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Sunday, November 02, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: Ethics Complaint Filed Against Misuse of Executives & County Council Office Including Pollitt, Brooks and Creamer

Dated October 31, 2014
From the Wicomico County Republican Central Committee
To Mr. Edgar A. Baker, Jr., Wicomico County Attorney

The Wicomico County Republican Central Committee is deeply concerned that recent actions by elected and appointed Wicomico County officials were in direct violation of §37, the Wicomico County Ethics Law - and likely also the Maryland Ethics law.

The Brown/Ulman gubernatorial campaign recently scheduled a “press conference” in Salisbury claiming “to discuss” Hogan’s alleged plan to make a $450 million cut to school construction on the Eastern Shore. That alleged cut is clearly part of the political dialog which typically occurs during campaigns for office, and as such is clearly more a scare tactic than a reliable statement of fact. At best it is a partisan political disagreement.

However, as the attached email indicates, Tamara Lee-Brooks, the Wicomico Public Information Officer, honored a request (from an unnamed source) to forward the announcement of Brown’s partisan press conference, and Matt Creamer, the Wicomico County Council Administrator, further forwarded this request (as a media advisory). Members of the media consequently reported this so-called press conference, apparently actually attended by Brown. Regardless of the number of individuals to whom this request was forwarded, the County time and other County resources consumed are what are what we believe were unethical.

As we understand the law, these were obviously partisan political actions taken in support of the Brown/Ulman campaign. Consequently, using County Offices, County email, and County employee time to forward Brown’s partisan announcement were are all violations of ethics laws. Because County Executive Rick Pollitt is not only ultimately responsible for supervising Tamara Lee-Brooks but because he also serves as Brown’s local campaign manager, an investigation will likely identify others who used County resources to promote the Brown/Ulman campaign.

Accordingly, with this letter I am, in accordance with instructions I received from your office by telephone, herewith submitting to you a formal ethics complaint on behalf of the WCRCC for you to deliver to the Wicomico County Ethics Commission for their action. Moreover, I’m requesting that the Commission first thoroughly investigate, then determine and publically identify and announce both what ethical violations have taken place (and by whom) and what corrective measures will be taken to prevent similar violations in the future.

On the other hand, if overt partisan political activity using County time and resources is not a violation of law, then please so inform me, in writing, that this is the case, citing the appropriate legal authorities.

Signed by Dave Parker, WCRCCChairman

From: Matt CreamerSent: Friday, October 17, 2014 11:25 AMTo: All County Council

UsersSubject: FW: Media Advisory

Forwarded by request.


From: Tamara Lee-Brooks Sent: Friday, October 17, 2014 10:03 AMSubject: Media Advisory

Good morning all,

I was asked to forward for your attention. Thanks!


Friday, October 17, 2014
Jerid Kurtz: 443-297-7702
Press Office: 240-478-6488

FRIDAY: Anthony Brown, Rick Pollitt, Jim Ireton to Hold Press Conference on Harm Larry Hogan’s $450 Million Cut to School Construction Would Cause to the Eastern Shore Hogan’s “Savings Plan” includes a $450 Million Cut to School Construction Funding that Would Threaten Projects - like Bennett Middle School- Throughout the Eastern Shore

Upper Marlboro, MD - On Friday at 11:00 a.m., Lt. Governor Anthony Brown, Wicomico County Executive Rick Pollitt, and Salisbury Mayor Jim Ireton will hold a press conference to discuss the harm that Republican Larry Hogan’s $450 million cut to school construction would have on the Eastern Shore.

These cuts are contained in Hogan’s so-called savings plan -- a plan whose numbers the Baltimore Sun noted “don’t add up.”

Hogan’s proposed $450 million cut to school construction could put projects like the construction of Bennett Middle School out of reach for many communities along the Eastern Shore. For the next four years, counties across the Eastern Shore have requested millions in state funding for repairs and renovations in order to modernize their classrooms and deal with overcrowding. But school construction cuts could put all of these local projects at risk.

Press Conference to discuss the harm Larry Hogan’s $450 million cut to school construction would cause to the Eastern Shore’s public schools.

Friday, October 17th at 11:00 a.m.

Outside of Bennett Middle School
523 South Division Street, Fruitland, MDClick here for a map.


Tamara Lee-Brooks
Public Information Officer
Wicomico County, MD


  1. It's a no brainer. The requested to forward email came directly from the Brown campaign.
    Case over. Pollitt and whomever sent the email in violation of county charter.

