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Sunday, November 16, 2014

A Letter To The Editor: President of SU

Hello Joe:

I don't know if you have seen, but today outside the president of SU's house there were moving vans. The president has recently purchase and is moving to a home on the river. She claims she is unable to go up and down the steps of the SU house, but will continue to use the place for "official functions." This is her 3rd house: 1 in Fenwick, another in Nutters, and now on the river. She has wanted to move away from campus since she arrived stating that the land could be better used than a president's house. Not only is she rarely on or visible on campus, she will use her president's housing allowance to pay for this new home. Housing allowances are meant when no homes are available for university presidents! What a waste of the taxpayers' money - especially since there is now a hiring freeze at the school when she makes over $300,000 a year!

A Concerned Citizen


  1. I'm sure she feels she "deserves" it.

  2. Maybe after January Governor Hogan can correct this misguided individuals choice of living arrangements. Like Rick Pollitt and Norman Conway she has been at the helm way to long.

  3. SU has thrived during her reign as President... the school has completely been renovated, higher standards--

    It is a shame that as a City and community we don't embrace the Univ. as we should. They provide huge amounts of revenue for Salisbury--without it--tons of business would fail

    Always negative negative towards SU---few other towns have this mentality when it comes to their college in their town.. Typical of Eastern Shore--Don't improve yourselves--just stay angry, mad and poor

  4. Those darn educated come-heres!

  5. It is a shame that as a City and community we don't embrace the Univ. as we should. They provide huge amounts of revenue for Salisbury--without it--tons of business would fail

    drive around salis more and you will see tons of already failed businesses.

  6. 10:06
    Let me translate what you said. Under Dudley the university has used massive amounts of taxpayer money to fund the upgrades and expansion of the university. They have used tax money to purchase realestate adjacent to the university. They have followed the unencumbered continuous growth model that has put this country into serious financial trouble. They have alienated alumni that used to donate huge amounts of money due to her policies. We are talking about being fiscally responsible here.

    just because an industry brings in a lot of revenue for the surrounding area does not mean we, the people that have lived here our whole lives, need to compromise our principles if conservative and responsible spending. Infact this has nothing to do with local policy. What is being pointed out is WASTE.

    You seem like an tax and spend liberal transplant. Take you hoity toity attitude and leave if our way of life is so backwards.

    We were here before you came, and we will be here after leave. Furthermore I highly doubt the person that originally submitted this to Joe is unhappy, uneducated or poor. A tertiary education is not an indicator of intelligence and it certainly does not impart wisdom. Wisdom is only gained by constant reflection and application of life experiences. Some of the dumbest people I have ever met are well educated. They feel that their education or place of birth makes them superior to the lifelong residence of the Eastern Shore. On the flip side of that argument some of the happiest and well informed people I know are farmers and watermen.

    Your comment is typical of someone that has little concern for the people that make your life here possible.

  7. If you don't mind, I'm putting my two cents in on this one.

    Me personally, I agree that SU is a big part of what keeps the heartbeat of Salisbury going.

    What the President of SU does is her business. Considering she makes more than $300,000.00 a year as reported, GOOD FOR HER. How she spends what she has EARNED is also her business. She does not work for you, like Jim Ireton does.

    As for her using an expense account for the home on the River, well, I have no proof that is at all true. What I will say is, if you get a car allowance from your work, what vehicle you purchase is up to YOU. If she's having a hard time using the stairs, it is what it is.

    All this being said, I am very fair when it comes to letters to the editor. As I have stated to many of you, I DO NOT ALWAYS AGREE WITH EVERYTHING WE POST. Am I to censor letters to the editor or comments? My answer to that is, no. As for WHO writes those letters to the editor, I KEEP those names because I do NOT want those people retaliated against.

    I respect YOUR right to your freedom of speech but clearly I do not always agree.

    We ALL need to learn to "agree to disagree". It does not mean we dislike, hate or will never speak to you again. It simply means we DISAGREE.

  8. Loud and Very Clear 10:32

  9. If Janet cannot negotiate the stairs, perhaps it is because she is terribly obese.

    JANET, LISTEN CAREFULLY: Improve your life--indeed, SAVE your life--by reducing to a reasonable size. In doing so, you will benefit in ways that you cannot imagine and you will set a strong and positive example for other people on your campus and in our community who are suffering from overweight. Come on, Janet! Accept the challenge! Transform yourself into a healthier, happier person!

  10. Anonymous said...
    SU has thrived during her reign as President... the school has completely been renovated, higher standards--

    It is a shame that as a City and community we don't embrace the Univ. as we should. They provide huge amounts of revenue for Salisbury--without it--tons of business would fail

    Always negative negative towards SU---few other towns have this mentality when it comes to their college in their town.. Typical of Eastern Shore--Don't improve yourselves--just stay angry, mad and poor

    November 14, 2014 at 10:06 AM

    Janet, shouldn't you be packing boxes?

