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Sunday, November 16, 2014

Was Greg Bassett Fast Asleep This Summer and Fall?

Or has starting a newspaper been a distraction? Whatever the reason, the Salisbury Independent's headline – CONWAY, POLLITT STUNNED – in big, bold type is seriously misleading because it suggests that their defeat came as a shocking surprise last week. Anyone familiar with the pulse of Wicomico County should realize that's not the case.

People are fed up with the tax and spend style of government that those and other Democrat politicians have embraced for far too long. This year, discontent went beyond the boiling point, and for the first time Conway and Pollitt faced competent political opponents with sound conservative credentials who had broad, bipartisan support from the get-go.

The strong showing by the Republicans in the primary election last summer did not register with Pollitt or Conway, who failed to actively campaign or to change their respective tune, either before or afterwards, believing that history would repeat itself.

That proved to be a major mistake that could not be cured by last minute mailings and commercials. And they both failed to divest from affiliation with O’Malley-Brown.

By Labor Day it had become obvious that the fat was in the fire, and by mid-October it was clear that change was in the air. When the early voting totals (by party) were announced it became clear to anyone who was paying attention that Carl Anderton and Bob Culver would prevail when the final vote was held on November 4.

If Pollitt and Conway were "stunned" by the outcome, that’s because they were out-of-touch with the electorate, which may be the case with Mr. Bassett. And, then, there’s the Daily Times.


  1. Joe, the MSM works with blinders on, you know that!

  2. Bassett isn't fooling me. He's a liberal and always will be. Another paper to line the bird cage.

  3. Let's see how good a friend Bassett is to Pollitt will he give him a job?

  4. You know how that old freedom of the press thing goes where personal opinions are involved.

  5. Why doesn't this fool go into some other kind of business - he is so out of touch. Greg Bassett either report the truth and what is going on or get the hell out of the business.

  6. I'm glad those 2 A-holes are out but we missed one, Mathias.

  7. If you don't live on this website, it was a shock.

  8. Salisbury Independent should be called the Salisbury Socialist. The liberal bias of the paper is extremely obvious. I have hardly ever seen a paper that puts so much faith in politicians to save the day.

  9. I am sure it was stunning to pollitt and Conway that they lost.

  10. "Anonymous said...
    I am sure it was stunning to pollitt and Conway that they lost.

    November 10, 2014 at 9:35 AM"

    That's what being out of touch and arrogant will do to you.

  11. Some WERE stunned, Some were NOT Does not take a genius to figure that out. Sadly the majority of the commenters on this Pollitt/Conway posting leave no doubt as to their intellect.

    Were the majority SBYNEWS readers as stunned when McDermott lost as I was?

  12. Love the picture Joe...Salisbury Dependent...so appropriate!

  13. 10:54, NO, we were not stunned when Mike McDermott lost. NONE of us here are a stupid as you'd like to imply.

    When you have the democratic machine pumping in $400,000.00 to Mathias' campaign to McDermott's $33,000.00, it's a no brainer.

    Now, did we HOPE Mike would succeed, absolutely. Just as we had HOPED Anderton and Culver would win.

  14. I really do think these 2 guys
    were stunned! They thought they had it made--arrogance was their
    downfall !!

    Thank God it's still a free
    country & we can exercise the
    right to vote for who we want &
    that's just what we did!!

  15. Hey Greg -

    What was Laura Mitchell's reaction to being blogged by Sbynews then hung out to dry on election day?

  16. FYI - Pollitt didn't campaign much or care about the outcome until it became obvious that Brown might not win and Rick might not have a cushy state job if he lost.

  17. Rick always said it his current job didn't work out he would go back to the City of Fruitland.

    News flash Slick Rick! We don't want or need you!

  18. How do we get them to stop throwing that paper in the driveway? You would think that if there are 3 in the driveway they would have enough sense to STOP! Makes a mess in the neighborhood.

  19. 12:28 --

    You could include Josh Hastings as another who was blogged by Sbynews and then beaten, not stirred on election day.

  20. Joe - picked them up for trash man to take away.

  21. Headlines are written to attract attention. It has seemed to work.

  22. One of Conway's problems was him continuing to dwell on that mailing he found offensive or whatever.
    It go to the point where enough already. He needed to either ignore it or hit back with something that made it untrue but he couldn't so his campaign kept on with the how terrible it was.
    Pollitt made his own destiny by having an out of control admin who thought nothing of spending tax payers money because they are of the handout/freebie mentality.


