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Sunday, November 16, 2014

Route 50 outside of Hebron. Wonderful!!!


  1. Completely inappropriate and disrespectful. What type of an example is this for our kids....poor.

  2. To 11:34: The flush tax, rain tax and 38 + tax & fee increases were inappropriate and disrespectful to the hard working Maryland citizens who have jobs and have seen their quality of life decrease.

  3. their gooses are cooked!

  4. Disagree wholeheartedly. The "type of example for the kids" is freedom of speech--political speech at that. This sign gets you disappeared in some countries. That someone felt strong enough to send this message at the risk of alienating some potential customers speaks volumes. People who build businesses and create jobs are just fed up.

  5. you must be a dumbocrat 11:34 to leave a comment like that.

  6. Wow 11:34 What kind of American are you? This happens to be this person's right to self expression.
    If you don't like it then too bad.
    The best example for the children is that this is American and with our freedoms also comes disrespect at times and you just need to brush it off and get over it.

  7. being 11:34...I represent All Obama/Peace Alliance voters on the shore...it is George Bushes Fault...

  8. What type of example is this for the kids 11:34? I'll tell you. It's teaching them, that people are individuals who have their own minds and do think differently, instead of being conformists. It's teaching real diversity and not the liberal redefined meaning of diversity.

  9. Anonymous said...
    Completely inappropriate and disrespectful. What type of an example is this for our kids....poor.

    November 11, 2014 at 11:34 AM

    Get your head out of your A$$ you ignorant Democrat. You people have ruined this country and we don't want you here. Please pack your bags and leave with Norm and Pollitt also.

  10. Anonymous said...
    being 11:34...I represent All Obama/Peace Alliance voters on the shore...it is George Bushes Fault...

    November 11, 2014 at 1:36 PM

    Peace Alliance? That's what Josh Hastings has all over his FB for County Council page. LMAO.

  11. Anonymous said...
    Completely inappropriate and disrespectful. What type of an example is this for our kids....poor.

    November 11, 2014 at 11:34 AM

    Where were you when all the ignorant comments about Governor Ehrlich and President Bush were made? Oh that's right they were Republicans.

  12. 11:34 I hope you're sterile and haven't bred yet.

  13. 11:34 Your comment was so stupid and ignorant I can only say that I think you are mentality retarded. However, that's how a Communist would think.

  14. Citizens and disagree and not be insulting or disagreeable. This is a gloating and insulting example of how not to treat those who we do not agree with. This country is sorely lacking in civility and to set this as an example to our children is wrong. No one is questioning anyone's right to put crap like this out there; only pointing out the crassness of it and the incivility it projects.

  15. I actually agree with 11:34.

    Taking the high road and setting a moral example would be to lead by actions rather than words on a stupid highway sign. We voted for the right governor. Now move on.

  16. Now if we could just petition to separate from the state of Maryland. Delmarva is its own region. I truly feel we would be better off without them!

  17. I agree with the guy. Owe malley has been bad for Md. and brown was going to be more of the same. You gotta hand it to that family, they started there with a building that had been empty for years.

  18. Let's not forget on this Veterans Day to thank and treat all veterans with dignity and respect. There are many Republicans and Democrats that are serving and that have served this great nation Mr. Brown being one of them.

  19. Oh please 5:20 enough already with Brown's military service. He was in Germany and in Iraq as a JAG, 2 cushy positions. Everyone acts like he was on the front lines or something. No he was safely ensconced in the Green Zone, with the diplomatic corps heavily guarded by real true heroes.

  20. "Anonymous said...
    Now if we could just petition to separate from the state of Maryland. Delmarva is its own region. I truly feel we would be better off without them!

    November 11, 2014 at 5:01 PM"

    Only problem is no industry left here or at least not enough for the area to be self sufficient. Democrats such as Conjob and Bozoman saw to this years ago. We are dependent on state money thanks to those 2 and others who sat back and did nothing while this area went spiraling down.

  21. Way to go Mark, You da Man. from and old hunting buddy.


  22. Great sign and expression of 'Free Speech'.

    Too bad they didn't have enough letters to include OweConway and OwePollitt!

  23. I think I will go buy a chair.

  24. It's obvious the owners here have strong political opinions, and that is their right, and I would fight for them to have that right. However if I owned a local business I would keep politics out of it, as you may be limiting patronage, and therefore income. But I still like the message. lol

  25. My wife and I have been shopping there for years, great store. They are entitled to their opinions and have the balls to put it on display. Most people don't that's why we post on here ANONYMOUS. Go get em GOOSE.

  26. It's funny how it's okay for the Liberals to stand along Route 13 in front of the college and display their
    "'peace and war signs"...but let a business express their freedom of speech rights and it's "inappropriate and disrespectful". I have to agree with the owners sign about Owe Malley and Brown - they can't be gone soon enough. Now, if they would just OWE Bama would be even better!

  27. I think this person has put msg's up that a majority of Delmarva agrees with. ohh wait, a majority of MD since the last election.

  28. I would like to know when all the trashy signs supporting candidates will come down? There are still quite a few around, and frankly, I'm sick of this County looking like a trash heap!


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