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Sunday, November 09, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: Mike McDermott Concedes To Jim Mathias

Dear Friends and Fellow Patriots,

I celebrate with you in the change that is coming to Maryland with the election of Larry Hogan and several new folks who were successful in securing new Republican seats in the General Assembly. I only wish I could have been among them in January when they raise their right hand and take their oath of office. Delegate Charles Otto, Delegate-Elect Carl Anderton, and Delegate-Elect Mary Beth Carroza will be a great team that you can count on in the General Assembly.

Tonight I am conceding the race for the senate seat in District 38. My battle for the seat has ended, but the battle to take back our state has just opened a new chapter for which we can all be very proud.

No one gave us much hope of achieving a victory over the incumbent in my race. In the end, he and Senate President Mike Miller outspent me 10-1. We ran an honorable campaign that was fact based and fact checked. We told people the truth, but, sadly, enough believed the lie.

In defeat, we drew a lot of fire from the opposition...resources that they could have used to shore up other seats which they wound up losing. In fact, we picked up enough seats in the House of Delegates to sustain any Veto that Governor Hogan may need to exercise to stop bad legislation. I may not have been traditionally successful, but the pro economy message of rolling back tax increases and eliminating the punitive regulatory environment faced by all businesses in Maryland has carried the day.

Our team will need all of the support you can muster in the weeks, months, and years ahead. We need good people to be selected to serve within the Hogan administration who can think outside of the box and guide our state to prosperity. Please continue to pray for Larry and his team. Many decisions will be made in the next two months that will chart a new course for Maryland. I encourage the Governor-Elect to look to the Eastern Shore for competent leaders to help him accomplish these goals. I certainly would like to see Delegate Jeannie Haddaway-Riccio serving as a Cabinet Secretary.

I will continue to thank folks individually in the days ahead for sharing their time, talent, and treasure with us during the campaign. We could not have been as successful as we were if not for the vast number of people who grabbed onto the rope and pulled together. For that effort, you will always find me eternally grateful.

For now, my plans include catching up on some much needed rest and doing as I have encouraged you and your families to do...pray for our Governor-Elect and his team and keep believing in the values that have always made our country the envy of the world.


Mike McDermott, Delegate


  1. Thanks for your service. We need you back!

  2. This really hurts to say sorry for the result, but I am sure you will keep fighting for us in one way or another. Godspeed, and I will be voting in the next election if God lets me!

  3. Sad. I guess I saw this coming but was still hopeful that maybe some missing votes or something would appear.
    While I love Mary Beth Carroza and have complete faith in her, no one will ever fill Del McDermott's shoes. We were very blessed to have had him in our corner these past few years.

  4. Mike,

    Thanks for your service - keep trying and come back again next time!

    Too bad Marty held back some info that would have changed some voters minds if they had seen it before Tuesday....we would have had the sweep that we really deserve here on the Eastern Shore!

  5. Such grace and style, truly a class act. Mike we will keep you and Laura in our thoughts and prayers in the coming days.
    Godspeed to you and to the Hogan administration!

    Councilman Rob Clarke
    Pocomoke City

  6. You are a class act, Mike. Thank you.

  7. Mike, you are, by far, one of the best leaders we have ever had. As a lifelong resident and at 67 yrs. old, I know from where I speak. You laid the foundation and led by example and did a magnificent job. To say you will be missed is an understatement. We will continue to pray for you and your family. I pray you try again to represent us because we really need you.

  8. Thank you for all you have done Mike. You are a class act following what Martin O'Malley and the Democrats did to you with this gerrymandering. I was hoping it would backfire in their face.

  9. Matt --

    In 4 more years they will be pleading for you to oust Liberal Jim!

  10. thank you Mike for all your efforts, can't wait to see what higher plan the Lord has for you and Laura - Gwen


  11. "In 4 more years they will be pleading for you to oust Liberal Jim!

    November 7, 2014 at 5:04 AM"

    In about 4 more hours when the Phosphorus Management Tool "Study" is released many who voted against Mike will be kicking themselves in the butt.
    But you know what, if they were so stupid as to not see why the "study" wasn't released until after the election, then they deserve any and all that they get.
    It's one of those-now they grew it type of things, so now they can suck it up and deal with it or sink.

  12. There is always going to be someone on the losing and winning end. Suck it up. Jim Mathias is a good man just like you think you are. Your focus should be not on negativeness but on working for the good of the people. The sooner you people learn that the better.


  14. Thanks for your willingness to represent the District. We truly lost our voice with the election of James Mathias.

  15. 7:26 Get off your high horse. I have news for you, in order for the "good of the people" to occur you have to identify the "negativeness" and don't you dare ever forget it-you got it-I'll repeat don't you DARE ever forget it. The bad shape the country is in is because of you.
    Ignoring the "negativeness" (which to you people is the truth and you all can't stand hearing the truth)never accomplishes anything. Everyone pretending like everything is swell is why this area ranks low on everything that is needed to keep a community afloat both economically and socially.
    People like you need to sit down and shut up and move the hell out of the way and let the movers and shakers and forward thinkers do the job you all have failed at miserably.

  16. 7:26 Good man versus responsible, truthful leader... hmmmm. Democrats and Women vote with the "good man" approach, and it fails every single time. Guess Mathias can go back to ignoring the Eastern Shore now.

  17. Has Norm called Carl yet? In an interview with the Daily Times Carl said Norm has not called him and he hasn't been given Norm's number.

    Way to keep it classy Norman.

  18. I for one can tell you that the Wicomico County Republican Central Committee and the Wicomico County Republican Club did absolutely nothing to help his campaign. Absolutely nothing. Shame on them and shame on the FOP and the NRA for endorsing the enemy.

  19. Funny 10:30a McDermott won Wicomico. He lost Somerset and Worcester. Whatever you think about Wicomico, they are the only folks who actually voted for McDermott.

  20. I'll just never understand the democrat mentality 7:26. It's "live for today and to hell with the children and future generations" with them.
    I wasn't raised that way. I was raised to leave it better for the next generations. We love our children and to us they just aren't something to use for a benefit. Nothing against Jim Mathias because all democrats are guilty of this. You can't claim to care about your children and then continue to put them in debt.
    What they were being left with was a mess of debt and destruction and it needs to stop.

  21. Thank you, Mike. You didn't just say, "This isn't right." You identified the problem AND possible solutions. Your weekly reports created better informed people - the ones who have the RIGHT to know!

    Again, THANK YOU!

  22. Seeing Jake Day behind Mathias in his victory picture made me sick.

    Something to remember when Jake votes for the rain tax and all the other taxes you will get hit with.

  23. you were my vote and I am so sorry you did not win. God bless you and I hope you stay in politics in some way we need you.


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