  23. 1) That Bassett can't hunt; has no nose for news! Besides wasn't his wife Kratovil's local mouthpiece?

    2) Shame about McDermott. As Delegate he provided a great deal of information about goings-on in Annapolis.

    3)Mathias' ads knocked Preston and Janosik off the air. But they were intentionally inaccurate.

    4) Mathias' stooped to campaign on his late wife's passing; gotta really be desperate to stoop to that. Reprehensible!

  24. 3:32, Hardly! You see, with Salisbury News, it's YOUR choice to come here.

    With Bassett's paper, it's shoved down your throat by being thrown onto your property and you have NO CHOICE.

  25. Some other big losers in this election:

    Pollitt's pal Pretl

    Jonathan Taylor

  26. JT is so not one bit in tune it's actually funny. His brain must be petrified. He talks about what goes on over here as being so horrible but he is far times worse, because he's hypocritical.
    What goes around comes around with that nasty bunch-mark my words. Karma has a way of dealing with such nasty people twofold. They think it's something like bad luck, but it's not, it's God's way of punishing them. Some already have been dealt some bad blows but it's because of their own wicked ways and it won't stop until they change.

  27. Hi Joe.

    Please let your readers know that if they're receiving a delivered copy of the Independent, and it's not wanted, to please email me at gbassett@newszap.com. We can halt their delivery. We have many people who want to receive the newspaper, and can move any undesired copies to other readers who have requested delivery. Thanks for reading Salisbury Independent.
    Greg Bassett

    (Sorry to comment as anonymous, but your Blogger Poster won't let me sign in with my Google Account.)

  28. Speaking of losers in this years local election, don't forget Ron Pagano. His real record was revealed here.

    Hey, Ron, you've been blogged.

  29. Don't forget John Robinson. I'm sure he was pissed at the outcome of the election!

  30. Hey, Bassett. Instead of littering the City streets, which I would have to pay a fine if I did, why don't you just offer up your rag on a store stand like the others?

    Oh, because of the "circulation numbers"! LOL!

    Your paper is just that, littering!

  31. neither of them were shocked. Norm has bearly won the election before last. We made a horriable mistake not re-electing him. We forgot how much bacon he brought to us. Rick knew he was in trouble all summer. He ran a lack luster campaign, started late . I think he knew in his heart it as over, before he started. Rick's old friends have left him. Be interesting to see how many people contributed to Bob's campaign that had perviously donated to Rick's campaign.

  32. Well, that issue of the paper didn't even correctly identify Marc Kilmer's picture. Since this new councilman knocked on the door of most of the voters in the district, everyone here recognizes him. I guess that shows the Independent is out of touch....

  33. "Hey, Bassett. Instead of littering the City streets, which I would have to pay a fine if I did, why don't you just offer up your rag on a store stand like the others?"

    For real 8:14. You would think this liberal would be looking to reduce his carbon footprint and wouldn't want people driving around in cars! littering the landscape. Or if they must, they should be riding bikes while out tossing the paper----after all I'm sure Bassett was one of the ones all jazzed up over bike lanes.
    Hypocrisy is one of the few things liberals excel at. The other is lying.

  34. The problem isn't that Bassett is a liberal. The probelm is that Bassett has no respect for what a newspaper is supposed to be:


    Bassett publishes what he believes will promote the politician and agenda he wants to see and what he believes will harm those he does not like. Remember the front page "news" about Debbie Campbell from an "unnamed source" (JT's blog) that made an unfounded - completely absurd - accusation and never retracted it or updated it. Nothing. Could have cost that woman her real-life job.

    Bassett is a gossip monger, not a newsman, yet he has the 'nads to fault this blog for publishing gossip. His little nothing of a paper showed a photo of fall foliage imprinted with "'Bury Colorful," then went on about Ireton tweeting. Who cares about the mayor's tweets?

    I got "news" for Bassett. I brought a client here and took them for a walk through downtown. The guy's wife saw those BURY signs and burst into tears. Why? Because she had recently lost two members of her family and that's what that stupid slogan reminded her of, burying her loved ones. I was so embarrassed, I drove them to Ocean City for lunch.

    What a service he could have done the city in his former position if he had said to the mayor, hey, let's run a contest for this. Something other than some small elite group coming up with that crap and foisting it on the locals. Ireton thinks he's progressive, but he's just another another big fish in a small pond who thinks small.

    All just my opinion, but at least I call it that rather than demanding Joe publish it as headline news on his blog.


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