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Sunday, November 23, 2014

Lunch In Delmar Schools

Sorry about the blurry image but a student sent this to me from their cell phone and I wanted to share with everyone what Michelle Obama has created for our children. 

On this day they received three cheese sticks, an apple and a drink. In MOST restaurants we would call this an appetiser. 


  1. thank goodness my son can pack lunch every day. it used to be in middle school last year that he would buy lunch on say, cheesesteak sub day, fish sandwich day or mozzarella stick day. He stopped, he said that the portions were just getting smaller and smaller. and didn't taste as good. I am truly sorry for those children that THIS type of lunch is ALL they may have to eat.

  2. So, pack your child's food for them. I know better than the gubment what my children need for their nutrition. There is no way anyone else should make that decision.

  3. Tell me PLEASE, why this bitch is making any rules for our kids, while her kids have a gourmet Chef?

    Send this too the Prsions... If it is good for our kids, its good for EBT and Prisons

  4. If you are not paying for it out of your pocket, you are are only going to get what the Obama's say you will get. It has nothing to do with health, it's all about control.

  5. Since when did Fried Cheese become an entree? Good grief!

  6. fried anything is on Moochelle's eat right list? that can't be right...
    hoping this is what she had for lunch today

  7. Which Delmar. Because frankly, I had lunch at Delmar High yesterday. Granted, it was Thanksgiving, but it was more than I could eat!

  8. Someone wants to stir the pot. The last time Delmar elementary served Mozzarella sticks, this is what they ALSO served that day.

    Mozzarella Sticks w/
    Marinara Sauce
    Golden Crispy
    Chicken Chef’s Salad
    w/ ww Dinner Roll
    Mixed Fruit

    Delmar High served Mozzarella sticks on the 19th, but they ALSO served this:
    Mozzarella Sticks
    Arroz Con Pollo
    Patty Melt
    Turkey or Pasta Salad
    Egg Salad stuffed Pita

  9. If you are teaching your kids that is an appetizer it is no wonder everyone is so over weight.

  10. My kids say that this year the food tastes better but everything is much smaller. 4 nuggets or 3 cheese sticks, the milk went form 1 pint to 1/2. I told them that we will start packing again because that is not sufficient protein for growing minds. Plus, they love veggies and fruits at home but they say the school stuff is gross. What a waste of money and food.

  11. 1:14, First of all, my Grandson had the same lunch yesterday and said it was fantastic.

    However, let me tell you what else he said. Grandpa, we had turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green beans. I said, a Thanksgiving meal. He said, no, you can't say that in School. I said, say what. He said, Thanksgiving! He went on to say that some kids don't celebrate Thanksgiving, so we're not allowed to say that any more.


  12. Anonymous 12:28...great point!
    Anonymous 12:33, I pay out of pocket & my kids have the same choices

  13. So they can spend the saved money on ppl who don't work its bull I hate Obama and our whole system

  14. The teacher misinformed your grandson. It's called Thanksgiving dinner on the menu and is called Thanksgiving break on the calender. That teacher is trying so hard to be politically correct she sounds ridiculous. And she's wrong!

  15. Lucky us in High school. We get 5 cheese sticks rather than the 3 in the Delmar elementary.

  16. Well bet you ass that "bucket butt" has a bigger lunch.

  17. You are misinformed about the lunch not being called Thanksgiving. All week it's on the announcements as being "thanksgiving lunch" and it's "thanksgiving break" at Delmar Middle and High School


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