  2. Illegal. Send them to Jail!!

  3. Thank you Dr. Parker. He is a brave soul to fight the liberals in his world of academia.

    He gives us hope.

  4. Thank you for taking care of this Dr. Parker and the Central Committee. I was afraid no one was going to address this unethical behavior by our county govt. Just one more reason why we need a change in the executive. He has used our office for his own benefit over and over. Truly didn't expect any better from him but I did from Creamer. WTH has happened to Creamer? He's more politically savvy than this.

  5. Just more disgusting behavior by Rick Pollitt and team. How long after the election before the new people can take over.

  6. Oh this is just wonderful. Mr. Pollitt had sent from his office an advisory for a Democrat candidate to bash the Republican opponent using the back drop of a school in our county. Just how arrogant is this behavior and who the heck does he think he is? I hope to my soul the voters send his butt back to Allen for good.

  7. I think this was an over-site by Pollitt. If this the case, it proves again and again that the Democrats have no clue about what they are doing, or simply don't give a damn about the laws. I think the latter is correct.

  8. It was not an oversight. Pollitt is the chairman of Brown's campaign in Wicomico County and he used his position to aid the democrat candidate. Just plain arrogance from him.

  9. Did Pollitt take Brown to lunch on the County credit card he uses?

  10. OK, so now the complaint will get buried on a lawyers desk in the county's law department and not be found until after the election so that it won't go to the ethics commission until so far after the violation and the election no one will care. But I won't forget it. So whoever has this had better treat it like a hot potato.

  11. And the commies at the daily times will not cover this prior to the election, bet on it

  12. Of course they won't 3:20PM. The media hates sbynews but you are the only news media that will cover what needs to be cover. Thanks for what you do.

  13. WBOC where are you....?

  14. Glad to hear someone filed a complaint.

    I am one disgusted Democrat.

    Congrats, Dems. You have stooped to all the very things you accused Republicans of, and worse.

    In fact, it is the local Republicans who are showing all the class. Guess how this Democrat will be voting?

  15. Why hasn't the Daily Times covered this episode that occurred two weeks ago?

  16. The DT WBOC WDMT dont have the intelligence. Real journalism on the shore does not exsist except here...our area is sinking and you all turn a blind eye to the truth...IM complaning to your advertisers

  17. It is my belief that the county legal dept has possibly turned the complaint over to the ethics commission. This writer, does believe at least one of the accused violators is playing the game of CYA.

  18. 3:33 --

    Right on!

    Here's another Dem who voted straight Republican, including for Circuit Court Judge!

  19. Vote Bob Culver, John Cannon, Matt Holloway and Larry Dodd. They are the only contested races in the County and need special attention.

  20. Let's give Slick Rick a big kick -- out of office.

    Vote for Bob Culver!

  21. I would simply like to know where is all of the other MSM. Gannett Publishing - (more like Government Publishing) - doesn't even try to cover these stories. I always knew Pollitt & Company were corrupt. One cannot believe anything that is emanating out of the County Administration. I hope he loses the election, along with Conway & Mathias.

  22. Help me understand, the email was sent from Brooks to Creamer, who then sent it to the County Council?

  23. So, does Hogan have a plan to cut this funding? I think that is as important as someone sending an email. Is the context of the email more disturbing/damaging than the fact that it was sent?

  24. I have actually seen the advisory that was sent out by our executive and council offices. There is no surprise thatcc the executive's office would send a campaign advertisement bashing another candidate but what is shocking to me is that Matt Creamer also sent it out. Creamer has worked too many years in this county to not realize it was unethical to send anything out with the logo of a candidate on the notice. Creamer knew better and has not shown political preference in the past. The notice even acknowledged it was a bashing Hogan event and yet Creamer still forwarded it. Something is terribly wrong with this picture. What a huge disappointment to many residents of Wicomico County.

  25. It will all be over Tuesday.

  26. 8:57. Creamer sent it to council users.

  27. Speaks volumes as to the intelligence level of those employed by WicCo.
    You do not disseminate campaign material in any way shape or form on county owned equipment.
    It's PIO/Spokesperson 101.
    If you all had a serious county executive he would know this as well because this is Elected Official 101. I've heard the clown speak, and he definitely does not strike anyone as being of even average intelligence so maybe this most basic of ethics escapes his level of understanding.


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