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Sunday, November 16, 2014

Salisbury Stormwater Fees To Start By Next Summer

SALISBURY – Salisbury property owners should expect to start paying a new fee next summer as a result of the formal establishment of a new stormwater utility.

An ordinance establishing a stormwater utility under the direction and supervision of the Public Works Department that will further establish a stormwater utility fee system came before the City Council this week to be approved on first reading.

According to the ordinance, the city maintains a number of stormwater facilities, such as inlets, pipes, infiltration facilities, etc. However, the stormwater system in the city is in need of an upgrade, and while it is designed to convey stormwater to limit flooding it does not treat stormwater to improve water quality.



  1. it is time to leave this city! I have been taxed to death i pay 3x water for sewage one trash pick up a week no bulk day. If i want bulk i have to call and pay to have 3 items picked up i remember when we had 2x pick up and 1 bulk day a week. I have lived in this city for 18 years and now its time to leave it behind the crime is up almost 200%, my property value has dropped but my taxes have risen. now you want me to pay for a storm water program that is required already by LAW in the wast-water treatment that is a farce i know im not a from here im a come here but i have made this area my home for 18 years and watched it just go down hill and no one is doing anything about it except to line there own pockets and interest so you can all say well you don't like it go and i will just say ill take my sanity and go and leave this broken city to rot and tax the hell out of its people and feel sorry for the ones that just cant escape the corruption of its city politician's

    1. If you've only lived in the city for 18 years you don't remember two trash pickups a week. There is still bulk pickup on Mon. For veg material. All you have to do is call. Don't let the screen door hit you.

  2. There's your rain tax folks.

  3. Prepare for ludicrous fees!

    Too bad the elections didn't include the city during the most recent cycle...Jimmy Liarton and Fake Day wouldn't be there.....

  4. 8:59 - If more of us could afford to sell our homes at the losses we would take, this place would be left to the scumbag teat-suckers and the few that feel entitlements are the right way for everyone.

    Some of us are stuck here...lured by professional jobs in the chicken industry...that went downhill - while the employer held on to millions when the people were laid off.

  5. 09:36 i agree with you that is why i say i feel sorry for the ones that can not leave due to loss of money that they will en cure do to the loss of property value until the day comes when the city decides its time to clean up the city and make it a more friendly area to live without being tax to death and not worried about getting robbed or house broken into and the fix the roads that have been being worked on now for months on end just to line the contractors pocket i have seen jobs done over and over and over again if the city can not control the contractors how can they control the city but they know how to tax you to death and find another fee to add to the over inflated water bills

  6. I have my first home in Salisbury, now a rental, and we are stuck in the same way. Cannot sell would lose money cannot keep losing money. Forced to go section 8. So very sad

    UN Agenda 21 is working

  7. 10:10 AM, you are one of the very reasons people do not stay here. You people that are born and raised here do not welcome anyone. You have your little cliques and that's the way you like to keep it also you do nothing but be nice to people to their face then hit them in the back with a knife when they aren't around. Shame on you, Salisbury will never change just because of people like you.

  8. 10:10 i know what you are doing its call bating and yes there was 2 day trash pick up before they went to the blue recycle bins oh and OMG did you forget the bulk item pick up not just Veg. so maybe you have not lived here very long and all you doing is bating to get something going on this blog that's all i have to say so if you want another response from me bate someone else

  9. I don't knowv10:17. Been here 30 years and get along fine with locals. Maybe people like you want this place to be like the one you came from in which case people wouldn't want you here. If things didn't work for you somewhere else then don't expect that simply showing up here will.

  10. Just like Berlin Gee Williams did the rain tax and taxed everyone including those properties that are normally exempt like churches and schools so they got double taxed because the county tax dollars went to the Board of Ed which pays Berlin. Gee told Ireton about it and here we go on the way to more taxes.

  11. The only way to stop a horse thief is to hang a horse thief.....but then thats why bureaucrats made it a law to protect the horse thieves....

  12. November 14, 2014 at 8:59 AM

    UH OH!! Don't let Jake Day hear you saying that crime is up 200% Jake Day and Jim Ireton will have a HISSY FIT because they are telling everyone that crime is down 57%.

  13. Anonymous said...
    If you've only lived in the city for 18 years you don't remember two trash pickups a week. There is still bulk pickup on Mon. For veg material. All you have to do is call. Don't let the screen door hit you.

    November 14, 2014 at 10:10 AM

    I will say it for him! F*K YOU! Who the Hell do you think you are? Obviously a Liberal punk so I am guessing Jake Day, Jim Ireton or Chuck Cook.

  14. When I developed my property in Salisbury I had to pay for the design and construction of a expensive storm water management system so that no storm water from my property would go into the city's drain system. I think those properties that have their own storm water management should be exempt from this fee because no storm water goes into the city's drainage system.

  15. Everyone here is bowing down to assume that it has passed and become law.

    Well, no it hasn't.

    Wake the heck up and wake up your neighbors and go Downtown to the Council meeting for the second reading and sign up to speak against this tax.

    There should be at least 10,000 city residents against this tax, and I'm sure 80% of you can make the meeting.

    Storm the place! Make history! Make National headlines!

    Or, just sit here on this Blog and bitch...

  16. 5:20 - Amen.

    Let me add something here.

    Do NOT be surprised if this passes, folks (especially if you sit on your a$$), and then you get get a little tax relief from Jimmy Da Bury Ireton equal to what you'd pay for the fee so Jimmy Da Bury Ireton can campaign on having reduced your taxes.

    You heard it here first.

  17. Anonymous said...

    There should be at least 10,000 city residents against this tax, and I'm sure 80% of you can make the meeting.

    November 14, 2014 at 5:20 PM

    The reason you won't see 10,000 city residents and the city council meeting bitching is because 9,500 of them are renters and renters are to stupid that taxes affect them as well. Yes I said 9,500 of them are renters and that is a fact. There are a lot more renters in this city than you think. All the figures you have been force fed are very misleading and this was done on purpose. Duh! Rental properties are an industry and a cash cow. Get it!!

  18. 10:30, I concur! You have to be a candidate running for Mayor or Council to realize what you are saying is so very true.

    We used to voter list to go door to door and I would have to say a god 90% of the people on their list were NOT registered voters. The remaining were people who had been living in that rental home for a god 4 years and were NOT the people on the list from the election board.
    It's a scam, to say the least.

    The democrats make very sure the voter list is not updated and I believe I was told it's been 12 years since it was updated.

  19. To the residents and renters of Salisbury;

    You already are being charged a tax on your property to pay for stormwater infrastructure. Where the he** do you think the present day stormwater system and "Tax Ditches" come from in the first place????

    They were always in the City Budget, bit were deleted a year ago after only being allowed $20k the last budget it was included in! You are still paying for it, but the Council and Mayor are now using that money for other uses NOT APPROVED BY THE RESIDENTS, VOTERS, OR RENTERS/ LANDLORDS!!!!

    So, simply put, you are not only being robbed of the funds you already pay, but are being extorted for more money to pay double for through rent or taxes what you are already paying for.

    Next Council meeting? It's a week from tomorrow on Monday the 24th!

    I'll be there, and I'm not even a City resident! It'd time to fight for this town!

  20. 6:30 shows 10:12 is probably right.

    Likely a political shell game with your money for a politician's benefit.


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