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Sunday, November 02, 2014

Pentagon Says No To Wind Turbines In Somerset County Based On National Security


  1. Wind power is a subsidy to rich investors. It simply can't delivery power in a cost competitive manor when it is needed. Glad it got shut down.

  2. You would have thought they would have had approval from the Defense Dept. before all the legal maneuvering and spending and time wasted by our local politicians on a project that was doomed from the get go. Keep voting Democratic and continue wasting money.

  3. This great news take that you greenie weenies

  4. Real smart developer and county commissioners. Try to build a wind farm in a semi-residential area with little wind, in a major bird flyway with obvious interference with a major defense program.

    Already this year, Pioneer Green has been chased out of Alabama and northwest Pennsylvania. Why would anyone invest in them.

  5. Finally some rationality. Wind energy makes ZERO cents and placing it here were the wind resource is poor/marginal demonstrates poor judgement. Pioneer Green refused to heed the red flags as Somerset officials continued to push for a project that would have doomed Somerset to be the wasteland of the eastern shore.

  6. This has been long in coming but don't assume that this will be the end of this... you know what always happens to people that make assumptions....

    Hopefully if it brings an end to our fears concerning the currently revised wind ordinance, it will stop the in-fighting among the residents whose rights were clearly ignored and dismissed by their county commissioners and the large property owners who thought they were receiving lots of benefits from this project and did not seem to care what our problems were... they got theirs and pooh on others... they weren't important, only their families deserved consideration.

    Well, what they never considered was when the turbines arrived and they finally understood that they would have a 600-700 ft industrial turbine as close as 500 ft or less from their home, their life and their children's life would soon become a living hell.

    We non-participating residents understood this but no one could even speak to one of these landowners. They were so angry at us for wanting to defend our rights, they were spitting fire and brimstone. They wanted to protect their rights to do what they wanted with their property regardless of any other resident's rights that they might infringe upon.

    This was clearly thought to be either a WIN or LOSE situation.

    If this project disappears, others will come to replace it soon, so a really reasonable wind ordinance should be crafted with no pressure from a current developer.

    This way we will have time to study the real facts about all aspects of wind power and determine what would be best for ALL the residents of Somerset County, non-participating and participating residents as well.

    Unless we come together, treat each other with respect, and learn to understand each other's problems and lifestyle issues we will never create the kind of county that will survive and thrive.

    It takes creative thinking to determine what paths to take... and remember.. it takes a village to raise a child. Think of Somerset County as our "child" ... so what can we do TOGETHER to bring her into the new century and thrive?

    Ponder this thought and help find our answer....

    A Very Concerned
    Somerset County Resident

  7. Jim Ireton has a request for proposals out as we speak on creating a 2 MW solar/ wind station in Wicomico County. He needs to be shot down as well, and immediately, before any more money is spent on this fiasco.

  8. This decision only proves that at the end of the chess game the king goes back in the same box with the pawn.

  9. 6:24, you lose all credibility when you quote Hillary Clinton "It takes a village". Coming together is a bunch of crap as well. Right is right and wrong is wrong. Why don't we just start doing what is right and what the majority wants and lets put a stop to being told what is best for us by our own government.

    Frankly you sound like a gigantic liberal.

  10. I am no proponent of wind generated energy, in fact I think it's a pipe dream for those with tunnel vision.
    What does concern me about this decision is, that I am so rutting sick and GD tired of the federal gov't playing the 'national security' card for everything from these windmills to 9/11 video and transcripts to John Kennedy's brain matter (yes JFK's brain matter was sequestered and classified because of national security). One may ponder the frequency the 'race card' is used but that pales to compare with the federal government's use of 'national security' as an excuse. What the hell are they doing behind that false flag? There absolutely cannot be that much affecting national security., it's just more lies, more conditioning of the masses and more knee deep BS.

  11. First of all 9:23, Hillary Clinton didn't coin the phrase "It takes a village." Author Toni Morris first used the phrase back in 1989, long before Hillary Clinton ever 'borrowed' it. So that fact that you are so uninformed makes it sound like you are a giant…well you can fill in the blank. But I digress…I just want to point out that a large group of us in Somerset County have been trying to do what is right for the majority of people in the county. We don't want to be told by our local government what is best for us, which is why we have been fighting the turbines. As a side note, the federal government (for once!) is not telling the people what to do in this case. Pioneer Green knew before they started their campaign to bring blight to Somerset County that PAX River height restrictions would be an issue. They continued to move forward anyway. All PAX River said with the DoD statement was essentially, "look dudes, we told you like we told you before - your turbines are too tall and that won't work." I don't care how much of their tax payer subsidies Pioneer Green has supposedly invested in the county - a poor business decision is a poor business decision and you won't get any sympathy from me. Good riddance Pioneer Green. Don't let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya!

  12. Look out Worcester and Wicomico because James Mathias is pushing for wind energy as hard as he can. And not because it is good for us, but because it is part of the administration's agenda and it will get him brownie points with the higher ups. We have been sold out. Let's tell them on Tuesday by voting Mike McDermott that we are not as "poor" and as "dumb" as he thinks!

  13. Pioneer Green is a shell corporation run by a few lawyers. They are not even a developer. They scam the public officials to get a favorable ordinance and then sell the project to actual developers and they are gone! This is why Paul Harris can never tell anyone how tall the turbines will be, how many megawatts they will be or where they will be located. He doesn't know and doesn't care because PG will be long gone before anyone even appears for a construction permit. They will now lie and whine about playing by the rules when they have been playing the dupes in the County all this time.

  14. Water powered generators will be the future of electricity,and not the Conowingo type.Water powered generators use water for fuel.Smaller home models are currently available,but much larger generators can power entire communities.One can actually sit in a living room while it's running,or a den or a garage,but it does not produce any harmful fumes.

  15. Shame on all you greenie weenie dems and anyone else that supported these eye soars and money makers for a chosen few.

  16. This goes to show how fly by night and "green" as in inexperienced this company Pioneer Green is.
    They are now whining that they've spent millions on this and that.
    It's their own fault because a prudent company would have gotten the okay from the feds before anything else. It's not like it rocket science.
    You start at the top-Fed-State-county then landowners.
    Just think politicians like omalley, mathias and conway were salivating to jump in bed with this company that can't even get it right from the beginning.
    It would have ended up the same was the MD Heathcare exchange did, costing tax payers 10's of millions more than it should have.


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