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Sunday, November 09, 2014

Maryland Shocker: Republican Larry Hogan Beats The O’Malley Machine

In a major shock in a deep blue state, small businessman and Republican Larry Hogan defeated Maryland’s Democratic Lt. Governor Anthony Brown to become governor-elect. Hogan trailed throughout most of the campaign, usually by double-digits. But in the final two weeks of the campaign, polls showed Hogan closing that gap and, ultimately, overtaking Brown in the final poll by 5 points.

Brown, who served as the number two for Governor and 2016 Democratic presidential hopeful Martin O’Malley, was stunned but gracious in defeat. In May, Brown referred to the primary election as “the bigger objective,” saying, “We take that hill, and then we’ve got a little bit of a mole hill to take in November.”

Outspent by $16 million, Hogan was bolstered by the Republican Governors Association, with ad buys and four visits from RGA Chairman and New Jersey Governor Chris Christie

Hogan will not have an easy term, the Maryland State House is dominated by Democrats, but his victory in this bluest of blue states should give him some political capital to spend. He campaigned on rolling back many of the 40 tax increases the O’Malley administration instituted, including a gasoline tax that is indexed to inflation and the “rain tax.”



  1. Go for it, that is why your were elected.

  2. Shocker? Hell no.
    In this Politically Correct world, not one news agency has even touched on the obvious, and that is the fact that Blacks and Latinos did not come out for this election. Period.

  3. To 7:02 - I believe your observation that the 'Blacks and Latinos did not come out for this election' - stands to be corrected.

    They came out alright - but this time they didn't follow the pied piper. They voted Republican. That is the only explanation as to how Hogan overwhelmed Anthony Brown.

  4. Yes, 727, and I saw them there voting. Many of them have seen the darkness and decided to vote for the light!

    It's about time they came around.

  5. O'Malley use brown for toilet paper. He used him for the black votes then did enough screwed up things to ensure brown wouldn't win. SUCKER!

  6. I guess Barry didn't send any busses this time.

  7. Hope Hogan doesn't forget about the flush tax. That needs to be repealed as well. It doesn't do anything to improve the bay and is just another useless tax. People can spend their money better than the state or the feds.

  8. 7:27 is correct. Blacks and Hispanics have not - repeat, not - seen gains under Obama and O'Malley. They want work and prosperity and better life for the children, just like everyone does. Both groups have had much higher unemployment than their white counterparts. Regardless of who was in, what their party was or the color of their skin, these two minority groups have had enough.

  9. This analysis of why Brown lost is spot on, with only having left out one thing, perhaps because it's obvious:

    Brown's association with O'Malley and support from Obama.

    Another is the arrogance Brown exuded. The general election would be "a molehill" to climb?


  10. If you look through Change Maryland Facebook, Larry Hogan's campaign site, you will see many African Americans, volunteers and supporters.

  11. Its amazing what happens when you expose voter fraud and rigged voting machines.

  12. Okay Larry...we the people have spoken. Now its your turn to act and serve on our behalf just as you campaigned.

  13. I wouldn't refer to anything running on 2 cylinders a machine,but Hogan did put it on him.

  14. The best break Hogan got was when voters, including democrats got tired of all the taxes, lying and bad police's omally made and Brown was going to follow in his foot steps!


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