  11. What November 14, 2014 at 10:32 AM SAID X10!!!
    Wasteful Greedy and pompous!!!

    Take a real good look at the billions of grants and budgets paid from taxpayer money!!!

    Read it again Joe...the allowance is NOT for multiple homes!! Its her way of makeing room to spend even more funds, grants and tax money....ALL from taxpayers!


  12. JoeAlbero said...

    What the President of SU does is her business. Considering she makes more than $300,000.00 a year as reported, GOOD FOR HER. How she spends what she has EARNED is also her business. She does not work for you, like Jim Ireton does.

    November 14, 2014 at 10:36 AM

    Au contraire! You are wrond, The Dud dose work for us. Her salary is paid for by us the hard working tax payers in Maryland. She does work for us just like Tom Stevenson works for us.

  13. November 14, 2014 at 11:02 AM


  14. GREED GREED GREED Its everywhere Ecept it.

  15. 11:06 said it best JANET, lose weight! that's her problem with the steps...

  16. Hey, 11:24 - actually, her salary is primarily paid for by the tuition of the 8,000 people that choose Salisbury University over thousands of other schools. Some taxes, yes. About 30%.

    But no, she doesn't work for you. If anyone, she works for those attending the Univ.

  17. Ironically, SU faculty received an email this week from Administration about a new hiring freeze being implemented.

  18. Greed? Really they set the rate and pay the president a salary look at other college wages you ignorant people! Educate yourself before you run your mouth

  19. Anonymous said...
    Hey, 11:24 - actually, her salary is primarily paid for by the tuition of the 8,000 people that choose Salisbury University over thousands of other schools. Some taxes, yes. About 30%.

    But no, she doesn't work for you. If anyone, she works for those attending the Univ.

    November 14, 2014 at 12:54 PM

    No Dumba$$ she does work for us the tax payers. The majority of those students attending college receive grants(tax dollars). That entire campus is built on tax dollars. Salaries are paid by tax dollars. The Dud does work for us the citizens.

  20. 2;18,right on.You have to realize that liberals think the money tree pays for grants,taxes and the like.

  21. It's just a symptom of how kids are getting screwed because of tuition increases. The administration doesn't care about how their decisions are killing the future of our country.

    It now costs $19,000 PER YEAR to attend SU and live on campus.

    15 years ago, I graduated with 19,000 in student loan debt. That was on the 5 year plan.

  22. She is probably leaving because of the childish antics of the students in that neighborhood. Illegal drug use and sales are everywhere in that neighborhood and property is vandalized on a daily basis. I don't blame her. I would if I could afford to.

  23. While Dud makes $300,000 plus housing, car, and entertaining expenses....the faculty have not had a pay raise in 5 years! So, build all the new buildings you want to....but the faculty are leaving for other jobs that pay more and have annual pay raises. And it is the faculty who are teaching the students in the classrooms. Poorly paid faculty equals poor and inept teachers in the classrooms...you get what you pay for. Pay poorly and you get crap that takes those faculty jobs at SU. The SU faculty are now make less per hour than the hourly staff wage earners like the secretaries, maintenance workers, and food service employees. But good old fat Janet gladly accepts big pay raises from the Maryland State Education System. But she can't climb a set of stairs in the president's residence because of her obesity so she now owns 3 different homes on the Eastern Shore. How many other homes does she own outside of the Eastern Shore?

  24. While Dud makes $300,000 plus housing, car, and entertaining expenses....the faculty have not had a pay raise in 5 years! So, build all the new buildings you want to....but the faculty are leaving for other jobs that pay more and have annual pay raises. And it is the faculty who are teaching the students in the classrooms. Poorly paid faculty equals poor and inept teachers in the classrooms...you get what you pay for. Pay poorly and you get crap that takes those faculty jobs at SU. The SU faculty are now make less per hour than the hourly staff wage earners like the secretaries, maintenance workers, and food service employees. But good old fat Janet gladly accepts big pay raises from the Maryland State Education System. But she can't climb a set of stairs in the president's residence because of her obesity so she now owns 3 different homes on the Eastern Shore. How many other homes does she own outside of the Eastern Shore?

  25. All of you that think having college kids living all over town should have to live next door to these houses where greedy landlords that rent to a bunch in the same house, keeping you awake all night partying and throwing trash and beer cans in your yard. We live here.... alot are elderly and can't move out of homes they have finally paid for. I think the landlords should be held responsible for any problems their tennants create!

