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Sunday, November 09, 2014


“In Annapolis, as in Washington, the need for rational compromise and bipartisanship is essential.”

BALTIMORE  U.S. Senators Barbara A. Mikulski and Ben Cardin (both D-Md.) released the following statement calling on lawmakers of both parties to encourage cooperation and seek reasonable compromises on issues of key concern to the American people:
“Inherent in our system of government, no one party has a permanent hold on power. As we once again cycle into a new balance of power in the Senate – and in Annapolis – we encourage all of our current and new colleagues to work together in a bipartisan manner to meet the challenges currently facing our nation.
“Gridlock has never created jobs or provided capital to a small business owner. And it will not bring us closer to energy security.
“What we need is civil debate and cooperation. We need to put American families at the top of our priority list. We must find a way to break free of the conflicts that have polarized us in the past and seek rational compromises that move us forward, strengthening America’s economy and improving security at home and abroad.
“In Annapolis, as in Washington, the need for rational compromise and bipartisanship is essential. Team Maryland is ready and willing to work with our new governor in a positive partnership that keeps our state moving forward and provides greater opportunity for all Marylanders.”


  1. how magnanimous of them

  2. Oh shove it Mikulski and Cardin. When Obama was first elected and the democrats held Congress was when you should have released this message. Instead you chose to push through obamacare, not even giving the GOP a platform to plead their case against it or even allow them to voice any changes they would like to see.
    The voters have spoken and it's obvious they could careless what you democrats want, so suck it up and deal with it. You made you own bed by being obstructionists.

  3. "..the need for rational compromise and bipartisanship is essential."

    Help me out here.. this is the bunch that left 380 House-passed bills lying on the Senate Majority leader's desk, wouldn't allow ANY amendments (or votes, for that matter), locked Republicans out in the hallway when Obamacare was being written,

    and now rational compromise and bipartisanship is essential.

    I hope the Republican majority will remember how these people have acted.. that they care about nobody or nothing other than themselves and their power.

    By now, they should realize that they're dealing with fascists and traitors.

    It's time to play some HARDBALL.

  4. Uh funny... your next barabra

  5. “What we need is civil debate and cooperation."

    Yeah - these turds are singing a different tune now. As an independent, I did not vote for republicans to play nice. The democrats have been running unchecked for a number of years. I voted for compromise in the last election. This time I want to see the democrats stopped - regardless of what it may take.

  6. Obama Crooked BastardoNovember 6, 2014 at 5:59 PM

    Oh. dear Barb and Ben, were you interested in "Compromise" when shoving Obamacare down our throats? What about bringing those Ilegal kids from southern border, did you ask us, the taxpayers what we thought about it? No, you didn't. And now you wanna talk COMPROMISE? I CHALENGE YOU TWO CROOKS, DENOUNCE THE EVIL DEMOCRAT PARTY AND BECOME INDEPENDENT AND WIF AND WHEN YOU DO, MAYBE, JUST MAYBE, WE CAN START USING WORD COMPROMISE. OTHER THAN THAT - BUZZ OFF. Writing is on the wall and CLOCK IS TICKING. Pissed Off Taxpayers

  7. I think it's funny that Democrats always talk about compromise but what they really mean is the Republicans need to compromise their beliefs and morals.

  8. Shame they haven't had or practiced that attitude in the last 6 years. Things might really be a lot different if they had. I'm sure Mitt would have helped them.

  9. BARF!!

    Did they come out with this same sentiment in 2008 and 2012?

  10. So now they want to debate & compromise..., greasy two faced lying POS. Stomp them like the bugs they are and move on.

  11. I agree ginn-they really are P'sOS. They can both go to hell as far as I'm concerned. The voters have spoken nationwide and these 2 degenerates who aren't worthy to even breath the same air as the good American people, have no business telling anyone what to do or how to act. Their opinions are as irrelevant as they are now.

  12. To quote the democrats, " elections have consequences".

  13. Obama Crooked BastardoNovember 6, 2014 at 7:20 PM

    Hey Barb and Benny, are you shaking in your high heels? You want COMPROMISE? CALL 1-800-OBAMA

  14. hopefully we can retire these clowns that continue to destroy our state and nation very soon. do we want to compromise with you??? hello NO. did you want to compromise with us??? hello NO. go back to your hole and stay there, enough of your lies.

  15. They refused to compromise on anything until yesterday. LIARS!

  16. Anonymous said...
    To quote the democrats, " elections have consequences".

    November 6, 2014 at 7:19 PM

    To quote their esteemed County Executive... The Democrats were dropping like flies. LMAO

  17. Funny - a couple months ago I E mailed her expressing my feeling on imigration. The only response I got was a generic form E mail back with note on the botton No Need To Respond! Being a life time Democrat I did respond when on Tues. I voted for every Republican on the ballot and did E mail her back today to let her know and typed on the bottom NO NEED TO RESPOND! It felt good!!!

  18. When have the "pubs" been bipartisan? Leading up election? You people always seem to forget all these issues existed prior to the current president and you have still done nothing to help resolve these issues.

  19. 7:47 That was a D majority, fyi. And, your fearless leader Biden is the cause of half of the problems from the last administration. Go back in your hole and worry about whether your black nail polish is emo enough...there's a country to fix.

  20. democrats should have looked to see what was in the healthcare bill before they passed it. Pelosi's famous quote - we won't know what's in it until we pass it? yet they don't understand why they are losers, tuesday was a voter mandate to reject obamacare.

  21. "When have the "pubs" been bipartisan?"

    Give it up, dude. The democrats have treated the country to new lows in governance from the mayor's office all the way to the White House. You simply cannot point to any Republican behavior that rivals the arrogance, corruption, bullying, and playground-antics of the democrats. Individual cases, maybe. But these actions are integral to who the democrats are as a party.

  22. And both of these need to be the next to go bye bye.

  23. Biden & Mikulski are the enemy of all working class people and businesses.

    They need to be ignored and voted against until they are gone.


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