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Sunday, November 09, 2014

Low Democratic turnout propelled Larry Hogan to victory in Maryland governor's race

Voter Turnout in Maryland 2014

Cards Cast, 2014
Registered Voters, 2014
Turnout 2014
Turnout 2010
Baltimore City132,740373,16936%45%
Prince George's County207,131544,67738%45%
Montgomery County246,978634,65939%51%
Cecil County26,15261,99042%51%
Washington County37,51990,09742%49%
Wicomico County24,81156,69444%55%
Charles County45,869100,44946%53%
Garrett County8,92219,29246%53%
Allegany County19,98042,56047%53%
Anne Arundel County171,694349,31349%62%
Baltimore County254,696521,13049%59%
Caroline County9,00118,53349%56%
Dorchester County10,06220,46649%61%
Somerset County6,37212,99949%54%
St. Mary's County31,45764,51049%59%
Frederick County77,505150,89551%55%
Worcester County18,25435,69951%61%
Howard County101,948195,44052%61%
Calvert County31,83259,97653%57%
Harford County88,871164,78054%64%
Carroll County62,621112,94655%61%
Queen Anne's County18,91233,17357%67%
Talbot County14,55225,66357%65%
Kent County7,49612,72459%67%

If governor-elect Larry Hogan has anyone to thank for his upset win over Lt. Gov.Anthony Brown, it may be Democratic voters who did not show up to vote Tuesday.

Turnout was down statewide and critically in counties that are key to statewide Democratic victories, according to unofficial election results.

With five precincts yet to report, turnout seems to be around 45 percent statewide, or 9 percent lower than turnout in the 2010 election.



  1. This is a crock. Turn out was pretty decent. The only reason it was down 9% from 2010 is because of people who have died or moved out of state but are still on the voter roles.
    Brown lost because he is a omally/obama clone and people are sick and tired of it. That's why he lost-nothing more nothing less and all the excuses like low turnout isn't going to change the truth.

  2. I'm registered Democrat however,
    voted a straight Republican ticket
    as did my entire family this yr.
    Hoping for Big Change!

  3. Obama Crooked BastardoNovember 6, 2014 at 1:03 PM

    I guess they couldn't find anyone who wanted to take a free bus ride and cheeseburger.

  4. They wouldn't dare admit many many DEMS crossed party lines.

  5. I'm a Dem and voted straight R this time. And I'm switching my party tomorrow.

    Being a registered Dem has become an embarrassment.

    'nuff said.

  6. AMEN to these comments!

    and I know MANY democrats who left this state because they couldn't take it any more, financially and otherwise

    but they are still on the voting rolls

  7. 6:14 seeing that you always end your comments with "nuff said" we know your comment is a total lie

  8. He might have won by a larger margin. I crossed party lines. Sick of O'M and his ilk.

  9. I have been a registered Democrate all my life. On Tues. my family and I voted all Republican. Its time to turn Maryland RED on the map!


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