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Sunday, November 23, 2014


The latest campaign fundraising report for RICK POLLITT shows that Council members Stevie Prettyman, Matt Holloway and John Hall each donated $100 to Pollitt's campaign. Prettyman is history, so other than being a turncoat to her party, who cares! Holloway and Hall are a different story. The voters resoundingly DEFEATED the tax and spend ways of Democrat Pollitt yet these two so-called Republicans supported keeping the tax and spend Executive in office rather than support a conservative from their own party. What do you call people who do this - doing what is in their best interest rather than the people's? I can think of a few names. 

They have revealed themselves to be more interested in keeping what they perceive as their inner-circle, power-base than understanding the will of the voters for change. Culver has been accused of being an "obstructionist" because he had the courage and strength of principle not to go along to get along. M. Holloway and Hall think they have been working "collaboratively" when all they have been doing is giving the Pollitt administration a blank check. They have SPENT your money and supported Pollitt so they could continue to do so!

These two need to recognize very quickly that the VOTERS have spoken and the old way of doing business - the Pollitt/Strausburg way - was defeated, rejected - is O V E R! What they have managed to get away with in the past is no longer acceptable.

Okay M. Holloway and Hall - the people voted overwhelmingly for change. Do you respect the people or not? Who are the obstructionists now? We'll be watching...


  1. I was concerned about these two right up to the time of the election. Went straight 'R' right down the ticket but this continues to be worrisome. The electorate has spoken, maybe it is time these two do the right thing!

  2. OMG! What poor judgment they have! It has been sickening to watch them on PAC 14. I thought they were puppets and this confirms it. Disgusting!

  3. Hall drinks too much. It is a shame he didn't have any competition. Matt is on an ego trip. I worry about Cannon being a RINO. The public needs to watch this bunch. Hope they don't stand in Culver's way. THE PEOPLE chose him over their guy. Hope they have enough TRUE RESPECT AND CONCERN FOR THE VOTERS to honor the voters' wishes

  4. What a classless, disrespectful act by these so-called representatives of the citizens. It is scary that they are that clueless. This completely changes my opinion of MHolloway. As Council President, if he couldn't support someone from his own party, he should have stayed neutral. Just proves that the Strasberg/Creamer/Pollitt trio had figured out how to manipulate these jokers. CULVER WON, WE WANT CHANGE, GET OVER YOURSELVES. YOU AREN'T THAT SPECIAL.

  5. Matt Holloway and John Hall are true RINO's. Whose butt is Matt Holloway going to kiss now that Pollitt is gone. The voters sent a clear message that things need to change hope they pay attention. Good luck Mr Culver and watch your back.

  6. John Cannon wants to be the County Council President and he wants Matt Holloway to be his Vice President. If the other 5 council members vote to support that they are just as bad. The other 4 will be RINO's as well. I hope they have more sense than that.

  7. Seems to me that some of the council want Bob to fail. My question is, what was in it for Holloway that he supported Pollitt. Prettyman is easy to figure out, she wants to feel popular, so they reeled her in. Hall was led around by the nose by Prettyman. His brain is pickled. I gave Holloway more credit than this. Feel like my vote for him was a huge mistake. He needs to earn my trust back and I will make sure everyone I know knows he supported Pollitt over Culver. Talk about stupid!

  8. Cannon is best friends with Strausburg. One more reason Culver needs to get rid of him. We don't need 4 more years of the same tax and spend policies Strausburg helped promote. They figured Pollitt would win and with Cannon on council they would have even greater control. Guess what? The VOTERS screwed up your little plan. Culver can put a fork in it by axing Strausburg.

  9. 9:32 Hall will vote for it, so they only need one more vote. That's a done deal. Cannon better wake up too. They better hold on. Culver ain't no lame, out of touch, let someone else do my job Pollitt. Culver didn't squeak by, he had a mandate. The council better not forget that.

  10. I am appalled by the behavior of these 3 council people. Culver and Joe Holloway were treated with disdain by these people. Look who is laughing now. Pollitt was walloped, trounced, whipped. People wanted him GONE and these 3 poor excuses for representatives of the public didn't get that? No wonder the county is so screwed up with people like them in office. SMH

  11. OMG all the CRAP, jeez we want change, we voted for change, we did not vote for more of the same. RINO's every damn one of them. Bob start at the top and make a clean sweep, right on out the door. Get people in there that are going to support you and what you want to do and what is best for this county.

  12. I unfortunately voted for Holloway this election. I felt by not voting for him, I would be casting a vote for Mitchell and there were only 3 I could vote for at large.

  13. Don't forget along with Strausburg goes Mackes and Wisk.

  14. And so it begins........

  15. Strausburg goes Mackes and Wisk. 3 good men !!

  16. It was never a secret that Matt Holloway was in it for what would benefit him, he doesn't care about anyone else other than himself. Hall is a drunk, PERIOD. He'll do whatever needs to be done as long as they are buying the rounds. Cannon, no secret that he is a RINO everyone knew that from the last go around with him. If it were up to me I'd elect JOE Holloway for Council President and Ernie Davis as his VP. At least you know what you can expect from both of them.

  17. Culver needs to show he has the b#lls to lead this county. He has been left with a mess. It is hard to know where to begin. Will he make mistakes, sure he will but at least he will TRY to fix the problem rather than be an absentee "boss" (and I use that term lightly) like Pollitt.

    For God sakes, enough is enough. So glad Prettyman is history. Good riddance. She was always causing discord. Hall is a sheep. Wonder who will lead him around now that Prettyman can't tell him how to vote? MHolloway is a disappointment. The only reason he and Cannon got so many votes is because of scary Laura Mitchell. If there had been a decent 3rd candidate, not sure Holloway would have made it. He shouldn't feel complacent because of the votes he received. Circumstances dictated that. NOT his contribution.

  18. Strasburg should stay, intelligent guy, mackes needs to go, he's an arrogent, egotistical idiot that has stayed beyond his time.

  19. 4:57 Strasburg needs to prove his loyalty and worth to Culver. He is so used to doing whatever he wants. Those days are over. His job is to execute the Executive's agenda. Not sure if Strasburg and Culver will be on the same page. The fact that Strasburg continued to drink and drive to meet his friend Mackes in a county vehicle says something bad about his thought process and his friendship with Mackes.

  20. Joe Holloway and Ernie Davis? LIKE


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