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Sunday, November 16, 2014

A Letter To The Editor: Wicomico County are you listening???

Until you demand better AIR SERVICE into Salisbury, we will never have any significant improvement in this county. 

You supposedly improved the runways for the Airlines, now work with them to give us better service. 

As the events co-coordinator for the now 5 days of dog shows, I personally mailed a letter to each city and county council member, along with both TV stations and other officials a letter regarding our dog shows. 

I have been the chairman for more years than I care to disclose, and have personally picked up judges at our airport as late as 11:00 at night. These flights have gradually been diminished and one of our judges did indeed get a rental car to assure he would be here to judge on Friday morning. This gentleman is a dentist that lives in Ohio. All judges have jobs that require them to work. Judging dogs is a hobby that they enjoy. It is not a profession. 

The money we make from our shows is donated to different organizations and currently we are working with local officials in all 3 counties to get oxygen masks for dogs or cats that are involved in dwelling fires, K-9 stab and bullet proof vests as well as Special Equipment for police vehicles that carry their K-9 partners. 

Wicomico County in general is very supportive of our endeavor and we do thank you, but there are many other issues that do need to be addressed and I hope this will send a message to each citizen that there is lots of room for improvement for us to continue to work within our county.


  1. I must tell you , who wants to fly into the armpit of Maryland?
    Salisbury , the crime capital of the east , the socialist government , not gonna happen , yet anyway.
    If you love your dogs , keep them away from this area.

  2. So what is your complaint? I don't get it. How can they improve the airport and what was your complaint? A late flight?

  3. 10:36, Obviously you aren't a frequent flyer in or out of Salisbury.

    The complaint is that all too often flights are cancelled.

    You don't see it in the news, just as you didn't hear about CRIME in Salisbury until Salisbury News came along and out of nowhere we learned that we were the 4th most dangerous city in America, per capita.

    Until now, Wicomico County has NOT had a VOICE, again, until Salisbury News came along.

    Now, with traffic in the MILLIONS every year, your voices are being broadcast like you've never seen before and without any question YOU are making a major difference in Wicomico County because your representatives can no longer DENY there's a problem.

    As for the other person who said it's not the airports fault in Salisbury, it's in Philly, WRONG! A good leader would put their foot down and demand the Airline fulfill their commitment or get the hell out.

    THINK, do you realize the volume of business Salisbury delivers to flights and airlines in Philly?

    I'm sorry to say but our representatives are WEAK! A private business owner would NEVER conduct business like the Airport is doing.

    If more people took the time to actually comment on this article and the other one today with their experiences at the Salisbury Airport I think you'd be amazed.

  4. My sister recently had a flight cancelled for no reason flying from Philly to Salisbury. I have also noticed that the flights leaving the airport are less than in the past. Even though the flights are almost filled to capacity every time. Joe you are right, this airport needs to do a better job of serving the community

  5. Joe - I'll tell you something else about Salisbury/Wicomico/OC airport.

    Remember the other major airline - Allegiant?

    When they couldn't make the numbers work - they high tailed it out of Wicomico County. Within a few months - they received national recognition - AMERICA'S MOST PROFITABLE AIRLINE.

    And one might ask - what made them the most profitable. They were able to change their playbook in midstream - something that Wicomico County officials haven't been able to even acknowledge - must less act on. Until such time as Wicomico gains a leader that can recognize what adjustments have to made - it will continue suffer economically. Pollitt and Conway didn't recognize the plight of the average Joe Blow. Maybe now - my hope is that Culver & Anderton will make the necessary adjustments to break out of this vicious down cycle.

    The SU Beacon institute that the former leaders associated with - well that institution has all but failed. Along with notorieties like - Janet Dudley Eshbach, Memo Diricker, Dave Ryan, among many others. I sincerely hope that newly elected officials will recognize what happened - before the 'glass dome' is raised above their offices.

  6. SBY Airport is a toilet! Many of us would rather drive to BWI that catch a puddle jumper to Philly!

  7. I am Chairmen's Preferred and frequently depart from Salisbury. As one reader said many of the problems encountered in Salisbury are due ro air traffic in the North East corrider. More often I choose Charlotte over Philadelphia. If I were to suggest a strategy it would be for a second carrier to Baltimore or Norfolk. Unfortunately many airlines to not have commuter service! It is an issue that has to be addressed.

