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Sunday, November 23, 2014

Rick Pollitt’s Last-Minute Political Contributors

Thanks in part to the fund-raising event sponsored by the Salisbury attorney whose brother is part of O’Malley’s cabinet, Mr. Pollitt’s campaign got an infusion of money in the last reporting period – as just disclosed, the donors include:

The Big Bucks Brigade

Apple Discount Drugs - $1,000
Memo Diriker - $1,000
East Coast Restaurant Mgmt. - $900
Sovereign Enterprises, LLC - $1,000

The smaller fry (monetarily speaking) include: Robin Cockey, Norman Conway, Charles R. Dashiell, Jacob Day, Michael Delano, John Frederickson, Stevie Prettyman, Hall for County Council, Matt Holloway, Don Richardson and Michael Weisner.

Sovereign Enterprises, LLC, which gave an address in Allentown, PA, had previously donated $1,000. Isn’t that business trying to do a deal with the County for it’s nursing home?

Another earlier Big Bucks donor was M. W. Tilghman of Salisbury, who contributed $2,000. Does anyone know if he was involved in the sale of the site that became the Wal-Mart in Fruitland when Mr. Pollitt was the town manager there?


  1. Hall for County Council

    So John Hall donated money to Rick Pollitt that was given to him by the Wicomico County Republican Club and the Wicomico County Republican Central Committee? This is something that all Republican Club members should be aware of.

  2. WOW! and look at those Rino's.

  3. Did John Fredericksen contribute to both candidates?

  4. 2:28 No. What does that tell you? Freddy only donated to Rick.

  5. Chip (Charles Dashiell) - who currently serves on the Planning & Zoning Commission, and, who was appointed by Pollitt - he needs to be replaced by our new County Executive.

    And Stevie (Rino) Prettyman - thank GOD she is finished. As for Matt Holloway - Bob Culver should especially watch his back.

    As for Michael Weisner - who currently serves on the Board of Appeals for Real Property assessments - time for Bob Culver to appoint some new representatives in that Department also.

    It's time for the Republican party to take charge - as the old regime was booted out.

  6. Henry Hanna & Matt Tilghman made a fortune on the sale of the land where the Fruitland Walmart with the help of Rick Pollitt!

  7. Not comprehending any of this. It's their money & if anyone chooses to donate to whoever, I don't see a problem with it. Maybe some thought he was the better person. What some of the above comments show is just plain revenge by kicking out those who donated to him. And, I don't get this RINO thing. If it wasn't for the Democrats voting for some Republicans, I doubt any Republican would get elected then. Democrats out number the Republicans.
    I personally vote for the person not what party they are.

  8. To 4:38 Poster about the RINO thing.

    I believe what the previous poster is alluding to is that the Republican party, USUALLY, reflects the conservative persuasion - (i.e. - making it through life relying on oneself as opposed to depending or leaching off of others). Generally speaking, conservatives usually stick together. However - IMHO - some of the Republicans named in the above post have by-and-large voted with the Democrats. Thus, labeled RINOs.

  9. 6:08 --

    J. Hall is a clown, but Matt Holloway is a clear and present public danger.

  10. 4:38, it may be legal, but the Walmart-Pollitt-Tilghman connection smells of "quid pro quo" - I think that is the term for I'll do this for you if you do this for me - to many people.

  11. Anonymous said...
    Not comprehending any of this. It's their money & if anyone chooses to donate to whoever, I don't see a problem with it. Maybe some thought he was the better person. What some of the above comments show is just plain revenge by kicking out those who donated to him. And, I don't get this RINO thing. If it wasn't for the Democrats voting for some Republicans, I doubt any Republican would get elected then. Democrats out number the Republicans.
    I personally vote for the person not what party they are.

    November 21, 2014 at 4:38 PM

    If you personally vote for the person and the the party they are then you are a special kind of stupid for voting for Rick Pollitt.

  12. Anonymous said...
    6:08 --

    J. Hall is a clown, but Matt Holloway is a clear and present public danger.

    November 21, 2014 at 7:41 PM

    What about John Cannon being the President of the County Council and Matt Holloway being the Vice President?


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