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Sunday, November 30, 2014

Michael Brown's Stepfather Urged Protesters To "Burn This Bitch Down" After Grand Jury Announcement

Michael Brown’s stepfather last night repeatedly urged protesters to “Burn this bitch down” after a prosecutor announced that no criminal charges would be filed against the Ferguson, Missouri police officer who killed the unarmed teenager.

Louis Head, an ex-con who is married to Brown’s mother, Lesley McSpadden, was with McSpadden outside the Ferguson Police Department headquarters Monday evening as prosecutor Robert McCulloch disclosed that a grand jury declined to vote an indictment against Officer Darren Wilson in the August 9 shooting.

After consoling a weeping McSpadden, the 38-year-old Head--who was standing atop a platform in the middle of the agitated crowd of several hundred protesters--began screaming “Burn this bitch down!" He did this at least ten times, and at one point yelled for a microphone so that he could broadcast his message beyond the range of his unamplified voice.

While trying to incite the crowd, Head (pictured above) was wearing a commemorative t-shirt with the words “I Am Mike Brown” and a beanie, both of which bore a silkscreened photo of Brown in his high school cap and gown.



  1. So now we get the big picture of how Brown was raised and his environment at home. Being raised by lowlifes will usually follow suit.

  2. What a worthless "mother." No wonder her son, turned into a criminal. When a mother surrounds herself with criminals this rubs off on the children.
    I think the media just needs to be done with these terrorists. Giving them a platform is causing them to act up more than usual. It seems like Fox is doing just this and has cut out of the Brown family press conference.

  3. What they need to do is issue a warrant for him for causing a riot and they have it on video and allow all those companies who lost money from last night to be able to sue him for they're loses and then we will see JUSTICE. And bill him for all the man hours that was needed to deal with what he caused by inciting a riots as he did and then JUSTICE will be served.

  4. This is the truest form of racism. Ignoring our laws and the Founders writing of PEACEABLE protesting.

  5. Hard to believe he has a record!

  6. Huh. On another news site, it is reported that the family wasn't on street initially. Whatever the truth is, I really don't have any doubts about what the officer had to do. Bunch of thugs. And she is still breeding. For joy.

  7. Can he be charged with inciting a riot? If so do it.

  8. Exactly right, he should be charged if at all possible. To the fullest extent. Domestic terrorists, all of them.

  9. The kid was a thug just like Travon Martin, raised apparently by a thug, the outcome will never be different, hate is a learned thing. Salisbury and my neighborhood are drilled this, 5,8,10 year olds that are taught racism and they can do anything.

  10. The only thing that kid's parents are interested in is the money to be made off of his demise. If they had spent half as much time with him as a child, teaching him right from wrong as they have since he was murdered, he may not have been a convenience store robbing thug.

  11. I wish more people in these comments took the high road and didn't stoop to hate and incendiary language. Those who are commenting hateful things are no better than the animals in the media and in Ferguson inciting these riots.

  12. "I wish more people in these comments took the high road and didn't stoop to hate and incendiary language."

    Seriously, 4:22 - did you read the article???

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I wish more people in these comments took the high road and didn't stoop to hate and incendiary language. Those who are commenting hateful things are no better than the animals in the media and in Ferguson inciting these riots.

    November 25, 2014 at 4:22 PM

    wow thank you. a lone sane voice in the midst of all these other....'commenters'.

  14. Your community not mine. Do what you will, but when the dust settles you can only blame yourself for no jobs, businesses and respect by law enforcement and citizens. You make your bed now lie in it.

  15. I bet everyone who comments on here is white. So you people think that if your getting beat up you can shoot back in self defense? So mike brown gets shot 153 feet away from Wilson but yet he felt threatened? So scared he chased after him? Yeah ok

  16. 5:31 your facts are only consistent with those who allegedly had eye witness testimony then changed it after they learned evidence didn't support their account and it wasn't 153, but on 25 feet when Brown turned around and charged Wilson.evidence and the 12 jurist don't account much unless the decision would have gone your way. By the way why should it matter if I'm white or black, is it because white people are logical thinkers and blacks can't find fault with brown?

  17. 5:31- read the evidence. What you claim is not true and it serves no purpose whatsoever to post untrue comments.
    Every single bit of it is online.
    Brown was shot 153 feet away from the police CAR not Wilson. He was 8-10 ft away from Wilson when he was shot. Blood was found most likely from his hand wound from shot fired in vehicle- 25 ft further away. This proves he retreated then turned around and came back after Wilson which happens to match up with the credible witnesses testimony. The witnesses also said he was charging/rushing Wilson which is consistent with the wound being on the top portion of his head.

  18. NO 4:22. It's time to tell it like it is and stop the sanitizing. For too long people like you have used the tactic you are using and this is what we have come to. It's time to stop the lies and start calling these people what they are-IMO terrorists and I hate them as any decent person should. They are the same as ISIS and Al Quada and should not be tolerated.

  19. Brown was shot 153 feet away from the police CAR not Wilson. He was 8-10 ft away from Wilson when he was shot. Blood was found most likely from his hand wound from shot fired in vehicle- 25 ft further away. This proves he retreated then turned around and came back after Wilson which happens to match up with the credible witnesses testimony. The witnesses also said he was charging/rushing Wilson which is consistent with the wound being on the top portion of his head.

    November 25, 2014 at 7:22 PM

    That would mean that Brown ran 153ft AWAY from the car and WILSON who then had to run after him to close the distance to 25 ft. And he was scared for his life the whole time right?

  20. What a worthless ANIMAL! No wonder her son was a criminal , the apple don't fall far from the tree...Now all these businesses owners and decent human beings have to suffer ..The cop was found not guilty,,,, Get over it you stupid animals,,,You get what is called for Animals don't act like this,,So tired of You people blaming the white folks for your childrens actions..


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