top supporters took up the task even before his campaign officially died.

U.S. Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger, a fellow Maryland Democrat, was at Brown's election headquarters Tuesday in College Park telling anyone who would listen what he saw as Brown's biggest problem.

"I think he was not able to let the people know who he was," Ruppersberger told WBAL-TV Channel 11 on Tuesday night as Brown's supporters still anxiously followed returns in his race against Republican Larry Hogan. "One of the first things you do in politics is define yourself with your voters. I think his team could have done that a little better."



  1. Anthony Brown is Obama and Omalley rolled into one package. There is no other way to define him. There is no gilding that lily. He is what he is.

  2. He wasn't available for debates and he didn't want to answer any questions dealing with the failed O'Malley/Brown administration.

    Didn't want to answered questions about the failed healthcare exchange or address the fact that businesses and high income wage earners were leaving the state due to the high tax and spend climate. Sales taxes, tolls, income tax rates, and fees went up during a time of economic hardship for all Marylanders.

    Instead of cutting spending and taxes, they were raised and they spent more than they took in. I'm glad he lost, and can only hope this new administration will offer better.

  3. The thing that destroyed his chances were the race card he played. "the first black governor of Maryland".
    Nobody wanted another first black anything after Obama.

  4. Not. It's called over taxing. Period!

  5. Still amazes me the amount of ignorant fools that still voted for this communist...

  6. Kinda like being the first County Executive. The first anything sucks actually. Unless of course you are the first to win the Power Ball lol.

    Brown is a good man,but a horrible politician. The man is married to women who lost her first husband in a line of duty death as a police officer. Yet he could not see special circumstance death penalty cases against cop killers and killers of correction officers. He could not get from under OweMally's shadow no matter how hard he tried. You very rarely saw old Marty hangin with the Brown's these days. One thing you can not say is the guy is a fake. He stood his ground and he lost. He should have run his own race.

    Hogan is a man with a plan. Hogan does see a future for this state. He believes in what he is selling and that people you can rehearse or teach. The truth is fast and free. I got to spend time with both of these guys and both are good men. One just believed in what he had to say. That won my vote. He was not politically correct or schooled in catch phrases. I think all Americans are tired of the same old rhetoric that comes out of the mouths of professional politicians.

    I for one am sick of political correctness. Tell the people the freaking truth. It may sting but Americans will live by it. I think Hogan will bring that to the table. I hope the system will not pollute him.

    We all need a break from political correctness. Americans need to be just that Americans again.

    I will say this if Ken Ulman ever decides to run he will give someone a run for the money. They top bill that guy they have a winner. I can not believe the guy is a Democrat. Look at Howard County it speaks volumes of a man committed to doing the right thing. I am not say he could beat Larry. It would have been closer.

  7. The millions wasted on the healthcare site was the nail in his coffin.

  8. He has nothing to show but his failures. The only task put upon him was the health (non) care website, and he blew it.

    He was assigned nothing else, and accomplished every minute of that nothing.

    And that's all I have to say about that.

  9. 8:05 & 7:02-The healthcare exchange was a no brainer. The perfect example was right in front of him in Massachusetts.
    You know what it was though-a tit for tat thing and it backfired, I think.
    I would almost bet the company he contracted to do the exchange put some hefty change into his campaign coffers or gave it to the democrat party.
    It was either one of 2 things-stupidity or a pay back, both of which speaks to Brown being a horrible choice for governor.

  10. Whoops, commented on the wrong post.

    The analysis was spot on, but forgot to mention the obvious - the association with O'Malley and Obama. The voters no longer like either of them after 6 years of economic despair.

    Brown also showed arrogance with that comment about the general election being "a molehill." I used to think he was a good guy, too. But if you are willing to be that arrogant and take the people for granted like that, how good a guy can you be?

  11. Tax and fee increases, bottom line reason!

  12. He did not deserve a promotion for blowing millions on the Maryland Health Exchange. Its a great day in America for Mr. Hogan,

  13. When he said bammy was the countries first, let me be Maryland's first that's all we needed to hear. No thanks antnee it's NOT ABOUT RACE.


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