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Sunday, November 30, 2014

Sharpton: Grand Jury Announcement 'An Absolute Blow'

Appearing following the grand jury’s decision not to indict Officer Darren Wilson in the death of Michael Brown, civil rights activist Al Sharpton criticized Prosecutor Bob McCulloch’s handling of the case, while adding the decision was “expected,” yet a “blow” to many who wanted to “see a fair and open trial.”

“It was expected, but still an absolute blow to those of us that wanted to see a fair and open trial. I think that it is clear that even when you see a blow coming that you expected, it still hurts nonetheless,” said Sharpton. “We said from the beginning, we said we had little or no confidence in this prosecutor and called for federal intervention.”

Sharpton criticized McCulloch for not saying how many members of the grand jury voted for indictment, and how many did not, even though McCulloch made it known multiple times during the announcement that statute prohibits anyone from talking about the vote within the the grand jury.



  1. Sharpton's definition of 'fair' is different than the racially diverse Grand Jury that was impaneled to review the case. Thank goodness - Sharpton simply wanted to lynch a white guy over this!

  2. Fair to that a-hole is owing millions of dollars in back taxes and never having to pay it!

  3. Sharpton is appealing to and preying on the "stupid Americans." Anyone versed in even the basics of the judicial system, knows if a grand jury won't return a true bill, a jury in a criminal trial sure as hell isn't going to find someone guilty because the burden of proof is so much higher.
    Sharpton needs a foot shoved so far up his butt that he chokes to death on it.

  4. The vote was unanimous one of the court people said that when they first announced the grand jury had made a decision.

  5. 12:55 I didn't hear anyone say unanimous. I may have missed it but I did hear the prosecutor say the decision was "collective." Collective can mean mutual.
    I thought it odd that he used such an unnecessary adjective in describing the jurors decision. I think it was his way of saying without saying the decision was in fact unanimous.

  6. I sincerely hope Darren Wilson, the true victim in all of this, writes a book and makes millions. Sharpton and people of his ilk don't care the law or justice unless it suits them. But then again, Obam doesn't care about the law and justice either. Very sad for America.


  8. What a "real blow" is that Al Sharpton is still living, Martin Luther King would have denounced and shamed this new hogger and racist.

  9. The tax cheat needs to be jailed for all of his crimes!

  10. Half of congress doesn't pay their taxes. There is no code of conduct in this country anymore. Why do you think the youth of this country are rebelling and just simply don't care. Hard work and morality use to be worth something...now it is a liability. Just like Clinton didn't have sex with that intern and Sharpton has paid all his taxes and Cosby is the family man. What does this teach the youth....to get ahead.... you cheat.

  11. Sharpton when are you going to devote sometime to the black on black violence and murder. And you call white people racist!

  12. Obama Crooked BastardoNovember 25, 2014 at 6:35 PM

    If the Crooked "Reverand" Sharpton paid all those taxes he owes, all of the blacks in Harlem, NY would be driving Cadillacs.

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I sincerely hope Darren Wilson, the true victim in all of this, writes a book and makes millions. Sharpton and people of his ilk don't care the law or justice unless it suits them. But then again, Obam doesn't care about the law and justice either. Very sad for America.

    November 25, 2014 at 1:05 PM

    A victim of a punch in the face who got his revenge by chasing down and killing the one who punched him and caused riots and protests in multiple cites and weakens our stance with other countries in regards to human rights violations.

    Yeah, he's a true victim alright.

  14. He's just mad because his chance to grandstand during a lengthy jury trial has been taken away from him. NOTHING MORE, NOTHING LESS!


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