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Sunday, November 02, 2014

Josh Hastings Still Wants You To Believe He's A Republican


  1. OweBlama wants you to believe he's an American that loves this country.

    It only takes a few active brain cells to see through this crap!

  2. The democrat loving stooge Taylor supports him..

    Enough said..

  3. I can't believe people would even vote for this fool.

    It is very important that everyone in District 3 gets out and vote for Larry Dodd, John Cannon, Matt Holloway and Bob Culver.

    If you are a Democrat you need to vote for the Republicans as well. If you believe his lies about his party affiliation what kind of lies did he tell you. Remember he is the one that said he would become a Republican if the Republicans got rid of Joe Albero. Was that a bribe? Was that a death threat? How else can the Republicans get rid of Joe Albero without taking him out? Joe Albero is not a member of the Republican Club or the Republican Central Committee so he is not the Republicans responsibility. Shame on you Democrats for condoning that kind of language, that kind of threat. Remember the article that SBYNews put up about this threat. You people were up in arms about that little post card that came out for Norm Conway wearing the mask. You people including Chuck Cook claimed Joe Albero was the head of the Republican party and now you are allowing a Democrat candidate for the Wicomico County Council to make threats on Joe Albero(the Head of the local Republican Party). It goes both ways you can't demand an apology for Norm Conway without demanding an investigation into Josh Hastings threat against Joe Albero. Because of that threat and his actions in public Josh Hastings should resign from the race. If you are a Republican and you voted for him shame on you.

  4. Josh Hastings works for the Eastern Shore Land Conservancy which is an organization that tries to buy of farm land so it can't be developed. The Eastern Shore Land Conservancy is an organization that interferes with everyone's property rights, not just the property rights of farmers. It is a liberal organization that paints a picture of being a people and nature friendly organization. In fact it is a terrorist organization that terrorizes farmers, developers and citizens wanting to build a house out in the country. In fact this is what their home page says. "A non-profit group dedicated to the preservation of the agricultural and rural areas of the Eastern Shore of Maryland." Read and interpret what that means. It means that this "group" hounds and terrorizes farmers until they sell their land to them for pennies on the dollar so that it can be "preserved" as farm land only. That means heirs to the owners of the land will never be able to build on that land in the future. That means that the land is never going to have houses on it again. They are one step away from the government confiscating the land through eminent domain.
    If a farmer or a family wants to subdivide their land to sell off the lots as their retirement the Eastern Shore Land Conservancy(Josh Hastings) will attend planning and zoning meetings to convince the members to deny the farmers the right to sell off their land. The Eastern Shore Land Conservancy lobbies Planning and Zoning Commissions and local governments to make laws that hurt your personal property rights.

  5. His nose is so far up Rick Pollitts butt I just wonder how he can breathe. He to so many pictures with Rick Pollitt at Rick's fundraiser he can't deny the fact that he is a Democrat. Chuck Cook, et al. have Laura, Josh, Ernie and John Hall lined up to help Rick Pollitt continue his quest to destroy Wicomico County. You people are foolish to vote for them.

  6. I thought Liberace died in the 80's? How is he in this picture on the right? Mind = Blown.



  8. Josh Hastings is full of beans, and that is being kind.

    He is a sneaky, stealth candidate. Dishonesty must run bone deep in someone so reluctant to actually state his agenda and beliefs.

    No way, or for Ms. Methadone either.

  9. Yeah, who is the guy with the goatee that is dressed like a black nfl player during a trial.

  10. He's a dam democrat

  11. In my view that is a picture of six criminals. After all that's happened with the voting machine 'fixing' that is what I think of any Democrat. If you are a Democrat, or even leaning that way, you have become a GD felon in my mind.

  12. That's Will Hall.

  13. I don't need to call Josh Hastings names.

    He was Laura Mitchell's campaign treasurer.

    That says it all.

  14. Anonymous said...

    Josh Hastings is full of beans, and that is being kind.

    He is a sneaky, stealth candidate. Dishonesty must run bone deep in someone so reluctant to actually state his agenda and beliefs.

    No way, or for Ms. Methadone either.

    October 30, 2014 at 3:44 PM

    He lies about being a farmer.

  15. What's William Hall always say--Plea the Fifth! More baloney!, please!

  16. What's that lyric--STUCK IN THE MIDDLE WITH YOU, clowns to the left of me....jokers to the right....that where I am ....stuck in the middle--well you get it....

    CLOWNS for sure!

  17. Joe this should be a letter to the Editor. We need to stop these lying Democrats.


    It is very important that everyone in District 3 gets out and vote for Larry Dodd, John Cannon, Matt Holloway and Bob Culver.

    If you are a Democrat you need to vote for the Republicans as well. If you believe his lies about his party affiliation what kind of lies did he tell you. Remember he is the one that said he would become a Republican if the Republicans got rid of Joe Albero. Was that a bribe? Was that a death threat? How else can the Republicans get rid of Joe Albero without taking him out? Joe Albero is not a member of the Republican Club or the Republican Central Committee so he is not the Republicans responsibility. Shame on you Democrats for condoning that kind of language, that kind of threat. Remember the article that SBYNews put up about this threat. You people were up in arms about that little post card that came out for Norm Conway wearing the mask. You people including Chuck Cook claimed Joe Albero was the head of the Republican party and now you are allowing a Democrat candidate for the Wicomico County Council to make threats on Joe Albero(the Head of the local Republican Party). It goes both ways you can't demand an apology for Norm Conway without demanding an investigation into Josh Hastings threat against Joe Albero. Because of that threat and his actions in public Josh Hastings should resign from the race. If you are a Republican and you voted for him shame on you.

    October 30, 2014 at 1:49 PM

  18. Anonymous said...
    I don't need to call Josh Hastings names.

    He was Laura Mitchell's campaign treasurer.

    That says it all.

    October 31, 2014 at 12:07 AM

    Who is calling Josh Hastings names?? The truth is the truth.

  19. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    What's William Hall always say--Plea the Fifth! More baloney!, please!

    November 1, 2014 at 7:45 PM

    Shame on William Hall for hosting a fund raiser for Rick Pollitt and second shame on William Hall for inviting Josh Hastings to the fund raiser.

    I used to be his friend, but not any more. I started having my doubts when he was sucking up to Jim Ireton to be appointed the City Solicitor. Jim screwed him over on that one, but it looks like he deserved it. Now it looks like William Hall is sucking up to Rick Pollitt to be the County Solicitor. Watch out Ed Baker.


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