  8. Please pardon my ignorance on the subject but what is the level of government involvement at the airport? I always assumed that it was a privately held organization. I have flown in and out of SBY on average 7-8 times a year for the last 10 or so years with few problems. I have never even had a cancelled flight (dumb luck lol) so was not aware that there was an issue.

  9. So, what was the point of all the runway improvements, if they are not going to be utilized to their fullest?
    I also don't like having to go through Philadelphia. They lose luggage too often there.

  10. I am a frequent flyer out of SBY airport and I would just like to see the County try and keep the grass cut. Sometimes I see the overgrown weeds sprouting up out of the black top and concrete walkways so bad - that it makes the entire appearance look shabby. It seems like such a simple problem to fix - where is the management?

  11. Commuter Jets needed

  12. What fool would pay the extra bucks to fly here and then rent a car when it's easier and faster to fly thru BWI.

  13. Ask anybody who works there how old those planes are and you won't ever fly on them again! Just remember this, the paint might be new but the plane isn't.

  14. They fly Dash 8's if I am not mistaken and probably a very old fleet/

  15. Laura Mitchell has been on the airport commission for over three years. And what has she done but warm a chair?

  16. Anybody with experience flying into Salisbury knows that the Philly flights are undependable. You'll get home eventually, but probably very late at night. They keep cancelling until the plane is full or it's the last flight of the day.

    If your return trip (or arrival to Salisbury) is important, fly in via Charlotte, or make plans to travel from BWI or Philly into the region.

  17. Anon 12:26: Just all the fools who flew to BWI for years before Philadelphia became the Hub for US Airways. The choices were Reagan National or BWI for years.

  18. The real truth of the matter is, Wicomico County and the entire eastern shore, SUCKS.

  19. TO 11:56-- Google "wicomico airport commission" and you will find that the Airport is owned and operated by Wicomico County and is controlled by Wico Co Airport Commission, which has sole responsibility for all matters pertaining thereto. The members should be listed on the county's website. Betcha most folks didn't know.

  20. 4:39. Sorry you feel that way. Many of us CHOOSE to live on the Eastern Shore. It's a Shame you and many others here choose to wallow in the negative and refuse to see the good all around you. There are hundreds of communities around this country, even larger than Salisbury that can only dream of having regular commercial air service.

  21. 4:45 Are you not sure that the airport isn't owned by The Dept of the Navy who built it during WW11? If you check the records, I believe it is on loan to the County. Perhaps Dave Ryan can give you the facts.

  22. My husband and I travel frequently from Salisbury, an early morning flight to Charlotte is no problem any flight involving Philly is a JOKE. Not being able to grab a simple cup of coffee in an airport is CRAZY. We have to pay extra to avoid a commute to Baltimore. STEP it up Salisbury! Embarrassed to have my clients fly into SBY and God forbid they need a taxi and a 1989 station wagon from Baileys shows up!

  23. To 12:06 Poster about the grass not being cut.

    I agree, there are times in the Summer when I fly out of Salisbury and I cannot believe the way the terminal building has been maintained. Between the overgrown weeds, grass not being cut, and trash strewn all around the building, it is no wonder no one wants to fly in or out of here.

  24. All references I see list wico county as "owner". ??? Google sources indicate it was "acquired" from the Navy. BUT I also can't find the names of the members of the airport commission under Wico co. website. Why not?

  25. I agree that another carrier would be a good thing. I personally suggest United with service to Dulles and Newark.

  26. To 7:15 Poster that said the grass at the airport is improperly maintained.

    I agree. Go out there right now and look at the Storm Water Retention Pond area. The storm water depression can't work because the management has allowed trees to grow up even right in the middle of the retention pond. I too would like to know where is the management. Things like these should be simple to fix - and tells me that the management doesn't care.

  27. I wonder, do members of the Airport commission get FREE FLIGHTS??? IF SO, I'd like to join and sit on my a$$ and do nothing.

  28. I believe the Airport Commission just released a new contract for a brand new cleaning crew.

    However - the grass cutting & weed control is another matter. The Airport has never been the same since County worker Warren Brunt passed away. He used to continuously cut the grass.

    Guess what now - the Airport employees are not even allowed to cut the grass. Instead, they have now hired an outside contractor. So my question is - what are all of the County workers now doing out there - playing tidily winks?


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