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Sunday, November 23, 2014

Today's Survey Question 11-21-14

Should the West Salisbury School Be Renovated 

Rather Than Replaced with New Facility?


  1. What is the price per sq foot for renovate vs replace.
    Go with the cheaper.

  2. Needs to be replaced and relocated closer to the Westside.

  3. Monies should be set aside in the schools yearly budget for repairs and such. I know the budgets are tight; I understand that. As a homeowner, I must use a budget to set aside for repairs/updates I want to do -- the same reasoning should carry over to public facilities. I know, I know, I'm thinking like a responsible person when I should be thinking like the libertards.

  4. 12:54

    If only budgets worked that way. In governmental budgeting it is done on a yearly basis, and if it isn't spent, it is lost the next year.

  5. Should be left alone , looks OK to me.
    Besides that , most schools are nothing more than a baby sitting building that houses the parents children , they certainly don't learn a damn thing.

  6. Anonymous said...

    If only budgets worked that way. In governmental budgeting it is done on a yearly basis, and if it isn't spent, it is lost the next year.

    November 21, 2014 at 1:03 PM

    WCBOE employees trolling again.

  7. Wicomico County can not afford to rebuild or renovate. Leave it alone for now until the economy gets better.

  8. If that's the way the budgeting system works now, CHANGE IT!!! How hard is that??? duh....

  9. If that's the way the budgeting system works now, CHANGE IT!!! How hard is that??? duh....

    November 21, 2014 at 1:57 PM

    How are we supposed to change something huge like how we budget money if we can't even agree on what to do with an unused building in town?

  10. I say leave it alone and don't do anything except maintain the roof, and heating system.

    The County is in a financial pickle as a result of 8 years of Democratic lordship.

  11. Anonymous said...
    I say leave it alone and don't do anything except maintain the roof, and heating system.

    The County is in a financial pickle as a result of 8 years of Democratic lordship.

    November 21, 2014 at 3:57 PM

    I agree. That $1.25 Million dollars is for a "Study" anyway. That $1.25 Million Dollars could go a long way for a renovation of the building.


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