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Sunday, November 30, 2014

Never-Before-Seen Photos of Officer Darren Wilson’s Face After Ferguson Shooting Released as Part of Grand Jury Evidence

Officials released never-before-seen photos of Darren Wilson on Monday night, which appeared to show the Ferguson police officer following the fatal shooting of Michael Brown.

The photos were released as part of the evidence presented to a grand jury in Ferguson. The grand jury declined to indict Wilson in Brown’s death.

Within minutes of the grand jury decision announcement by St. Louis County’s top prosecutor, crowds began pouring into Ferguson streets to protest the decision. Some taunted police, shattered windows and vandalized cars. Several gunshots were also heard. Officers released smoke and pepper spray to disperse the gatherings.



  1. The gentle giant couldn't have done this,lol, all white cops should not apply to become cops in these neighborhoods let there own peeps patrol there thug areas .

  2. It's a shame he had to sustain any injury at all prior to neutralizing the threat. If you ask me he waited too long and could have been seriously hurt.

  3. That's it? The boy's dead because he has a bruised cheek? And no indictment? Well ferguson you DESERVE the riots.

    1. Yup. That's right 1:27. It probably would've been worse if he had waited any longer to shoot. And that's correct. NO INDICTMENT! As should be.

    2. Thug and bully got what he deserved.

    3. Boy,lol, Pos thug .

  4. We had a big party last night and had all the neighbors over.Great news requires a great celebration!!

  5. Feared for his life that he had to shoot him from 150ft away?

    1. Your a MORON thats where he flopped.

    2. Obama Crooked BastardoNovember 25, 2014 at 6:22 PM

      Gun powder residue was found on teenegar's hands. 150 feet my a $$. The big kid was fighting the cop for gun, after he robbed the convenience store.

  6. The "boy" is dead because he attacked a cop. Said cop was in fear of life and had every justification to save his own life.

    btw: He stopped being a "boy" when he robbed a store and attacked a cop. He became a man and got a mans reward for being a criminal.

    Notice: no mention of race in my post. Black, white, green or purple if you are STUPID enough to attack a cop you deserve to get dead.

  7. Everyone should google the name Dillion Taylor. The boy was shot 2 days after Michael Brown. Funny we have heard nothing about it at all on the news.

  8. 2:09 150 ft now? Do you even pay attention to the facts and evidence? 150 ft? That's what you troll with?

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    That's it? The boy's dead because he has a bruised cheek? And no indictment? Well ferguson you DESERVE the riots.

    November 25, 2014 at 1:27 PM

    You and me are in a minority. People around here are trained by their masters very well. They don't like being called racists yet anyone can see it in their posts.

    Most are scared of the black man and think police will protect them from the big bad boogie man, not realising the police will kill them just as well and easily, as they have been doing all along.

    Things will never get better as long as these types keep breeding and teaching their children hate.

    1. Well perhaps the black man should do something to improve his image. Many have but sadly they are referred to as uncle toms.

  10. 5:18
    Which type of haters are you referring to? The ones that hate the store owners so they stole all their merchandise and set their stores on fire? The ones that were shooting at the police? You have to be specific in who the haters are? Maybe it was the haters that rioted after OJ was released for Killing Nicole? Oh wait.......

  11. "Anonymous said...
    That's it? The boy's dead because he has a bruised cheek? And no indictment? Well ferguson you DESERVE the riots.

    November 25, 2014 at 1:27 PM"

    You are one ignorant SOB. The terrorist is dead because he tried to grab the officers gun you stupid SOB. The terrorist was shot in the hand, residue on his hand and consistent with him having his hand on the gun. Then he ran, turned around and charged at the officer and was shot in the head 8-10 ft away from the officer. I'm thrilled he is dead and the officer is a hero for getting this terrorist off the streets. Terrorists like him are making neighborhoods unfit for civilized people and need to be eliminate. They serve no purpose to anyone at all except other terrorists like that skank that spawned him out of her putrid loins.
    The problem with you people is instead of a brain you have something akin to a turd in your heads and are good at nothing more than running your mouths about something you are clueless over. NOW GO AND READ THE EVIDENCE THAT WAS PRESENTED TO THE JURY AND THEN WHEN YOU ARE BETTER INFORMED COME BACK AND COMMENT.

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Which type of haters are you referring to? The ones that hate the store owners so they stole all their merchandise and set their stores on fire? The ones that were shooting at the police? You have to be specific in who the haters are? Maybe it was the haters that rioted after OJ was released for Killing Nicole? Oh wait.......

    November 25, 2014 at 5:28 PM

    I am referring to haters like yourself and other ones who can't think for themselves so they rely on meme's they see on facebook to think for them.

  13. 7:49 PM

    you are just a scared little person.

  14. That's it? The boy's dead because he has a bruised cheek? And no indictment? Well ferguson you DESERVE the riots.

    November 25, 2014 at 1:27 PM

    Are you stupid and in need of mental help? If you look at the photograph you'll notice many details you haven't taken the time to look at. If you don't notice I tell you. First the area hit was at placement with the jaw it look like an assault to break a person's jaw and knock them out. second the impact was great as their seems to be a slight bruise that has formed, and finally the size of the injury is about 1/2 inch which is a rather large portion of a person's face.

  15. "You and me are in a minority."

    Don't underestimate your numbers, 5:18. Media-manipulated fools like you are plentiful. Who do you think elected Obama?


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