  26. I have no problem with her moving if this is her preference, but I do when we see university personnel up keeping her house and lawn. Now that is I am sure what will follow her, full service and they will say its the Presidents house, hum which one

  27. Fact - In-State tuition is subsidized by taxpayers. Look at the difference between public vs private college tuition.
    Fact - The two fastest growing entities in Salisbury are the college and PRMC, neither of which are directly paying taxes to the city or the county.
    I am not disputing their value to the community but don't laude them for their almighty greatness without realizing that the 48% who are net taxpayers are footing a share of the bill.
    Think about it.

  28. 5:11, I think you hit on the real reason. Much nicer to live on the river, away from all that. For all the good SU does for Salisbury, it has also drained it of a lot.

  29. 8:51
    I don't know how some put up with them. I do not live in Salisbury and I hate to have to even go to Salisbury. I did have to go there about 2 weeks ago to my dentist. While I was in Salisbury I wanted to pick up some fuses and a part for my vehicle so I went to Auto zone. The college kids use that parking lot as a cut through to go where ever they are going. In the short time I was there I watched 2 people almost get creamed coming out of the door at Auto Zone. The first one was a girl that was riding her bike ON the sidewalk in front of Auto zone. The second was a guy riding his skateboard on the sidewalk. A few days later I had to return my fuses and part *I got the wrong one* and as I pulled into the parking lot there were 3 girls cutting across the parking lot. None of them had a clue that someone was behind them. They slowly walked through the middle of the parking lot without a care in the world. Ok so it took me a few seconds longer no big deal. The BIG deal is they had no clue about their surroundings. They were NOT paying attention. That can be deadly to a girl around a college campus. WAKE UP and pay attention and remove those ear buds!. Your life could depend on it!

  30. Wow, staying on the sidewalk! Horrifying!

    May I suggest you not drive your car on the sidewalk, 1027?

    Yield to Pedestrians?


  31. 7:18
    Are you a moron? You yield to pedestrians when they are in a crosswalk. They are NOT suppose to walk down the center of a parking lot or roadway. A sidwalk is for WALKING not riding a bike or skateboard. This is NOT a sidewalk owned by the city, county or state. It is owned by a business for the use of their customers, not lazy kids that don't give a crap about the injury they could cause to a customer of that business as they go flying by the entrance/exit doors. I guess you would also be ok with the kids walking down the middle of 13 right?

  32. There are always cries about big pharma and big oil. Where are the cries about big education. Education cost always rise and never fall like oil. Big education protects itself with tenure, accreditation, and limiting it's own supply!

  33. I think 10:27 meant that customers coming out the door were going to get creamed by the biker and skateboarder on the sidewalk. Not that the biker and skateboarder were going to get creamed by a car.

  34. Peace Alliance on the shore...November 16, 2014 at 5:22 PM

    Studying Transgender lifestyles for my Master's degree at SU...I find this article repulsive...

  35. In times of wage and staffing freezes the same wouldn't be said if the person was the head of a local corporation. Really think about the scenario if it read like this: I work for a local manufacturing business that employs 5-600 people on 3 shifts and this week in the midst of huge increases in my medical insurance premiums and decreasing contributions by my employer, wage freezes ( I haven't had an increase in my pay in 6 years, hiring freezes leave me working overtime to keep up with orders, but I don't dare put in for more than the off the record 10 hours every 2 weeks.) I just am fuming about all this and then I find out this week that the president of the company, who just last month in our team leader meeting that we need to lead by example and expect our holiday pay, bonuses and profit sharing to be the same as last year $0 I find out not only does he own his 3500 square foot home in Nutter's, a beach block vacation home in Fenwick now is sacrificing by using his previously unused housing allowance to buy a $600,000.00 waterfront home because his fat ass can't go up and down the company owned and paid for house! Well boo hoo cry me a river!

    This sounds like a real world scenario to me with the exception of a 5-600 employee, 3 shift company in Salisbury! How would those employees feel? Exactly how us taxpayers feel like we're getting crapped on by the man or woman in this case! I mean where does the middle class get it's break in the world according to Obamo? There's a rumbling building in this country and it's not just in Ferguson in support of the innocent police officer it's everywhere and we're fed up and we're not going to take it much longer. Sorry for the rambling on, but I'm angry!

  36. Last time I checked, she is paid by the students who pay tuition. Good for her, buy what you want.

  37. 5:22 really lol good luck finding work lol. You are a prime example of the failure in American education. I got a degree in Muslim interpatation of American society viewed by a transgendered person and a questioning person. WTF people really wake up. It is total abuse. The Dud burped Saturday and out flew Jim Ireton.


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