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Sunday, November 16, 2014

The Kiss of Death for Norm Conway's Campaign

"Photo Op Jim" poses, acting like he's really campaigning when in reality Jim was simply creating an image for Facebook to encourage others to get out and door knock.  

Unlike Norm, Carl Anderton was out in force knocking on both republican AND democrats doors, sometimes even twice throughout the campaign. 

Ireton also campaigned for Josh Hastings, how'd it work out for you Jimmy? Fortunately for all of us, Norm lost his seat as Jimmy was Jonesing to replace Norm in the next election after Norm retired. Poor Pollitt and Ireton. Well, at least Jimmy still has his part time job, for now. 


  1. LMAO

    We all know the possible scenario was Norm Conway easily getting elected and then retiring allowing the local Democrat Central Committee to choose none other than Jim Ireton to finish out the term.

    It would have been funny if Norm did get elected and the Central Committee nominated Laura Mitchell or Jake Day instead of the Resident Homo Mare!

  2. Flip flops show a complete lack of professionalism and leadership. Wear them to the beach, whatever... but out campaigning, and that ground breaking ceremony...Flip flops with a dress jacket on? Really?

  3. Well he is a flip flop so what do you expect?

  4. David Lublin: Go Norm! You can't lose with the Blues Bros. campaigning for you!

  5. When Day becomes mayor next year Salisbury will soon wish that Jimbeau or Barrie was still running things.

  6. Hey! I think I have seen that guy on the beach in Rehoboth Beach?

  7. Anonymous said...
    When Day becomes mayor next year Salisbury will soon wish that Jimbeau or Barrie was still running things.

    November 14, 2014 at 11:19 AM

    Jake Day will either beat Jim Ireton in the election or Jim Ireton will cower to him and run for a lowly council member position just so he can stay in the limelight, just in case the he has a chance for Jim Mathias' seat.

  8. They should have emptied the chamber pot out that top window when Jimmie came a'knockin!

  9. Ireton also campaigned for Josh Hastings, how'd it work out for you Jimmy?

    How did that work for Josh Hastings? LMAO

    Josh Hastings had the State Treasurer Peter Franchot going door to door with him and he still loss.

    Ireton failed Josh Hastings

    Jake Day's endorsement failed Josh Hastings

    But more than anything Jim Ireton failed Josh Hastings and Norm Conway.

  10. Photo op for real! Anyone notice that this door has a doorbell?

  11. 4:13 where? all I see is a deadbolt key cylinder

  12. Ahhh....413! Take a little closer look. Doorbell on the left side as big as you please. Possibly you need your glasses adjusted?

  13. 11:19, why do you say that? Will Jake Day outperform them both in displays of public drunkenness and hissy fit throwing? Not that I am a fan of Jake Day. He is the realtors' and developers' dream. But so far, he does seem better behaved than either of those two.

  14. 7:27 this is 5:10. I stand corrected. sorry about that

  15. Anonymous said...
    11:19, why do you say that? Will Jake Day outperform them both in displays of public drunkenness and hissy fit throwing? Not that I am a fan of Jake Day. He is the realtors' and developers' dream. But so far, he does seem better behaved than either of those two.

    November 14, 2014 at 10:04 PM

    You obviously don't know him or his wife.

  16. I wonder if Jim and Jake's help was the kiss of death for Norman's campaign? I know I was turned off and voted for Carl and I have known Norman for years. The fact that Jim Ireton has screwed over the citizens for many years and these are the same citizens that vote for Norm Conway. Norman are you that stupid after many of us has complained to you about how Jim Ireton and Jake Day are running this City in the ground. With those 2 being gun grabbers and same sex marriage lovers you really aren't using your brain Mr. Norm. I guess you approve of this. With that said Stormin' Norman enjoy your retirement.

  17. Stormin Norman must have been a desperate man to use Jim Liarton and Fake Day for his campaign. And you wonder why he lost?

  18. jim probably thought he could sneak in the back door, the same way sample-hughs got her so called representitive position. that is not the proper democratic way to get into office, that is more like an appointment by rogue delegates and oppress the voters

  19. OMG...he is at the Transgender Center at SU....I love it...


  20. If something like that shows up on your doorstep....call the police!

  21. Anybody notice the mayoral bum is about to knock on the glass instead of the wood or metal of the door?

    Hand him some Windex and put him to some real work.

  22. @7:53 PM hand him some Kleenex because his only shot to a free ride in the State House is GONE!!



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